Dr. Thibault Cantat did his undergraduate studies at the École Normale Supérieure de Paris from 2001 to 2003 where he studied chemistry and worked in the group of Dr. Anny Jutand and Prof. Christian Amatore. He completed his Ph.D. under the supervision of Dr. Nicolas Mézailles and Prof. Pascal Le Floch at the École Polytechnique in September 2007, working on the theoretical and experimental aspects of new organometallic complexes and their use in catalysis. He is the recipient of the École Polytechnique Best Thesis Award (2008) and the ParisTech Best Thesis Award (2008). T. Cantat was then appointed a Director’s Postdoctoral Fellow at Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA) (from October 2007 to 2009), to work in the groups of Dr. Jaqueline L. Kiplinger (experimental f-element chemistry) and Drs. P. Jeffrey Hay and Enrique R. Batista (theoretical chemistry). He joined the CEA/Université Paris-Saclay as a Researcher in November 2009 and obtained a starting grant from the ANR the same year. He is currently the head of the Laboratory of Molecular Chemistry and Catalysis for Energy and Program Leader for Carbon Circular Economy, at CEA.
Tel : +33 1 69 08 43 38
Awards and Honours
- 2021: Young Investigator Award of the Catalysis Division of the French Chemical Society to T.C.
- 2019-2024: Consolidator Grant from the ERC to T.C.
- 2015: Young Investigator Award of the Organic Division of the French Chemical Society to T.C.
- 2014: Green Chemistry for Life research grant from UNESCO / IUPAC / PhosAgro to T.C.
- 2013-2018: Starting Grant from the ERC to T.C.
- 2013: Grand Prix Scientifique, Fondation Louis D. – ”Institut de France » to T.C.
- 2012: Prix La Recherche, in Chemistry to T.C.
- 2012: R&D 100 Award to T.C.
- 2011: LANL Pollution Prevention Award to T.C.
- 2011: Starting Grant from the ANR to T.C.
- 2009-2012: Director’s Postdoctoral Fellow, LANL, NM, USA to T.C.
- 2007-2009: ParisTech Best Thesis Award, ParisTech, France to T.C.
- 2008: École Polytechnique Best Thesis Award, France 2008 to T.C.
Invited Lectures at Research Conferences
- European Workshop on Phosphorus Chemistry (EWPC), Rennes (France), 27/02/2020.
- Ernst Haage Symposium, Muelheim (Germany), 12/11/2019.
- 27th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition (EUBCE), Lisbon (Portugal), 28/05/2019.
- Winter school on Innovative Catalysis and sustainability: scientific and socio-economic aspects, Bardonecchia (Italy), 08/01/2019.
- Semaine d’étude en chimie organique, La Clusaz (France), 16/05/2019.
- Workshop on small molecules activation, Venice (Italy), 15/02/2018.
- 28th International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry (ICOMC), Florence (Italy), 15/07/2018.
- European Symposium on Organic Chemistry (ESOC), Köln (Germany), 04/07/2017.
- International Summer School on Organic Synthesis, Gargnano (Italy), 19/06/2017.
- Challenges in Computational Homogeneous Catalysis, Stockholm (Sweden), 15/06/2017.
- International Symposium on Green Chemistry (ISGC), La Rochelle (France), 16/05/2017.
- Annual meeting, CARISMA COST, Lisbon (Portugal), 06/03/2017.
- ACS Meeting – Symposium on Switchable catalysts, San Francisco, CA (USA), 03/04/2017.
- Division de Chimie Organique de la SCF, Palaiseau (France), 08/12/2015.
- ACS Meeting – Symposium in honor of E. J. Schelter, San Diego, CA (USA), 15/03/2016.
- Journées Nord-Ouest Européennes des Jeunes Chercheurs (JNOEJC), Lille (France), 09/06/2016.
- Grupo Especializado de Química Organometálica (GEQO), Gerona (Spain), 09/09/2016.
- Workshop on the energy transition – EDF / Univeristy of Paris Saclay, Saclay (France), 05/10/2016.
- Zing Conference on Carbon Dioxide Catalysis (CCDC1) Algarve (Portugal), 19-22/04/2016.
- ICCC42 – International Conference on Coordination Chemistry, Brest (France), 03-08/07/2016.
- Colloque Biomimétisme et chimie durable, Paris (France), 10/11/2015.
- Journées scientifiques SCF – Section Bretagne-Pays de la Loire, Nantes (France), 18-20/05/2015.
- VIII International School On Organometallic Chemistry, Sevilla (Spain), 15-17/06/2015.
- EUCOMC, Bratislavia (Slovakia), 5-9/07/2015.
- Workshop Nanomaterials for Energy and Environment, Orsay (France), 18-20/03/2015.
- ACS Meeting – Symposium in honor of J.L. Kiplinger, Denver, CO (USA), 22-26/03/2015.
- 2èmes Journées de Catalyse de Paris Saclay, Gif-Sur-Yvette (France), 28-29/04/2014.
- GEP-AFTP, Journées Annuelles des Hydrocarbures, Paris (France), 28-29/04/2014.
- Fondation Tuck, Rueil-Malmaison (France), 26/05/2014.
- 2èmes Journées de Catalyse de Paris-Saclay, Gif-Sur-Yvette (France), 28-29/04/2014.
- COST ORCA, Palerme (Italy), 8-10/05/2014.
- International Green Catalysis Symposium, Rennes (France), 2-4/04/2014.
- 41st International Conference on Coordination Chemistry (ICCC41), Rising Stars session, Singapore (Singapore), 21-25/07/2014.
- UNESCO Symposium on Green Chemistry for Life, Moscow (Russia), 21-23/09/2014.
- COST CARISMA, Venise (Italy), 4-7/05/2014.
- Symposium on Sustainable Catalytic Conversions of Renewable Substrates, Saint Andrews (UK), 24-26/03/2013.
- GECOM-CONCOORD, Cap d’Agde (France), 26-31/05/2013.
- Carbon Dioxide Utilisation Summit Brussels (Belgium), 30-31/10/2013.
- CO2. Déchet ou molécule valorisable ? – Symposium INC CNRS, Paris (France), 09/07/2013.
- Symposium on the Physics and Chemistry of the Heavy Elements, Santa Fe, NM (USA), 20-22/06/2012.
Invited Lectures at Research Institutions
- Heriot Watt University. Edinburgh (UK), 05/05/2021.
- Strasbourg University, Strasbourg (France), 05/06/2018.
- Rouen University, Rouen (France), 10/04/2018.
- Grenoble University, Grenoble (France), 03/03/2018.
- Aarhus University, Aarhus (Denmark), 11/11/2018.
- RWTH Aachen Universität, Aachen (Germany), 05/05/2017.
- Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin (Germany), 19/04/2017.
- University of Zürich, Zürich(Switzerland), 28/03/2017.
- University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza (Spain), 21/02/2017.
- Aarhus University, Aarhus (Denmark), 17/11/2016.
- SOLVAY – Research department, Lyon (France), 12/07/2016.
- University of Aix Marseille, Marseille (France), 13/11/2015.
- Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau (France), 09/02/2016.
- Institut de Chimie des Substances Naturelles (ICSN), Gif-Sur-Yvette (France), 14/04/2016.
- ENSCM Montpellier, Montpellier (France), 22/09/2016.
- Abengoa – research department, Sevilla (Spain), 18/06/2015.
- École nationale supérieure d’ingénieurs de Caen, Caen (France), 12/02/2015.
- University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA (USA), 24/10/2014.
- University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA (USA), 31/10/2014.
- University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA (USA), 29/10/2014.
- Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris (France), 13/01/2014.
- Université Claude Bernard, Lyon (France), 23/01/2014.
- Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau (France), 13/02/2014.
- Collège de France, Paris (France), 26/03/2014.
- MidiSciences, Grenoble (France), 05-05/11/2014.
- Université de Bourgogne, Dijon (France), 23/01/2013.
- Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse (France), 13/05/2013.
- Université d’Orsay Paris-Sud, Orsay (France), 09/04/2013.
- CEA – Direction des Sciences du Vivant, Gif-Sur-Yvette (France), 19/03/2013.
- Université Paris-Diderot, Paris (France), 29/03/2013.
- ICIQ – Institut Català d’Investigació Química, Tarragona (Spain), 18/10/2013.
- Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Lyon (France), 21/11/2013.
- Conférence Paul Sabatier, Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination – LCC, Toulouse (France), 22/11/2013.
- Université de Rennes 1, Rennes (France), 08/10/2013.
- Académie des Sciences – Section des sciences chimiques, Paris (France), 15/10/2013.
- Amsterdam University, Amsterdam (Netherlands), 17/12/2013.
- Académie des Sciences – Section des Sciences de l’Univers, Paris (France), 26/11/2013.
- Seaborg Institute, Los Alamos, NM (USA), 28/06/2012.
- Université de Versailles St Quentin, Versailles (France), 24/10/2012.
- Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris, Paris (France), 06/06/2012.
- Université de Bordeaux II, Bordeaux (France), 03/12/2012.
- CEA Saclay – IRAMIS Institute, Gif-Sur-Yvette (France), 03/04/2009.
- CEA Grenoble – Institute for Nanoscience and Cryogenics, Grenoble (France), 23/01/2009.
- Seaborg Institute, Los Alamos, NM (USA), 14/01/2009.
See my publication list and other references in HAL Open Science
[108] Fluorophosphoniums as Lewis acids in organometallic catalysis: application to the carbonylation of β-lactones. M.-H. Pietraru, L. Ponsard, N. Lentz, P. Thuéry, E. Nicolas*, T. Cantat*, Preprint, Chem. Commun. 2024.
[107] CO2/13CO2 Dynamic Exchange in the Formate Complex [(2,9-(tBu)2-phen)Cu(O2CH)] and Its Catalytic Activity in the Dehydrogenation of Formic Acid. K. Phung, P. Thuéry, J.-C. Berthet*, T. Cantat*, Preprint, Organometallics 2023.
[106] Metal-Free Catalytic Hydrogenolysis of Chlorosilanes into Hydrosilanes with « Inverse » Frustrated Lewis Pairs. G. Durin, J.-C. Berthet, P. Thuéry, E. Nicolas, T. Cantat*, Preprint, Chem. Eur. J. 2023.
[105] Catalyst-free depolymerization of polycaprolactone to silylated monoesters and iodide derivatives using iodosilanes. X. Liu, M. Kobylarski, J.-C. Berthet*, T. Cantat*, Chem.Commun. 2023.
[104] Catalytic Carbonylation of Acrylic Acid to Succinic Anhydride. M.-H. Pietraru, N. Lentz, L. Ponsard, E. Nicolas*, T. Cantat*, Preprint, ChemCatChem 2023.
[103] Evaluation of acetophenone as a novel alcohol-cycloalkane bifunctional liquid organic hydrogen carrier (LOHC). F. D’Ambra, J. Levy, P. Hajiyev, T. Cantat, G. Gébel, V. Faucheux, E. Nicolas*, Int. J. Hydrog. Energy 2023.
[102] Catalytic Methoxylation of Aryl Halides Using 13C- and 14C-Labeled CO2. A. Ohleier, A. Sallustrau, B. Mouhsine, F. Caillé*, D. Audisio*, T.Cantat*, Chem. Commun. 2022.
[101] Zirconium-catalysed hydrosilylation of esters and depolymerisation of polyester plastic waste. M. Kobylarski, L. J. Donnelly*, J.-C. Berthet, T. Cantat*, Preprint, Green Chem. 2022.
[100] Alkyl Formates as Transfer Hydroalkylation Reagents and Their Use in the Conversion of Imines to Alkylamines. E. Crochet, L. Anthore-Dalion, T. Cantat*, Preprint, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022.
[99] Selective Reduction of Secondary Amides to Imines Catalysed by Schwartz’s Reagent. L. J. Donnelly*, J.-C. Berthet, T. Cantat*, Preprint, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022. Angewandte Chemie introducing page on L. Donnelly related to this first article as corresponding author can be found here.
[98] Metal-free Catalytic Hydrogenolysis of Silyl Triflates and Halides into Hydrosilanes. G. Durin, A. Fontaine, J.-C. Berthet, E. Nicolas, P. Thuéry, T. Cantat*, Preprint, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022.
[97] Reductive depolymerization of polyesters and polycarbonates with hydroboranes by using a lanthanum(iii) tris(amide) catalyst. M. Kobylarski, J.-C. Berthet*, T. Cantat*, Chem. Commun. 2022. Highlighted as a ChemComm HOT Article
[96] Silyl formates as hydrosilane surrogates for the transfer hydrosilylation of ketones. R. M. Romero, N. Thyagarajan, N. Hellou, C. Chauvier, T. Godou, L. Anthore-Dalion, T. Cantat*, Preprint, Chem. Commun. 2022.
[95] Additive-free selective methylation of secondary amines with formic acid over a Pd/In2O3 catalyst. C. Genre*, I. Benaissa, T. Godou, M. Pinault, T. Cantat*, Preprint, Catal. Sci. Technol. 2022.
[94] Uranyl(VI) Triflate as Catalyst for the Meerwein–Ponndorf–Verley Reaction. M. Kobylarski, L. Monsigny, P. Thuéry, J.-C. Berthet*, T. Cantat*, Inorg. Chem. 2021.
[93] The Role of (tBuPOCOP)Ir(I) and iridium(III) Pincer Complexes in the Catalytic Hydrogenolysis of Silyl Triflates into Hydrosilanes. G. Durin, J.-C. Berthet, E. Nicolas, P. Thuéry, T. Cantat*, Preprint, Organometallics 2021.
[92] A copper(I)-catalyzed sulfonylative Hiyama cross-coupling. A. Adenot, L. Anthore-Dalion, E. Nicolas, J.-C. Berthet, P. Thuéry, T. Cantat*, Preprint, Chem. Eur. J. 2021.
[91] Unlocking the Catalytic Hydrogenolysis of Chlorosilanes into Hydrosilanes with Superbases. G. Durin, J.-C. Berthet, E. Nicolas, T. Cantat*, Preprint, ACS Catal. 2021.
[90] Photocatalytic deoxygenation of N–O bonds with rhenium complexes: from the reduction of nitrous oxide to pyridine N-oxides. M. Kjellberg, A. Ohleier, P. Thuéry, E. Nicolas, L. Anthore-Dalion*, T. Cantat*, Preprint, Chem. Sci. 2021.
[89] Copper–Ligand Cooperativity in H2 Activation Enables the Synthesis of Copper Hydride Complexes. A. Aloisi, É. Crochet, E. Nicolas, J.-C. Berthet, C. Lescot, P. Thuéry, T. Cantat*, Preprint, Organometallics 2021.
[88] Additive-Free Formic Acid Dehydrogenation Catalyzed by a Cobalt Complex. N. Lentz, A. Aloisi, P. Thuéry, E. Nicolas, T. Cantat, Preprint, Organometallics 2021.
[87] Direct Carbon Isotope Exchange of Pharmaceuticals via Reversible Decyanation. M. Feng, J. De Oliveira, A. Sallustrau, G. Destro, P. Thuéry, S. Roy, T. Cantat, C. S. Elmore, J. Blankenstein, F. Taran, and D. Audisio*, Preprint, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021.
[86] Coupling Electrocatalytic CO2 Reduction with Thermocatalysis Enables the Formation of a Lactone Monomer. L. Ponsard, E. Nicolas, N. H. Tran, S. Lamaison, D. Wakerley, T. Cantat*, M. Fontecave, ChemSusChem 2021.
[85] Catalytic challenges and strategies for the carbonylation of σ-bonds . T. Nasr Allah, L. Ponsard, E. Nicolas, T. Cantat*, Green Chem. 2021.
[84] Catalytic Disproportionation of Formic Acid to Methanol using Recyclable Silylformates. C. Chauvier, A. Imberdis, P. Thuéry, T. Cantat*, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020.
[83] Transition‐Metal‐Free Carbon Isotope Exchange of Phenyl Acetic Acids. G. Destro, K. Horkka, O. Loreau, D.‐A. Buisson, L. Kingston, A. Del Vecchio, M. Schou, C. S. Elmore, F. Taran, T. Cantat, D. Audisio*, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020.
[82] Catalytic Metal-Free Deoxygenation of Nitrous Oxide with Disilanes. L. Anthore-Dalion*, E. Nicolas, T. Cantat*, ACS Catalysis 2019.
[81] Transition-Metal-Free Acceptorless Decarbonylation of Formic Acid Enabled by a Liquid Chemical-Looping Strategy. A. Imberdis, G. Lefèvre, T. Cantat*, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019.
[80] SO2 conversion to sulfones: development and mechanistic insights of a sulfonylative Hiyama cross-coupling. A. Adenot, J. Char, N. von Wolff, G. Lefèvre, L. Anthore-Dalion, T. Cantat*, Chem. Commun. 2019.
[79] Breaking C–O Bonds with Uranium: Uranyl Complexes as Selective Catalysts in the Hydrosilylation of Aldehydes. L. Monsigny, P. Thuéry, J.-C. Berthet, T Cantat*, ACS Catal. 2019.
[78] Carbonylation of C−N Bonds in Tertiary Amines Catalyzed by Low‐Valent Iron Catalysts. T. N. Allah, S. Savourey, J.-C. Berthet, E. Nicolas, T Cantat*, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019.
[77] Activation of SO2 by N/Si+ and N/B Frustrated Lewis Pairs: Experimental and Theoretical Comparison with CO2 Activation. A. Adenot, N. von Wolff, G. Lefèvre, J.-C. Berthet, P. Thuéry, T. Cantat*, Chem. Eur. J. 2019.
[76] Dynamic Carbon Isotope Exchange of Pharmaceuticals with Labeled CO2. G. Destro, O. Loreau, E. Marcon, F. Taran, T.Cantat*, D. Audisio*, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019.
[75] Depolymerization of Waste Plastics to Monomers and Chemicals Using a Hydrosilylation Strategy Facilitated by Brookhart’s Iridium(III) Catalyst. L. Monsigny, J.-C. Berthet, T. Cantat, ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2018.
[74] Efficient reductive depolymerization of hardwood and softwood lignins with Brookhart’s iridium(III) catalyst and hydrosilanes. L. Monsigny, E. Feghali, J.-C. Berthet, T. Cantat, Green Chem. 2018.
[73] Metal-Free and Alkali-Metal-Catalyzed Synthesis of Isoureas from Alcohols and Carbodiimides. A. Imberdis, G. Lefèvre, P. Thuery, T. Cantat, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018.
[72] Silylation of O-H bonds by catalytic dehydrogenative and decarboxylative coupling of alcohols with silyl formates. C. Chauvier, T. Godou, T. Cantat, Chem. Commun. 2017.
[71] Iron-Catalyzed Silylation of Alcohols by Transfer Hydrosilylation with Silyl Formates. T. Godou, C. Chauvier, P. Thuery, T. Cantat, Synlett 2017.
[70] Synthesis of Aromatic Sulfones from SO2 and Organosilanes, Under Metal-free Conditions. N. von Wolff†, J. Char†, X. Frogneux, T. Cantat, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017.
[69] A Viewpoint on Chemical Reductions of Carbon–Oxygen Bonds in Renewable Feedstocks Including CO2 and Biomass . C. Chauvier, T. Cantat, ACS Catal. 2017.
[68] Structural insights into the nature of Fe0 and FeI low-valent species obtained upon reduction of Iron salts by Aryl Grignard reagents. M. Clémancey, T. Cantat, G. Blondin, J.-M. Latour*, P. Dorlet*, G. Lefèvre*, Inorg. Chem. 2017.
[67] Reactivity and Structural Diversity in the Reaction of Guanidine 1,5,7-Triazabicyclo[4.4.0]dec-5-ene with CO2, CS2, and Other Heterocumulenes. N. von Wolff, C. Villiers, P. Thuéry, G. Lefèvre, M. Ephritikhine, T. Cantat, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2017.
[66] Silyl Formates as Surrogates of Hydrosilanes and Their Application in the Transfer Hydrosilylation of Aldehydes. C. Chauvier, P. Thuéry, T. Cantat, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016.
[65] Complexes of the tripodal phosphine ligands PhSi(XPPh2)3 (X = CH2, O): synthesis, structure and catalytic activity in the hydroboration of CO2. A. Aloisi, J.-C. Berthet, C. Genre, P. Thuéry, T. Cantat, Dalton Trans. 2016.
[64] Implications of CO2 Activation by Frustrated Lewis Pairs in the Catalytic Hydroboration of CO2: A View Using N/Si+ Frustrated Lewis Pairs. N. von Wolff, G. Lefèvre, J.-C. Berthet, P. Thuéry, T. Cantat, ACS Catal. 2016.
[63] Synergistic effects in ambiphilic phosphino-borane catalysts for the hydroboration of CO2. A. Tlili, A. Voituriez, A. Marinetti, P. Thuéry, T. Cantat, Chem. Commun. 2016.
[62] Metal-free disproportionation of formic acid mediated by organoboranes. C. Chauvier, P. Thuéry, T. Cantat, Chem. Sci. 2016.
[61] Synthesis, structure and electrochemical behavior of new RPONOP (R = tBu, iPr) pincer complexes of Fe2+, Co2+, Ni2+ and Zn2+ ions. C. Lescot, S. Savourey, P. Thuéry, G. Lefèvre, J.-C. Berthet, T. Cantat, C. R. Chimie 2016.
[60] CO2 Conversion into Esters by Fluoride-Mediated Carboxylation of Organosilanes and Halide Derivatives. X. Frogneux†, N. von Wolff†, P. Thuéry, G. Lefèvre, T. Cantat, Chem. Eur. J. 2016.
[59] Bridging Amines with CO2: Organocatalyzed Reduction of CO2 to Aminals. X. Frogneux, E. Blondiaux, P. Thuéry, T. Cantat, ACS Catal. 2015.
[58] Room Temperature Organocatalyzed Reductive Depolymerization of Waste Polyethers, Polyesters, and Polycarbonates. E. Feghali, T. Cantat, ChemSusChem 2015.
[57] Convergent reductive depolymerization of wood lignin to isolated phenol derivatives by metal-free catalytic hydrosilylation. E. Feghali, G. Carrot, P. Thuéry, C. Genre, T. Cantat, Energy Environ. Sci. 2015.
[56] Metal-free dehydrogenation of formic acid to H2 and CO2 using boron-based catalysts. C. Chauvier, A. Tlili, C. das Neves Gomes, P. Thuéry, T. Cantat, Chem. Sci. 2015.
[55] Reductive functionalization of CO2 with amines: an entry to formamide, formamidine and methylamine derivatives. A. Tlili, E. Blondiaux, X. Frogneux, T. Cantat, Green Chem. 2015. Highly cited paper in Web of ScienceTM
[54] Bimetallic Cleavage of Aromatic C-H Bonds by Rare-Earth-Metal Complexes. W. Huang, F. Dulong, S. I. Khan, T. Cantat, P. Diaconescu, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014.
[53] Catalytic methylation of aromatic amines with formic acid as the unique carbon and hydrogen source. S. Savourey, G. Lefèvre, J.-C. Berthet, T. Cantat, Chem. Commun. 2014.
[52] Carbon Dioxide Reduction to Methylamines under Metal-Free Conditions. E. Blondiaux, J. Pouessel, T. Cantat, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014.
[51] Efficient Disproportionation of Formic Acid to Methanol Using Molecular Ruthenium Catalysts. S. Savourey, G. Lefèvre, J.-C. Berthet, P. Thuéry, C. Genre, T. Cantat, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014.
[50] Efficient metal-free hydrositylation of tertiary, secondary and primary amides to amines. E. Blondiaux, T. Cantat, Chem. Commun. 2014.
[49] Metal-Free Reduction of CO2 with Hydroboranes: Two Efficient Pathways at Play for the Reduction of CO2 to Methanol. C. das Neves Gomes, E. Blondiaux, P. Thuéry, T. Cantat, Chem. Eur. J. 2014.
[48] Catalytic hydrosilylation of oxalic acid: chemoselective formation of functionalized C-2-products. E. Feghali, O. Jacquet, P. Thuéry, T. Cantat, Catal. Sci. Technol. 2014.
[47] Iron–catalyzed hydrosilylation of CO2: CO2 conversion to formamides and methylamines. X. Frogneux, T. Cantat, Catal. Sci. Technol. 2014.
[46] Creating Added Value with a Waste: Methylation of Amines with CO2 and H2. A. Tlili, X. Frogneux, E. Blondiaux, T. Cantat, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014.
[45] Unprecedented organocatalytic reduction of lignin model compounds to phenols and primary alcohols using hydrosilanes. E. Feghali, T.Cantat, Chem. Commun. 2013.
[44] Nitrite complexes of the rare earth elements. J. Pouessel, P. Thuéry, J.-C. Berthet, T. Cantat, Dalton Trans. 2013.
[43] Pushing Back the Limits of Hydrosilylation: Unprecedented Catalytic Reduction of Organic Ureas to Formamidines. J. Pouessel, O. Jacquet, T. Cantat, ChemCatChem 2013.
[42] Revisiting the Chemistry of the Actinocenes [(η8-C8H8)2An] (An = U, Th) with Neutral Lewis Bases. Access to the Bent Sandwich Complexes [(η8-C8H8)2An(L)] with Thorium (L = py, 4,4′-bipy, tBuNC, R4phen). J.-C. Berthet, P. Thuéry, N. Garin, J.-P. Dognon, T. Cantat, M. Ephritikhine, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013.
[41] CO2 as a C1-building block for the catalytic methylation of amines. O. Jacquet, X. Frogneux, C. Das Neves Gomes, T. Cantat, Chem. Sci. 2013. Highly cited paper in Web of ScienceTM
[40] Nitrite complexes of uranium and thorium. F. Dulong, J. Pouessel, P. Thuéry, J.-C. Berthet, M. Ephritikhine, T. Cantat, Chem. Commun. 2013.
[39] A six-carbon 10π-electron aromatic system supported by group 3 metals. W. Huang, F. Dulong, T. Wu, S. I. Khan, J. T. Miller, T. Cantat, P. L. Diaconescu, Nature Communications 2013.
[38] Synthesis of N-Aryloxy-β-diketiminate Ligands and Coordination to Zirconium, Ytterbium, Thorium, and Uranium. F. Dulong, P. Thuéry, M. Ephritikhine, T. Cantat, Organometallics 2013.
[37] Complete Catalytic Deoxygenation of CO2 into Formamidine Derivatives. O. Jacquet, C. Das Neves Gomes, M. Ephritikhine, T. Cantat, ChemCatChem 2013.
[36] Recycling of Carbon and Silicon Wastes: Room Temperature Formylation of N–H Bonds Using Carbon Dioxide and Polymethylhydrosiloxane. O. Jacquet, C. Das Neves Gomes, M. Ephritikhine, T. Cantat, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012.
[35] A Diagonal Approach to Chemical Recycling of Carbon Dioxide: Organocatalytic Transformation for the Reductive Functionalization of CO2. C. Das Neves Gomes, O. Jacquet, C. Villiers, P. Thuéry, M. Ephritikhine, T. Cantat, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012. Highly cited paper in Web of ScienceTM
[34] A N-aryloxy-beta-diketiminate ligand in 4d, 4f and 5f-metals complexes. F. Dulong, O. Bathily, P. Thuery, M. Ephritikhine, T. Cantat,, Dalton Trans. 2012.
[33] Redox control of a polymerization catalyst by changing the oxidation state of the metal center. E. M. Broderick, N. Guo, T. Wu, C. S. Vogel, C. Xu, J. Sutter, J. T. Miller, K. Meyer, T. Cantat, P. L. Diaconescu, Chem. Commun. 2011.
[32] Uranium(IV) Nucleophilic Carbene Complexes. J. C. Tourneux, J. C. Berthet, T. Cantat, P. Thuéry, N. Mézailles, P. Le Floch, M. Ephritikhine, Organometallics 2011.
[31] Exploring the Uranyl Organometallic Chemistry: From Single to Double Uranium−Carbon Bonds. J. C. Tourneux, J. C. Berthet, T. Cantat, P. Thuéry, N. Mézailles, M.Ephritikhine, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011.
[30] Titanium(IV) Trifluoromethyl Complexes: New Perspectives on Bonding from Organometallic Fluorocarbon Chemistry. F. L. Taw, A. E. Clark, A. H. Mueller, M. T. Janicke, T. Cantat, B. L. Scott, P. J. Hay, R. P. Hughes, J. L. Kiplinger, Organometallics 2012.
[29] UI4(1,4-dioxane)2, [UCl4(1,4-dioxane)]2, and UI3(1,4-dioxane)1.5: Stable and Versatile Starting Materials for Low- and High-Valent Uranium Chemistry. M. J. Monreal, R. K. Thomson, T. Cantat, N. E. Travia, B. L. Scott, J. L. Kiplinger, Organometallics 2011.
[28] Uranium azide photolysis results in C-H bond activation and provides evidence for a terminal uranium nitride. R. K. Thomson, T. Cantat, B. L. Scott, D. E. Morris, E. R. Batista, J. L. Kiplinger, Nature Chem. 2010.
[27] Actinide Redox-Active Ligand Complexes: Reversible Intramolecular Electron-Transfer in U(dpp-BIAN)2/U(dpp-BIAN)2(THF). E. J. Schelter, R. L. Wu, B. L. Scott, J. D. Thompson, T. Cantat, K. D. John, E. R. Batista, D. E. Morris, J. L. Kiplinger, Inorg. Chem. 2010.
[26] Convenient access to the anhydrous thorium tetrachloride complexes ThCl4(DME) 2, ThCl4(1,4-dioxane)2 and ThCl4(THF)3.5 using commercially available and inexpensive starting materials. T. Cantat, B. L. Scott, J. L. Kiplinger, Chem. Commun. 2010.
[25] What a Difference a 5f Element Makes: Trivalent and Tetravalent Uranium Halide Complexes Supported by One and Two Bis[2-(diisopropylphosphino)-4-methylphenyl]amido (PNP) Ligands. T. Cantat, B. L. Scott, D. E. Morris, J. L. Kiplinger, Inorg. Chem. 2009.
[24] Challenging the Metallocene Dominance in Actinide Chemistry with a Soft PNP Pincer Ligand: New Uranium Structures and Reactivity Patterns. T. Cantat, C. R. Graves, B. L. Scott, J. L. Kiplinger, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009.
[23] A Mild Protocol To Generate Uranium(IV) Mixed-Ligand Metallocene Complexes using Copper(I) Iodide. C. R. Graves, E. J. Schelter, T. Cantat, B. L. Scott, J. L. Kiplinger, Organometallics 2008.
[22] Evidence for the Involvement of 5f Orbitals in the Bonding and Reactivity of Organometallic Actinide Compounds: Thorium(IV) and Uranium(IV) Bis(hydrazonato) Complexes. T. Cantat, C. R. Graves, K. C. Jantunen, C. J. Burns, B. L. Scott, E. J. Schelter, D. E. Morris, P. J. Hay, J. L. Kiplinger, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008.
[21] Coordination Behavior of the S-C-S Monoanion and O-C-O and S-C-S Dianions toward Co-II. H. Heuclin, T. Cantat, X. F. Le Goff, P. Le Floch, N. Mézailles, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2011.
[20] The U=C Double Bond: Synthesis and Study of Uranium Nucleophilic Carbene Complexes. T. Cantat, T. Arliguie, A. Noel, P. Thuery, M. Ephritikhine, P. Le Floch, N. Mézailles, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009.
[19] A Strained S similar to C similar to S Ir Pincer Complex: Intramolecular C-H Activation of an Aromatic Ring. M. Blug, H. Heuclin, T. Cantat, X. F. Le Goff, N. Mézailles, P. Le Floch, Organometallics 2009.
[18] Bis-phosphorus stabilised carbene complexes. T. Cantat, N. Mézailles, A. Auffrant, P. Le Floch, Dalton Trans. 2008.
[17] Synthesis of a stable radical anion via the one electron reduction of a 1,1-bis-phosphinosulfide alkene derivative. T. Cantat, F. Biaso, A. Momin, L. Ricard, M. Geoffroy, N. Mézailles, P. Le Floch, Chem. Commun. 2008.
[16] A joint experimental and theoretical study of the palladium-catalyzed electrophilic allylation of aldehydes. O. Piechaczyk, T. Cantat, N. Mézailles, P. Le Floch, J. Org. Chem. 2007.
[15] Experimental and theoretical study of phosphinine sulfides. A. Moores, T. Cantat, L. Ricard, N. Mézailles, P. Le Floch, New J. Chem. 2007.
[14] 2,2′-biphosphinines and 2,2′-bipyridines in homoleptic dianionic group 4 complexes and neutral 2,2′-biphosphinine group 6 d(6) metal complexes: Octahedral versus trigonal-prismatic geometries. H. Lesnard, T. Cantat, P. Le Floch, I. Demachy, Y. Jean, Chem.-Eur. J. 2007.
[13] New anionic and dianionic polydentate systems featuring ancillary phosphinosulfides as ligands in coordination chemistry and catalysis. M. Doux, O. Piechaczyk, T. Cantat, N. Mézailles, P. Le Floch, C. R. Chim. 2007.
[12] From a stable dianion to a stable carbenoid. T. Cantat, X. Jacques, L. Ricard, X. F. Le Goff, N. Mézailles, P. Le Floch, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2007.
[11] Synthesis, reactivity, and DFT studies of S-C-S zirconium(IV) complexes. T. Cantat, L. Ricard, N. Mézailles, P. Le Floch, Organometallics 2006.
[10] Phosphorus-stabilized geminal dianions. T. Cantat, L. Ricard, P. Le Floch, N. Mézailles, Organometallics 2006.
[9] Thulium alkylidene complexes: Synthesis, X-ray structures, and reactivity. T. Cantat, F. Jaroschik, L. Ricard, P. Le Floch, F. Nief, N. Mézailles, Organometallics 2006.
[8] Formation and structure of a stable monoradical cation by reduction of a diphosphafulvenium salt. F. Biaso, T. Cantat, N. Mézailles, L. Ricard, P. Le Floch, M. Geoffroy, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2006.
[7] EPR and DFT studies of the one-electron reduction product of phospholium cations. P. Adkine, T. Cantat, E. Deschamps, L. Ricard, N. Mézailles, P. Le Floch, M. Geoffroy, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2006.
[6] New mono- and bis-carbene samarium complexes: synthesis, X-ray crystal structures and reactivity. T. Cantat, F. Jaroschik, F. Nief, L. Ricard, N. Mézailles, P. Le Floch, Chem. Commun. 2005.
[5] A bis(thiophosphinoyl)methylene ruthenium carbene complex: Synthesis, X-ray crystal structure, and DFT calculations of its thermally promoted reverse alpha-hydride migration process. T. Cantat, M. Demange, N. Mézailles, L. Ricard, Y. Jean, P. Le Floch, Organometallics 2005.
[4] A bis(thiophosphinoyl)methanediide palladium complex: Coordinated dianion or nucleophilic carbene complex?. T. Cantat, N. Mézailles, L. Ricard, Y. Jean, P. Le Floch, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2004.
[3] Titanocene and zirconocene complexes of a phosphorus analog of an Arduengo’s carbene: Application in the synthesis of 1,3-diphosphafulvenes. T. Cantat, N. Mézailles, N. Maigrot, L. Ricard, P. Le Floch, Chem. Commun. 2004.
[2] The effect of chloride ions on the mechanism of the oxidative addition of cyclic allylic carbonates to Pd-0 complexes by formation of neutral [(eta(1)-allyl)PdClL2] complexes. T. Cantat, N. Agenet, A. Jutand, R. Pleixats, M. Moreno-Manas, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2005.
[1] Structural and kinetic effects of chloride ions in the palladium-catalyzed allylic substitutions. T. Cantat, E. Genin, C. Giroud, G. Meyer, A. Jutand, J. Organomet. Chem. 2003.
*corresponding author; †equal contribution