Dr. Marie Kobylarski obtained her engineering diploma from the Paris Technical Institute of Chemistry (Chimie ParisTech-PSL) and a Master of Molecular Chemistry from PSL University and Sorbonne University. She completed her PhD under the supervision of Dr. Thibault Cantat and Dr. Jean-Claude Berthet at the CEA-Saclay/LCMCE in 2022, where she worked on developing innovative catalytic pathways for the reduction of carbon-oxygen bonds for the oxygenated plastics reductive depolymerization. She was awarded the Ph.D. Prize from the Chimie Durable Division (DivCD) of the French Chemical Society. In 2023, she joined the LCMCE group as a permanent staff member to develop her valorization project full-time based on her PhD results. She is currently working on this technology transfer project related to the valorization of nylon waste and she aims at creating her start-up.
Awards and Honours
- 2023: Thesis Prize awarded from the Chimie Durable Division (DivCD) of the French Chemical Society
- 2022: Poster Prize from Green Catalysis Symposium
- 2021: Oral Communication Prize from Terrae Rarae
- 2023: POC in Labs Grant from the University Paris-Saclay
- 2023: Challenge Innovation Grant from Refashion
[4] Catalyst-free depolymerization of polycaprolactone to silylated monoesters and iodide derivatives using iodosilanes. X. Liu, M. Kobylarski, J.-C. Berthet*, T. Cantat*, Chem.Commun. 2023.
[3] Zirconium-catalysed hydrosilylation of esters and depolymerisation of polyester plastic waste. M. Kobylarski, L. J. Donnelly*, J.-C. Berthet, T. Cantat*, Preprint, Green Chem. 2022.
[2] Reductive depolymerization of polyesters and polycarbonates with hydroboranes by using a lanthanum(iii) tris(amide) catalyst. M. Kobylarski, J.-C. Berthet*, T. Cantat*, Chem. Commun. 2022. Highlighted as a ChemComm HOT Article
[1] Uranyl(VI) Triflate as Catalyst for the Meerwein–Ponndorf–Verley Reaction. M. Kobylarski, L. Monsigny, P. Thuéry, J.-C. Berthet*, T. Cantat*, Inorg. Chem. 2021.