Directeur de Recherche au CNRS

Liste de Publications HAL – HAL Open science publication list
- A. Cheminet, D. Geneste, A. Barlet, Y.Ostovan, T. Chaabo, V. Valori, P. Debue, C.Cuvier, F. Daviaud, J.-M. Foucaut, J.-P. Laval, V. Padilla, C. Wiertel, B. Dubrulle, Eulerian vs Lagrangian Irreversibility in an experimental turbulent swirling flow, accepted to Physical Review Letter as editor suggestion (2022)
- P Diribarne, MB Mardion, A Girard, JP Moro, B Rousset, F Chilla, J Salort, …B. Dubrulle, … Investigation of properties of superfluid turbulence using a hot-wire signal Physical Review Fluids 6 (9), 094601 (2021)
- L Fery, B Dubrulle, B Podvin, F Pons, D Faranda Learning a weather dictionary of atmospheric patterns using Latent Dirichlet Allocation , Geophysical Research Letters, e2021GL096184 (2022)
- J Salort, F Chillà, E Rusaouën, PE Roche, M Gibert, I Moukharski, …B. Dubrulle,… Experimental signature of quantum turbulence in velocity spectra? New Journal of Physics 23 (6), 063005 (2021)
- T Alberti, D Faranda, RV Donner, T Caby, V Carbone, G Consolini, …B. Dubrulle Small-scale Induced Large-scale Transitions in Solar Wind Magnetic Field The Astrophysical journal letters 914 (1), L6 (2021)
- Dubrulle, B. and Daviaud, F. and Faranda, D. and Marié, L. and Saint-Michel, B., How many modes are needed to predict climate bifurcations? Lessons from an experiment Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics,29, 17—35 (2022)
- Dubrulle, B. and Gibbon, A correspondence between the multifractal model of turbulence and the Navier-Stokes equations J., Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A.3802021009220210092 (2022).
- H. Faller et al, On the nature of intermittency in a turbulent von Kármán flow Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 914, A2. doi:10.1017/jfm.2020.908
- P. Debue, V. Valori, C. Cuvier, F. Daviaud, J.-M. Foucaut, J.-P. Laval, C. Wiertel, V. Padilla and B. Dubrulle. Three-dimensional analysis of precursors to non-viscous dissipation in an experimental turbulent flow , J. Fluid Mech. 914, A9, (2021)
- A. Cheminet, Y. Ostovan, V. Valori, C. Cuvier, F. Daviaud, P. Debue, B. Dubrulle, J- M. Foucaut, J-P. Laval, Optimization of regularized B-spline smoothing for turbulent Lagrangian trajectories , Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science (2021), doi:
- L. Cappanera, P. Debue, H. Faller, D. Kuzzay, E-W. Saw, C. Nore, J.-L. Guermond, F. Daviaud, C. Wiertel-Gasquet, B. Dubrulle Turbulence in realistic geometries with moving boundaries: When simulations meet experiments Computers and Fluids 214 (2021) 104750
- Labarre, V; Dubrulle, B.; Paillard, D.; Sub-grid modelling for a diffusive lattice gas; JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL, 53 (40), 405006 (2020).
- Labarre, Vincent; Paillard, Didier; Dubrulle, Berengere, A Maximum Entropy Production Hypothesis for Time Varying Climate Problems: Illustration on a Conceptual Model for the Seasonal Cycle,ENTROPY, 22 (9), 966, (2020)./li>
- Zecong Qin, Hugues Faller, Brengre Dubrulle, Aurore Naso, and Wouter J. T. Bos. Transition from non-swirling to swirling axisymmetric turbulence , Phys. Rev. Fluids 5, 064602 (2020)
- Valentina Valori, Alessio Innocenti, Brengre Dubrulle and Sergio Chibbaro, Weak formulation and scaling properties of energy fluxes in three-dimensional numerical turbulent Rayleigh-Bnard convection, J. Fluid mechanics, 885, A14 (2020).
- F. Nguyen, J-P. Laval, P. Kestener A. Cheskidov, R. Shvydkoy and B. Dubrulle, Local estimates of Hlder exponents in turbulent vector fields, Phys. Rev. E 99, 053114.
- V. Labarre, D. Paillard, and B. Dubrulle A Radiative Convective Model based on constrained Maximum Entropy Production, Earth Syst. Dynam., 10, 365–378, 2019.
- V. Shukla, B. Dubrulle, S. Nazarenko, G. Krstulovic, S. Thalabard, Phase transition in time-reversible Navier-Stokes equations, Phys. Rev. E 100, 043104 (2019).
- Geneste, D. Faller, H. Debue, P., Nguyen, F. Shukla, V., Laval, J-P. Daviaud, F. , E.-W. Saw, Dubrulle,B. Universality and Thermodynamics of Turbulence, Entropy, 21(3), 326 (2019).
- B. Dubrulle, Beyond Kolmogorov, J. Fluid Mech. perspectives, 867, 1-52 (2019).
- B. Podvin, B. Dubrulle, Large scale investigation of a turbulent bifurcation in a turbulent swirling flow, Fluid Dynamics Research, 50, 065508 (2018).
- Davide Faranda, Valerio Lembo, Francois Daviaud and Berengere Dubrulle. Computation and characterization of local sub-filter-scale energy transfers in atmospheric flows. Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 1-12, (2018).
- Debue, P., Shukla, V., D. Kuzzay, D. Faranda, E.-W. Saw, F. Daviaud, B. Dubrulle, Dissipation, intermittency, and singularities in incompressible turbulent flows, Phys. Rev. E, 053101, (2018).
- E.-W. Saw,, Debue, P., , D. Kuzzay, F. Daviaud, B. Dubrulle, On the universality of anomalous scaling exponents of structure functions in turbulent flows, J. Fluid Mech., Volume: 837 Pages: 657-669, (2018).
- Debue, P., , D. Kuzzay, E.-W. Saw, F. Daviaud, B. Dubrulle, L. Canet, V. Rosseto, N. Wschebor, Experimental test of the crossover between the inertial and the dissipative range in a turbulent swirling flow, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 024602, (2018).
- M. Mihelich, B. Dubrulle, D. Paillard, Kral, Q. and Faranda, D. , Maximum Kolmogorov-Sinai Entropy Versus Minimum Mixing Time in Markov Chains, J. Stat. Phys., 170, 62-68 (2018).
- Nevo, G.; Vercauteren, N.; Kaiser, A., Dubrulle B. and Faranda, D., Statistical-mechanical approach to study the hydrodynamic stability of the stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 084603, (2017).
- Davide Faranda, Yuzuru Sato, Brice Saint-Michel, Cecile Wiertel, Vincent Padilla, Berengere Dubrulle, Francois Daviaud, Stochastic chaos in a turbulent swirling flow, 119, 014502, PRL, (2017)
- M. Mihelich, D. Faranda, D. Paillard, B. Dubrulle, Is Turbulence a State of Maximum Energy Dissipation?, Entropy 19 (4), 154 (2017).
- D. Faranda, M. Mihelich, B. Dubrulle, A non-equilibrium Ising model of turbulence, Phase Transitions, 1-10 (2017).
- Varela, J.; Brun, S.; Dubrulle, B. Nore, C. Effects of turbulence, resistivity and boundary conditions on helicoidal flow collimation: Consequences for the Von-Karman-Sodium dynamo experiment , Physics of Plasmas 24 (5), 053518. (2017) (Editor’s press release$_{-}$releases/2017-05/aiop-ush051917.php).
- D. Kuzzay, E.-W. Saw, J. W. A. Martins, D. Faranda, J.-M. Foucaut, F. Daviaud, B. Dubrulle New criteria to detect singularities in experimental incompressible flows , Nonlinearity (6) 2381 (2017).
- E.-W. Saw, D. Kuzzay, D. Faranda, A. Guittonneau, F. Daviaud, C. Wiertel-Gasquet, V. Padilla, B. Dubrulle, Experimental characterization of extreme events of inertial dissipation in a turbulent swirling flow, Nature Communication 7 (2016)
- Varela, J.; Brun, S.; Dubrulle, B. Nore, C. Role of boundary conditions in helicoidal flow collimation: Consequences for the von Kàrmàn sodium dynamo experiment PHYSICAL REVIEW E 92 Issue: 6 Article Number: 063015 Published: DEC 14 2015
- Gallet, Basile; Nazarenko, Sergey; Dubrulle, Bérengère Klein-Gordon model with a Mexican-hat potential PHYSICAL REVIEW E 92 Issue: 1 Article Number: 012909 Published: JUL 10 2015
- Thalabard, Simon; Saint-Michel, Brice; Herbert, Eric;Daviaud, F;, Dubrulle, B. A statistical mechanics framework for the large-scale structure of turbulent von Kàrmàn flows NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 17 Article Number: 063006 Published: JUN 4 2015
- Roland Lehoucq, Jerome Weiss, Bérengère Dubrulle, Axelle Amon, Antoine Le Bouil, et al.. Analysis of image vs. position, scale and direction reveals pattern texture anisotropy. Frontiers in Physics, Frontiers, 2015, fphy.2014.00084
- Mihelich, M.; Faranda, D.; Dubrulle, B. Statistical optimization for passive scalar transport: maximum entropy production versus maximum Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy NONLINEAR PROCESSES IN GEOPHYSICS 22 Issue: 2 Pages: 187-196 Published: 2015
- Kuzzay, Denis; Faranda, Davide; Dubrulle, Bérengère Global vs local energy dissipation: The energy cycle of the turbulent von Kàrmàn flow PHYSICS OF FLUIDS Volume: 27 Issue: 7 Article Number: 075105 Published: JUL 2015
- ] Faranda, Davide; Pons, Flavio Maria Emanuele; Giachino, Eugenio, Dubrulle, B Early warnings indicators of financial crises via auto regressive moving average models COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION 29 Issue: 1-3 Pages: 233-239 Published: DEC 2015
- B. Rousset, P. Bonnay, P. Diribarne, A. Girard, J. M. Poncet, E. Herbert, J. Salort, C. Baudet, B. Castaing, L. Chevillard, F. Daviaud, B. Dubrulle, Y. Gagne, M. Gibert, B. Hebral Th. Lehner, P.-E. Roche, B. Saint-Michel and M. Bon Mardion Superfluid high Reynolds von Kàrmàn experiment Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85, 103908 (2014);
- S. Thalabard, B. Dubrulle, and F. Bouchet Statistical mechanics of the 3D axisymmetric Euler equations in a Taylor-Couette geometry J. Stat Mech-Theory and experiment, , P01005 (2014).
- M. Mihelich, B. Dubrulle, D. Paillard and C. Herbert Maximum Entropy Production vs. Kolmogorov-Sinai Entropy in a Constrained ASEP Model ENTROPY 16 , 037-1046 (2014).
- A.B. Pieri, F. Godeferd, C. Cambon, B. Dubrulle and S. Thalabard Cross-helicity in Rotating Homogeneous Shear-Stratified Turbulence PRL 112 , 114501 (2014).
- S. Miralles, J. Herault, S. Fauve, C. Gissinger, F. Petrelis, F. Daviaud, B. Dubrulle, J. Boisson, M. Bourgoin, G. Verhille, P. Odier, J-P., and N. Plihon Dynamo efficiency controlled by hydrodynamic bistability PRE 90 , 019901 (2014).
- D. Faranda, F-M. Emanuele Pons, B. Dubrulle, F. Daviaud Probing turbulence intermittency via Auto-Regressive Moving-Average models
- B. Saint-Michel, B. Dubrulle, L. Marie, F. Ravelet, F. Daviaud Influence of Reynolds number and forcing type in a turbulent von Kàrmàn flow NJP 16 , 063037 (2014).
- D. Faranda, F-M. Pons, B. Dubrulle, F. Daviaud, B. Saint-Michel, E. Herbert, P-P. Cortet Modelling and analysis of turbulent datasets using ARMA processes accepted in Phys. Fluids (2014).
- D. Faranda, M. Bourgoin, S. Miralles, P. Odier, J-F. Pinton, N. Plihon, F. Daviaud, B. Dubrulle Robust estimate of dynamo thresholds in the von Kàrmàn sodium experiment using the Extreme Value Theory NJP 16 , 083001 (2014).
- D. Faranda, F.M. Pons, B. Dubrulle Statistical early-warning indicators based on Auto-Regressive Moving-Average processesJ. Phys. A 47 , 252001 (2014).
- B Saint-Michel, E Herbert, J Salort, C Baudet, M Bon Mardion, P Bonnay, M Bourgoin, B Castaing, L Chevillard, F Daviaud, P Diribarne, B Dubrulle, Y Gagne, M Gibert, A Girard, B Hébral, Th Lehner, B Rousset Probing quantum and classical turbulence analogy through global bifurcations in a von Kàrmàn liquid Helium experiment submitted to Phys. Fluids (2014).
- E. Herbert, P-P Cortet, F. Daviaud, B. Dubrulle Eckhaus-like instability of large scale coherent structures in a fully turbulent von Kàrmàn flow Phys. Fluids 26 , 015103 (2014).
- B. Saint-Michel, F. Daviaud, B. Dubrulle A zero-mode mechanism for spontaneous symmetry breaking in a turbulent von Kàrmàn flow NJP 16 , 013055 (2014).
- B. Saint-Michel, B. Dubrulle, F. Ravelet, F. Daviaud Forcing-dependent stability of steady states in a turbulent swirling flow PRL111 , 234502 , (2013).
- Herbert, Corentin; Paillard, Didier; Dubrulle, Bérengère Vertical Temperature Profiles at Maximum Entropy Production with a Net Exchange Radiative Formulation J. Climate26 , 8545-8555 , (2013).
- Miralles, Sophie; Bonnefoy, Nicolas; Bourgoin, Mickael; et al. Dynamo threshold detection in the von Kàrmàn sodium experiment PRE88 , 013002 , (2013).
- Herbert, E ; Daviaud, F ; Dubrulle, B ; Nazarenko, S ; Naso, A Dual non-Kolmogorov cascades in a von Kàrmàn flow EPL100 , 44003 , (2012).
- Paoletti, MS ; van Gils, DPM ; Dubrulle, B ; Sun, C ; Lohse, D ; Lathrop, DP Angular momentum transport and turbulence in laboratory models of Keplerian flows AA547 , A64, (2012).
- F. Ravelet, B. Dubrulle, F. Daviaud and P-A. Ratie, Kinematic Alpha Tensors and dynamo mecanisms in a von Kàrmàn swirling flow Phys. Rev. Lett. ,(2012).
- Corentin Herbert, Bérengère Dubrulle, Pierre-Henri Chavanis, Didier Paillard Phase transitions and marginal ensemble equivalence for freely evolving flows on a rotating sphere Phys. Rev. E85, 056304 (2012).
- Corentin Herbert, Bérengère Dubrulle, Pierre-Henri Chavanis, Didier Paillard Statistical mechanics of quasi-geostrophic flows on a rotating sphere J. Stat. Mech. , P05023 (2012).
- B. Gallet, S. Aumaître, J. Boisson, F. Daviaud, B. Dubrulle, N. Bonnefoy, M. Bourgoin, Ph. Odier, J.-F. Pinton, N. Plihon, G. Verhille, S. Fauve, and F. Petrelis « Experimental observation of spatially localized dynamo magnetic fields » Phys. Rev. Lett. , 108 , 144501 (2012).
- J. Boisson, S. Aumaître, N. Bonnefoy, M. Bourgoin, F. Daviaud, B. Dubrulle , Ph. Odier, J-F. Pinton, N. Plihon and G. Verhille, Symmetry and Couplings in Stationary VKS Dynamos . New J. Phys. , 14 , 013044 (2012).
- Cortet P-P; Herbert E.; Chiffaudel A.; F. Daviaud and B. Dubrulle, Susceptibility divergence, phase transition and multistability of a highly turbulent closed flow J. Stat. Mech-Theory and experiments P07012 ( 2011).
- J. Boisson and B. Dubrulle 3D magnetic field reconstruction in VKS experiment through Galerkin transform, New J. of Phys. (2010).
- C. Herbert, , D. Paillard, and B. Dubrulle, Entropy production and multiple equilibria, Earth. Sys. Dyn. 13 23 (2011).
- C. Herbert, , D. Paillard, M. Kageyama, and B. Dubrulle Present and last glacial climates as states of maximum entropy production, Quart. J. of the Roy. Met. Soc. 1371059-1069 (2011).
- J. Salort, C. Baudet, B. Castaing, B. Chabaud, F. Daviaud, T. Didelot, P. Diribarne, B. Dubrulle, Y. Gagne, F. Gauthier, A. Girard, B. Hébral, B. Rousset, P. Thibault and P-E. Roche, Turbulent velocity spectra in superfluids flows, Phys. of Fluids22 125102 (2010).
- Michael Berhanu, G. Verhille, J. Boisson, B. Gallet, C. Gissinger, S. Fauve, N. Mordant, F. Petrelis, M. Bourgoin, Ph. Odier, J.-F. Pinton, N. Plihon, S. Aumaitre, A. Chiffaudel, F. Daviaud, B. Dubrulle, « Dynamo Regimes and Transitions in the VKS experiment » EPJB77 459-468 (2010)
- P.-P. Cortet, A. Chiffaudel, F. Daviaud and B. Dubrulle, Experimental evidence of a phase transition in a closed turbulent flow, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 214501 (2010).
- P.H. Chavanis, A. Naso, B. Dubrulle Relaxation equations for two-dimensional turbulent flow with a prior vorticity distribution EPJB77 167-186 (2010)
- A. Naso, P.H. Chavanis, B. Dubrulle Statistical mechanics of two-dimensional Euler flows and minimum enstrophy states EPJB77 187-212 (2010)
- Aurore Naso, Simon Thalabard, Gilles Collette, Pierre-Henri Chavanis and Bérengère Dubrulle Statistical mechanics of Beltrami flows in axisymmetric geometry: 2. Equilibria and bifurcations , J. Stat. Mech., P06019 (2010).
- Aurore Naso, Romain Monchaux, Pierre-Henri Chavanis, Bérengère Dubrulle Statistical mechanics of Beltrami flows in axisymmetric geometry: I. Theory revisited, Phys. Rev. E, 81 066318 (2010).
- A. Pinter, B. Dubrulle, and F. Daviaud » Kinematic dynamo simulations of von Kàrmàn flows: application to the VKS experiment, Eur. Phys. J. B74, 165-176 (2010).
- Daniel Bonamy, Pierre-Henri Chavanis, François Daviaud, Bérengère Dubrulle, Mathieu Renouf Non-linear steady states in dense granular flows Eur. Phys. J. B68, 619-627 (2009).
- P.-P. Cortet, D. Bonamy, F. Daviaud, O. Dauchot, B. Dubrulle, M. Renouf Relevance of visco-plastic theory in a multi-directional inhomogeneous granular flow EPL 88 14001 (2009)
- Romain Monchaux, Michael Berhanu, Sebastien Aumaitre, Arnaud Chiffaudel, Francois Daviaud, Bérengère Dubrulle, Florent Ravelet, Stephan Fauve, Nicolas Mordant, Francois Petrelis, Mickael Bourgoin, Philippe Odier, Jean-Francois Pinton, Nicolas Plihon, and Romain Volk, « The von Kàrmàn Sodium experiment: Turbulent dynamical dynamos » Phys. Fluids21, 035108 (2009).
- Pierre-Philippe Cortet, Pantxo Diribarne, Romain Monchaux, Arnaud Chiffaudel, Francois Daviaud, and Bérengère Dubrulle, Normalized kinetic energy as a hydrodynamical global quantity for inhomogeneous anisotropic turbulence Phys. Fluids21, 025104 (2009).
- Romain Monchaux, Pierre-Philippe Cortet, Pierre-Henri Chavanis, Arnaud Chiffaudel, Francois Daviaud, Pantxo Diribarne, and Bérengère Dubrulle, Fluctuation-Dissipation Relations and Statistical Temperatures in a Turbulent von Kàrmàn Flow Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 174502 (2008).
- VKS Collaboration, Sebastien Aumaitre, Michael Berhanu, Mickael Bourgoin, Arnaud Chiffaudel, Francois Daviaud, Bérengère Dubrulle, Stephan Fauve, Louis Marie, Romain Monchaux, Nicolas Mordant, Philippe Odier, Francois Petrelis, Jean-Francois Pinton, Nicolas Plihon, Florent Ravelet, Romain Volk, « The VKS experiment: turbulent dynamical dynamos », Comptes Rendus Physique, 9, Issue 7, Dynamo effect: experimental progress and geo- and astro-physical challenges / Effet dynamo : avancees experimentales et defis geo- et astrophysiques, September 2008, Pages 689-701.
- Yannick Ponty, Pablo D. Mininni, Jean-Philipe Laval, Alexandros Alexakis, Julien Baerenzung, Francois Daviaud, {\bf Bérengère Dubrulle}, Jean-Francois Pinton, Helene Politano, Annick Pouquet, « Linear and non-linear features of the Taylor-Green dynamo », Comptes Rendus Physique, 9, Issue 7, Dynamo effect: experimental progress and geo- and astro-physical challenges / Effet dynamo : avancees experimentales et defis geo- et astrophysiques, September 2008, Pages 749-756.
- E. Gouillart, O. Dauchot, {\bf B. Dubrulle}, S. Roux, and J.-L. Thiffeault, Slow decay of concentration variance due to no-slip walls in chaotic mixing Phys. Rev. E78, 026211 (2008).
- F. Ravelet, M. Berhanu, R. Monchaux, S. Aumaitre, A. Chiffaudel, F. Daviaud, B. Dubrulle, M. Bourgoin, Ph. Odier, N. Plihon, J.-F. Pinton, R. Volk, S. Fauve, N. Mordant, and F. Petrelis, Chaotic Dynamos Generated by a Turbulent Flow of Liquid Sodium Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 074502 (2008).
- Y. Ponty, J-P. Laval ,{\bf B. Dubrulle}, J-F. Pinton and F. Daviaud, Subcritical dynamo bifurcation in a Taylor-Green flow Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 444501 (2007).
- Walls inhibit chaotic mixing E. Gouillart, N. Kuncio, O. Dauchot, S. Roux and B. Dubrulle, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 1145501 (2007).
- Bifurcations and dynamo action in a Taylor-Green flow (with P. Blaineau, O. Mafra Lopes, F. Daviaud, J-P. Laval, and R. Dolganov) (2007) New J. Phys. 9 308-346.
- Magnetic field reversals in an experimental turbulent dynamo (with the VKS collaboration) (2007) Europhys. Letters77 59001.
- Generation of a magnetic field by dynamo action in a turbulent flow of liquid sodium (with the VKS collabration) (2007) Phys. Rev. Letters998 044502.
- Statistical mechanics of the shallow-water system with an a priori potential vorticity distribution (with P-H. Chavanis) (2006) Comptes Rendus Physique 7 422-432.
- Intermittency in the homopolar dynamo (with N. Leprovost and F. Plunian (2006) Magnetohydrodynamics 42 131-142.
- Influence of the turbulence on the dynamo threshold (with J-P. Laval, P. Blaineau, N. Leprovost and F. Daviaud) (2006) Phys. Rev. Letters 96 204503.
- Dynamics and Thermodynamics of axisymmetric flows : Theory (with N. Leprovost and P-H. Chavanis) (2006) Phys. Rev. E 73 046308.
- Properties of stationnary states in axisymmetric flows (with R. Monchaux, F. Ravelet, A. Chiffaudel and F. Daviaud) (2006) Phys. Rev. Letters 96 124502.
- A LES-Langevin model for turbulence (with J-P. Laval) } (2006) Eur. Phys. J B 49 471-481.
- The Taylor-Couette Flow : the hydrodynamic twin of Rayleigh-Bénard convection (with A. Prigent, O. Dauchot, I. Mutabazi) (2006) Springer Tracts in Modern Physics 207 225-242.
- Thermodynamics of MHD flows with axial symmetry (with N. Leprovost and P-H. Chavanis) (2005) Phys. Rev E 71 036311.
- Stability and transport in Taylor-Couette flow from analysis of experimental data (with O. Dauchot, F. Daviaud, P-Y. Longaretti, D. Richard and J-P. Zahn) (2005) Phys. Fluids 17 095103.
- The turbulent dynamo as an instability in a noisy medium (with N. Leprovost) (2005) Eur. Phys. J B 44 395-400.
- Turbulence in circumstellar disks (with F. Hersant and J-M. Hure) (2005) Astron. Astroph429 531-542.
- An hydrodynamic instability in stratified disks (with L. Marie, Ch. Normand, F. Hersant, D. Richard and J-P. Zahn) (2005) Astron. Astroph429 1-13.
- Horizontally oriented plates in clouds (with F-M Breon) (2004) J. Atmos. Sci. 61 2888-2898.
- A model for rapid distorsions of small-scale turbulence (with J-P. Laval, S. Nazarenko and O. Zaboronski) (2004) J. Fluid Mech. 520 1-21.
- A turbulent model of torque in the Von Kàrmàn experiment (with N. Leprovost and L. Marie) (2004) Eur. Phys. J. 39 121-129.
- Fast Numerical simulations using a dynamic model for subfilter motions (with J-P. Laval and S. Nazarenko) (2004) J. Comp. Phys. 196 (1) 184-207.
- Forced stratified turbulence: Successive transitions with Reynolds number (with J-P. Laval and J-C McWilliams) (2003) Phys. Rev. E 68 036308
- Langevin models of turbulence: Renormalization group, distant interaction algorithms or rapid distortion theory? (with J-P. Laval and J-C McWilliams) (2003) Phys. Fluids 15 (5): 1327-1339.
- Scaling in large Prandtl number turbulent thermal convection (2002) Eur. Phys. J B 28 (3): 361-367.
- Momentum transport and torque scaling in Taylor-Couette flow from an analogy with turbulent convection (with F. Hersant) (2002) Eur. Phys. J B 26 379-386 .
- Are the energy and magnetic potential cascades direct or inverse in 2D MHD turbulence? (with E.J. Kim) (2002) Physica D 165 213-227.
- A new subgrid model for the atmospheric surface layer. II. Prediction of mean flow and velocity and temperature variances (with J-P. Laval and P. Sullivan ) (2002) J. Atmos. Sci 59 873-887.
- A new subgrid model for the atmospheric surface layer. I. The model (with J-P. Laval, P. Sullivan and J. Werne ) (2002) J. Atmos. Sci 59 857-872.
- Long time scaling laws in decaying 2D turbulence (with J-P. Laval, P-H. Chavanis and C. Sire) (2001) Phys. Rev. E 329 R65301.
- Turbulent Transport and Equilibrium Profiles in 2D MHD turbulence with a background shear (with E.J. Kim) (2001) Phys. Of Plasmas 8 813-824.
- Logarithmic corrections to scaling in turbulent thermal convection (2001) European Phys. Journal B 21 295-304.
- Non-locality and Intermittency in 3D Turbulence (with J-P. Laval and S. Nazarenko) (2001) Phys. Fluid 13 1995-2012 .
- A dynamic subfilter-scale model for plane parallel flows (with J-P. Laval, S. Nazarenko and N. Kevlahan) (2001) Phys. Fluids 13 2045-2064.
- « The solar system D/H ratio: Observations and theories » (with F. Robert and D. Gautier) (2000) Space Sci Rev 92, 201-224.
- Constraints on the formation of comets from D/H ratios measured in H2O and HCN (with O. Mousis, D. Gautier, D. Bockelee-Morvan, F. Robert and A. Drouart) (2000) Icarus 148, 513-525.
- Scaling laws predictions from a solvable model of turbulent thermal convection (2000) Europhys. Letters 51 513-519.
- Non linear RDT theory of wall turbulence (with S. Nazarenko and N. Kevlahan) (2000) Physica D 139 158-176.
- Affine turbulence , (2000) European Ph. J B 13 , 1-3..
- Finite size scale invariance (200) European Ph. J. B 14 , 757-771.
- Dynamical modeling of subgrid scales in 2D turbulence (with J-P. Laval and S. Nazarenko) (2000), Physica D 142 , 231-253.
- Non local interactions of scales in 2D incompressible turbulence (with J-P. Laval and S. Nazarenko) (1999), Phys. Rev. Lett. 83 4061-4065..
- WKB Theory for rapid distorsion of inhomogeneous turbulence , (with S. Nazarenko and N. Kevlahan) (1999) J. Fluid Mechanics, 390, 325-348.
- Structure and transport in the Solar nebula from constraints on Deuterium and giant planets formation , (with A. Drouart, D. Gautier and F. Robert) (1998) Icarus 140, 129-155.
- Truncated Levy laws and 2D turbulence (with J-P. Laval) (1998), Eur. Phys. J. B. 4, 143-146.
- Towards a universal classification of scale invariant processes (with F-M. Breon, F. Graner and A. Pocheau), (1998), European Phys. J. B 4 89-94.
- Thermodynamic vs log-Poisson distribution in turbulence (with G. He and F. Graner) (1998) Physics Letter A 245, 419-423.
- About Generalized Scaling for Passive Scalars in Fully developed Turbulence (with G. He) (1997) J. Physique France 7, 793-800
- Interaction of turbulence and large scale vortices in 2D incompressible fluids (with S. Nazarenko) (1997) Physica D 110, 123-138.
- Some properties of numerical 2D-turbulence (with A. Babiano and P. Frick) (1997), Phys. Rev E 55, 2693-2706.
- Analogy between scale symmetry and relativistic mechanics. II. Electric analog of turbulence (with F. Graner) (1997) Phys. Rev. E 56, 6435-6442.
- Analogy between scale symmetry and relativistic mechanics. I. Lagrangian formalism. (with F. Graner) (1997) Phys. Rev. E 56, 6427-6434.
- Scaling exponents in scale invariant turbulent (with F. Graner) (1996), J. Phys. II France 6 817-824. Anomalous scaling and generic structure functions in turbulence , (1996), J. Phys. II France 6 1825-1840.
- Possible statistics in scale invariant systems (with F. Graner) (1996), J. Phys. II France 6 797-816.
- Structure functions in turbulence, in various flow configurations, at Reynolds number between 30 and 5000, using extended self-similarity (collective European work) (1996), Europhys. Letter 34 411-416.
- Forming planets in vortices , (with P. Tanga, A. Babiano, and A. Provenzale) (1996) Icarus 121, 158-170.
- Fully developed turbulence: An unifying point of view (with B. Castaing) (1995) J. Physique France II 5 895-899.
- Scaling properties of numerical 2D-turbulence (with P. Frick and A. Babiano) (1995), Phys. Rev E 52 3719.
- Scaling properties of a class of shell models (with P. Frick and A. Babiano) (1995) Phys. Rev. E 51 5582-5593.
- The dust sub-disk in the protoplanetary nebula , (with G. Morfill and M. Sterzik) (1995), Icarus 114 237-246.
- Intermittency in fully developed turbulence: Log-Poisson statistics and generalized scale-covariance (1994) Phys. Rev. Letters 73, 959-963.
- On scaling laws for the transition to turbulence in uniform shear-flows , (with S. Nazarenko) (1994), Europhys. Letter 27 (2) 129-134.
- On multi-fractal analysis of real catalogs (with M. Lachieze-Rey) (1994), Astron. Astroph. 289, 667-672.
- Burgers’ equation, devil’s staircases and the mass distribution for large scale structures, (with M. Vergassola, U. Frisch and A. Noullez), (1994), Astron. Astroph. 289, 325-356.
- The Poisson distribution on a fractal (with M. Lacheize-Rey) (1994), Astron. Astroph. 287 , 361-367.
- Mixed fractal models for the distribution of galaxies (1994), Astron. Astroph. 286, 351-356.
- On a generalization of the Zeldovich approximation for a low-viscosity self-gravitating fluid, (1994), Astron. Astroph. 285 711-715.
- Titius-Bode laws in the Solar System. 2. Build your own law from disk models, (with F. Graner) (1994), Astron. Astroph. 282 269-276.
- Titius-Bode laws in the Solar System. 1. Scale invariance explains everything (with F. Graner) (1994), Astron. Astroph. 282 262-268.
- Differential Rotation as a source of angular momentum transfer in the solar nebula (1993) Icarus 106 59-76.
- On instabilities in magnetized accretion disks, (with E. Knobloch) (1993) Astron. Astroph. 274, 667-674.
- Non-linear dynamics of slender accretion disks via bifurcation methods (with J-M. Chomaz, M. Rieutord, and S. Kumar) (1993), Geophys. Astr. Fluid Dyn. 70 , 235-251.
- A turbulent closure model for thin accretion disks (1992) Astron. Astroph. 266, 592-604.
- Consequences of rotation in energetics of accretion disks, (with L. Valdettaro) (1992) Astron. Astroph. 263 , 387-400.
- On the local stability of accretion disks (with E. Knobloch) (1992) Astron. Astroph. 256 , 673-678.
- Non linear instability of viscous plane Couette flow I. Analytical approach to a necessary condition. (with J-P. Zahn) (1991) J. Fluid Mech. 231 , 561-573.
- The eddy viscosity of parity invariant flow (with U. Frisch) (1991) Phys. Rev. A 43 , 5355-5364.
- Dynamical Collapse of the W51 a star forming region (with A. Rudolph, J. Welch and P. Palmer) (1990) Ap. J. , 363 , 528.
- Low-viscosity lattice gas (with U. Frisch, M. Henon and J.P. Rivet) (1990) J. Stat. Phys. 59 1187-1226.
- Method of Computation of the Reynolds Number for two models of lattice gas involving violation of the semi-detailed balance. (1988) Complex Systems , 2 577-609.
- Scale Invariance and Statistical Properties in Turbulence, Memoire d’Habilitation a Diriger les Recherches, University of Paris VII, 1996.
- Instabilites, Turbulence and Transport in accretion disks via asymptotics, Ph. D. Thesis, University of Toulouse, 1990.
- On the violation of semi-detailed balance in lattice gases, D.E.A. Thesis, University of Paris, 1987.