Water window

Water window

<< Research Lensless imaging

Ultrafast Nanophotonics Group

Broadband Coherent Diffractive imaging

High harmonic sources are great novel sources of soft X-rays: they are compact, have excellent spatial coherence and permit time-resolved studies down to the attosecond regime. However, they feature low photon flux over a broad spectrum, which is a problem for diffractive imaging applications. By numerically monochromatising the diffraction pattern (see figure) we aim to take advantage of the full bandwidth of the source, thereby getting a step closer to ultrafast nanometric X-ray imaging on table-top sources.

mid-IR driven High-Harmonic Generation

In collaboration with the Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO) in Barcelona, we work on extending the energy of the high-harmonic soft X-rays towards the keV regime. This is a relevant regime for research on novel magnetic materials. We do this by using longer wavelength lasers to generate the high harmonics.

• Collaboration :
Prof. Jens Biegert (ICFO, Barcelona)
Marc Hanna (IOGS)• People :

Julius Huijts
David Gauthier
Ahmed Maghraoui• Publications• Fundings