UMR 3299 SIS2M unité mixte CEA-CNRS
Laboratoire Interdiscplinaire sur l'Organisation Nanometrique et Supramoléculaire
Fax : +33 1 69 08 66 40
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Ingénieur-Chercheur CEA
Animateur Sécurité
Thèmes de recherche
- Cyclodextrines, polymères, Membranes et Matériaux biocompatibles
- Relations entre structure et propriétés d’organisation et d’inclusion des cyclodextrines : cyclodextrines amphiphiles, polyrotaxanes.
ENSCP 1984-87 ; DEA Chimie Organique U. Paris VI
Service National, VSNA 1987-1989 : Ambassade de France & Université Copenhague (Institut de Chimie)
Doctorat CEA Saclay 1989-1992 : CEA/DSV-Rhône-Poulenc Santé (Sanofi-Aventis) ; Chimie Organique & Pharmacologie
Euriso-top 1992-2001 : R&D, Analyse, Production ; Chimie des Isotopes Stables (13C, 15N, 18O, 2H)
Bauer, M., Kékicheff, P., Iss, J., Fajolles, C., Charitat, T., Daillant, J., and Marques, C.M. (2015). Sliding tethered ligands add topological interactions to the toolbox of ligand-receptor design. Nat. Commun. 6.
Bauer, M., Bernhardt, M., Charitat, T., Kékicheff, P., Fajolles, C., Fragneto, G., Marques, C.M., and Daillant, J. (2013). Membrane insertion of sliding anchored polymers. Soft Matter 9, 1700–1710.
Roux, M., Sternin, E., Bonnet, V., Fajolles, C., and Djedaíni-Pilard, F. (2013). Dynamic Lipid Lateral Segregation Driven by Lauryl Cyclodextrin Interactions at the Membrane Surface. Langmuir 29, 3677–3687.
Bauer, M., Charitat, T., Fajolles, C., Fragneto, G., and Daillant, J. (2012). Insertion properties of cholesteryl cyclodextrins in phospholipid membranes: a molecular study. Soft Matter 8, 942–953.
Bauer, M., Fajolles, C., Charitat, T., Wacklin, H., and Daillant, J. (2011). Amphiphilic Behavior of New Cholesteryl Cyclodextrins: A Molecular Study. J. Phys. Chem. B 115, 15263–15270.
Klaus, A., Fajolles, C., Bauer, M., Collot, M., Mallet, J.-M., and Daillant, J. (2011). Amphiphilic Behavior and Membrane Solubility of a Dicholesteryl-Cyclodextrin. Langmuir 27, 7580–7586.
Angelova, A., Fajolles, C., Hocquelet, C., Djedaïni-Pilard, F., Lesieur, S., Bonnet, V., Perly, B., Lebas, G., and Mauclaire, L. (2008). Physico-chemical investigation of asymmetrical peptidolipidyl-cyclodextrins. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 322, 304–314.
Collot, M., Garcia-Moreno, M.I., Fajolles, C., Roux, M., Mauclaire, L., and Mallet, J.-M. (2007). Bis antennae amphiphilic cyclodextrins: the first examples. Tetrahedron Lett. 48, 8566–8569.
Michel, Y., Perly, B., Djedaini-Pilard, F., Berthommier, E., Baudin, C., Fajolles, C., Hamann, B., Pasqualini, R., and Mauclaire, L. (2005). A Use of Modified Cyclodextrins as a Transporter for a Radiolabeled Tracer NMR Investigation. J. Incl. Phenom. Macrocycl. Chem. 51, 159–163.
Baudin, C., Tardy, F., Dalbiez, J.-P., Jankowski, C., Fajolles, C., Leclair, G., Amekraz, B., Perly, B., and Mauclaire, L. (2005). Ionic complexation properties of per(3,6-anhydro)cyclodextrin derivatives towards lanthanides. Carbohydr. Res. 340, 131–138.
Fajolles, C., Boireau, A., Ponchant, M., and Laduron, P.M. (1992). [3H]RP 62203, a ligand of choice to label in vivo brain 5-HT2 receptors. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 216, 53–57.
Nielsen, O.F., Christensen, D.H., and Fajolles, C. (1990). Low frequency vibrational spectra of monosubstituted benzenes in the liquid state. J. Mol. Liq. 45, 77–82.
Nielsen, O., Fajolles, C., Lund, P., and Praestgaard, E. (1989). Low-Frequency Raman-Spectra of Fluorobenzene in the Liquid-State. J. Mol. Liq. 43, 13–20.