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Technologies quantiques, physique statistique, nanotechnologies, magnétisme…
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Thèse de Charles BOUDET
Charles Boudet (SPEC/GNE) soutiendra sa thèse intitulée: Cohérence quantique, tunneling et dissipation dans les canaux de bords de l’effet Hall quantique entier et fractionnaire le jeudi 13 février 2025 à 14H dans l’amphi Claude Bloch (Orme des Merisiers)

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Faits marquants scientifiques
Enhanced Magnetic Properties in a Copper β‑Diketonato Complex Film Stabilized by I·· I Interactions on a Graphite Surface at 2 K for Molecular Spintronics
Engineering novel nanomaterials with improved physical and chemical properties is a challenge in nanosciences. The fabrication of ordered arrays of magnetic building blocks has attracted scientific interest to create new devices for information processing, high-density information storage, and permanent magnets. We recently synthesized new molecular magnets based on the β-diketonato copper complex skeleton. In constrast…
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