Science Outreach

As a mother of four children, I have been verly early confronted with the problem of making funny annoying-like things (like hiking in mountain). This also holds for science, that I tried to make enjoyable through various means and media.

A list of things I did:

  • Write science books for kids : Climat (now a worldwide best-seller, available in spanish and Korean!) or carbophages
  • Speak about turbulence, climate, dynamo, system solar formation in classes , bars des sciences, book festivals (Paris, Montreuil, Chevreuse, Nantes, Toulouse, Rouen), science festivals.
  • 2001-2003: P.I. of an educationnal project about « l’effet de serre », intended for 6-9 years old, in collaboration with comics « La main à la Pate« 
  • Octobre 2002 Talk in a Tv show « Les maternelles » (la 5) about science for kids.
  • Novembre 2006 Interview on France Info in the broadcast Info Sciences from M-O. Monchicourt.
  • 17 novembre 2006 : Part of the TV broadcast Revue dInfos on France 3 Ile de France, the day the GIEC gave his report.
  • Mai 2007 : Speaker at Rencontres de Branfere ,, during the first Fête de la Nature, organised by Nicolas Hulot.
  • Mars 2008: Broadcast of 3 podcasts Ciel et Espace , about Titius-Bode law and solar system formation.
  • Janvier 2010: guest star in the comics Le Labo , from Jean-Yves Duhoo, published in number 3743 from Journal de Spirou.