
Research Scientist / Deputy Head of SPEC (UMR3680)

Research topics

  • Spintronics magnetic sensors
  • Noise in spintronics materials
  • Magnetometers for biological application (neuronal recording, MRI)



Current projects:

AdvTMR (coordination): funded by ANR (2019-2022):

Le but d’AdvTMR est de lancer une nouvelle génération de capteurs magnétiques à base d’électronique de spin basée sur la combinaison de jonctions tunnel magnétiques performantes et d’une méthode de suppression du bruit basse fréquence inhérent à ces capteurs. Les performances attendues en termes de détectivité sont d’un ordre ou deux ordres de grandeur meilleur par rapport aux capteurs magnétiques existants. Les résultats du projet seront deux capteurs : un magnétomètre 2D de petite taille, très faible consommation fonctionnant jusqu’à 150°C et présentant une détectivité de l’ordre du picoTesla et un capteur refroidi à 77K présentant une détectivité inférieure au femtoTesla. Le travail se répartit entre un laboratoire public et un industriel sur une durée de 3 ans. La validation sera réalisée à l’aide de trois industriels du secteur de la défense.

Projet en collaboration avec Crivasense Technologies.

NeuroTMR (coordination): funded by ANR (2018-2021): Integrated magnetic probes for neuronal current imaging.

Neuronal activity is based on charge transfers, which create electric potentials and ionic currents. These currents are generating magnetic fields, which are detectable. These low-frequency magnetic fields pass through biological tissues without significant distortion, thus enabling efficient, remote interaction with devices inside a biological system. Previously, we have realized the first experimental proof of concept of locally recording the activity of neuronal networks in vivo with a new type of tool based on spin electronics magnetic sensors. To realize single-event recordings at neuron scale, we need to improve the sensor sensitivity and to co-integrate the electronics with the sensor for an improved form factor and signal integrity. To achieve this, in this project, we will use very low-noise Tunnel Magneto Resistance sensor and incorporate all relevant electronics directly onto the probe. The resulting new tool will open the field of magnetophysiology to understand the mechanisms of neuronal information transmission by realizing a mapping of the ionic flows in the neuropil, including vectorial information and multi-neurons simultaneous recordings, paving the way for durable implants, possibly for brain-machine interface.

This project is in collaboration with the Institute of Smart Sensors (Stuttgart University) and with the Ernst Strüngmann Institute in Francfort.

Past European Projects:

  • MAGNETRODES (coordination) (2012-2015): Electromagnetic detection of neural activity at cellular resolution
  • IMAGIC (2011-2014) : Integrated Magnetic imAgery based on spIntronics Components
  • MEGMRI (2008-2012): Hybrid MEG-MRI imaging system
  • CESAR (2010-2014): Cryogenic Electronics for Space Applications and Research

Past National Projects:

  • Magsondes (2012-2015): funded by RTRA-Triangle de la Physique
  • ANR -MagMap (Développement de la micromagnétométrie et applications aux Sciences de l’Univers), coordination : Cerege (2009-2013),


Publications dans la base HAL-CEA / List of publications within the CEA-HAL basis.

Selected publications

Multi-GMR sensors controlled by additive dipolar coupling
J. Torrejon, A. Solignac, C. Chopin, J. Moulin, A. Doll, E. Paul, C. Fermon and M. Pannetier-Lecoeur
Physical Review Applied 13, 034031 (2020).

Magnetoresistive Sensor in Two-Dimension on a 25 μm Thick Silicon Substrate for In Vivo Neuronal Measurements.
C. Chopin, J. Torrejon, A. Solignac, C. Fermon, P. Jendritza, P. Fries and M. Pannetier-Lecoeur,
ACS Sensors (2020)

In Vivo Magnetic Recording of Neuronal Activity
Laure Caruso, Thomas Wunderle, Christopher Murphy Lewis, Joao Valadeiro, Vincent Trauchessec, Josué Trejo Rosillo, José Pedro Amaral, Jianguang Ni, Patrick Jendritza, Claude Fermon, Susana Cardoso, Paulo Peixeiro Freitas, Pascal Fries, Myriam Pannetier-Lecoeur,
Neuron , Volume 95 , Issue 6 , 1283 – 1291.e4, (2017)

Applied Physical Letters

Local recording of biological magnetic fields using Giant Magneto Resistance-based micro-probes
Francesca Barbieri, Vincent Trauchessec, Laure Caruso, Josué Trejo-Rosillo, Bartosz Telenczuk, Elodie Paul, Thierry Bal, Alain Destexhe, Claude Fermon, Myriam Pannetier-Lecoeur & Gilles Ouanounou, Scientific Reports 6, Article number: 39330 (2016).

Magnetocardiography with sensors based on giant magnetoresistance
M. Pannetier-Lecoeur, L. Parkkonen, N. Sergeeva-Chollet, H. Polovy, C. Fermon and C. Fowley
Applied Physics Letters, 98 (2011) 153705.

Applied Physical Letters

Noise in MgO barrier magnetic tunnel junctions with CoFeB electrodes: Influence of annealing temperature
J. Scola, H. Polovy, C. Fermon, M. Pannetier-Lecoeur, G. Feng, K. Fahy and J.MD. Coey.
Applied Physics Letters. 90(25) 252501 (2007).

Applied Physical Letters

Femtotesla magnetic field measurement with magnetoresistive sensors.
M. Pannetier, C. Fermon, G. Le Goff, J. Simola, E. Kerr
Science, 304, 1648-1650 (2004).


Scientific publications

64. Detection of graphene’s singular orbital diamagnetism at the Dirac point
J. Vallejo, N.J. Wu, C. Fermon, M. Pannetier-Lecoeur, T. Wakamura, K. Watanabe, T. Tanigushi, T. Pellegrin, A. Bernard, S. Daddinounou, V. Bouchiat, S. Guéron, M. Ferrier, G. Montambaux and H. Bouchiat.

63. Spin-torque Dynamics for Noise Reduction in Vortex-based Sensors
M. Jotta Garcia, J. Moulin, S. Wittrock, S. Tsunegi, K. Yakushiji, H. Kubota, S. Yuasa, U. Ebels, M.Pannetier-Lecoeur, C. Fermon, R. Lebrun, P. Bortolloti, A. Solignac and V. Cros.
Appl. Phys. Lett.118, 122401 (2021)

62. Normalization and electronic circuit correction for tunnel magnetic junction sensor performances comparison.
E. Monteblanco, A. Solignac, C. Chopin, J. Moulin, P. Belliot, N. Belin, P. Campiglio, C. Fermon, M. Pannetier-Lecoeur, IEEE Sensors Journal (2021).

61. Magnetoresistive Sensor in Two-Dimension on a 25 μm Thick Silicon Substrate for In Vivo Neuronal Measurements.
C. Chopin, J. Torrejon, A. Solignac, C. Fermon, P. Jendritza, P. Fries and M. Pannetier-Lecoeur, ACS Sensors (2020)

60. Multi-GMR sensors controlled by additive dipolar coupling
J. Torrejon, A. Solignac, C. Chopin, J. Moulin, A. Doll, E. Paul, C. Fermon and M. Pannetier-Lecoeur.
PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED 13, 034031 (2020).

59. Spintronic sensors for NMR and MRI
A. Doll, S. Lecurieux-Lafayette, J. Moulin, C. Chopin, G. Jasmin-Lebras, M. Pannetier- Lecoeur, A. Solignac and C. Fermon.
Proceedings SPIE -2019

58. Optimizing magnetoresistive sensor signal-to-noise via pinning field tuning
J. Moulin, A. Doll, E. Paul, M. Pannetier-Lecoeur, C. Fermon, N. Sergeeva-Chollet, A. Solignac
Applied Physics Letters, American Institute of Physics, 2019, 115 (12), pp.122406.

57. 3D magnetic imaging with GMR sensors
F. Hadadeh, A.Solignac, M.Pannetier-Lecoeur, N. Sergeeva-Chollet and Claude Fermon,
IEEE Sensors Journal, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2019, pp.1-1

56. In Vivo Magnetic Recording of Neuronal Activity
Laure Caruso, Thomas Wunderle, Christopher Murphy Lewis, Joao Valadeiro, Vincent Trauchessec, Josué Trejo Rosillo, José Pedro Amaral, Jianguang Ni, Patrick Jendritza, Claude
Fermon, Susana Cardoso, Paulo Peixeiro Freitas, Pascal Fries, Myriam Pannetier-Lecoeur,
Neuron , Volume 95 , Issue 6 , 1283 – 1291.e4, (2017)

55. Francesca Barbieri, Vincent Trauchessec, Laure Caruso, Josué Trejo-Rosillo, Bartosz Telenczuk, Elodie Paul, Thierry Bal, Alain Destexhe, Claude Fermon, Myriam Pannetier-Lecoeur & Gilles Ouanounou, Local recording of biological magnetic fields using Giant Magneto Resistance-based micro-probes
Scientific Reports 6, Article number: 39330 (2016).

54. G. Kurij , A. Solignac, T. Maroutian, G. Agnus, R. Guerrero, L. E. Calvet, M. Pannetier-Lecoeur, and Ph. Lecoeur, Low noise all-oxide magnetic tunnel junctions based on a La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/Nb:SrTiO3 interface,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 082405 (2017); doi:

53. P. A. Guitard, R. Ayde, G. Jasmin-Lebras, L. Caruso, M. Pannetier-Lecoeur, and C. Fermon, Local nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy with giant magnetic resistance-based sensors,
Applied Physics Letters 108, 212405 (2016); doi: 10.1063/1.4952947

52. A. Solignac, G. Kurij, R. Guerrero, G. Agnus, T. Maroutian, C. Fermon, M. Pannetier-Lecoeur, Ph. Lecoeur, Spin electronic magnetic sensor based on functional oxides for medical imaging
Proc. SPIE 9551, Spintronics VIII, 95512F (2015)

51. S. Hurand · A. Jouan · C. Feuillet-Palma · G. Singh · J. Biscaras · E. Lesne · N. Reyen · A. Barthelemy · M. Bibes · C. Ulysse · X. Lafosse · M. Pannetier-Lecoeur · S. Caprara · M. Grilli · J. Lesueur · N. Bergeal Field-effect control of superconductivity and Rashba spin-orbit coupling in top-gated LaAlO3/SrTiO3 devices
Scientific Reports 03/2015; 5. DOI:10.1038/srep12751

50. Reveret, V ; de la Broise, X ; Fermon, C ; Pannetier-Lecoeur, M; Pigot, C; Rodriguez, L , Sauvageot, JL; Jin, Y ; Marnieros, S; Bouchier, D , CESAR: Cryogenic Electronics for Space Applications
Journal of low temperature physics 176 (3-4), 446-452 (2014)

49. Q. Herreros, H. Dyvorne, P. Campiglio, G. Jasmin-Lebras, A. Demonti, M. Pannetier-Lecoeur, and C. Fermon, Very low field magnetic resonance imaging with spintronic sensors,
Review of Scientific Instruments, 84, 095116 (2013)

48. R. Sinibaldi, C. De Luca, J. O. Nieminen, A. Galante, V. Pizzella, P. Sebastiani, M. Pannetier-Lecoeur, A. Manna, P. Chiacchiaretta, G. Tamburro, A. Sotgiu, C. Fermon, G. L. Romani, and S. Della Penna, NMR detection at 8.9mT with a GMR based sensor coupled to a superconducting Nb flux transformer,
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 142, 389-408, 2013.

47. A. Solignac, R. Guerrero, P. Gogol, T. Maroutian, F. Ott, Ph. Lecoeur, C. Fermon, M. Pannetier-Lecoeur Temperature study of the, antiferromagnetic coupling at the interface of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 and SrRuO3 bilayers.
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics – Conferences (2012)

46. Paolo Campiglio, Laure Caruso, Elodie Paul, Amala Demonti, Leila Azizi-Rogeau, Lauri Parkkonen, Claude Fermon and Myriam Pannetier-Lecoeur, GMR-based sensors arrays for biomagnetic source imaging applications,
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics – Conferences (2012)

45. A. Solignac, R. Guerrero, P. Gogol, T. Maroutian, F. Ott, L. Largeau, Ph. Lecoeur, and M. Pannetier-Lecoeur, Dual Antiferromagnetic Coupling at La0.67Sr0.33MnO3/SrRuO3 Interfaces
Physical Review Letters 109, 027201 (2012)

44. R. Guerrero, A. Solignac, C. Fermon, M. Pannetier-Lecoeur, Ph. Lecoeur, R. Fernández-Pacheco, Low frequency noise in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 based magnetic tunnel junctions
Applied Physics Letters 100, 142402 (2012)

43. P. P. Freitas, F. A. Cardoso, V. C. Martins, S. A. M. Martins, J. Loureiro, J. Amaral, R. C. Chaves, S. Cardoso, L. P. Fonseca, A. M. Sebastião, M. Pannetier-Lecoeur, and C. Fermon, Spintronic platforms for biomedical applications
Lab on a Chip 12,546-557 (2012)

42. R. Guerrero, A. Solignac, M. Pannetier-Lecoeur, C. Fermon, P. Auban-Senzier, L. Lemberger, C. Pasquier, Y. Apertet, Ph. Lecoeur, Noise and electric field characterization of irradiated SrTiO3 , Journal of Physics: Conference Series 303, 012059(1)-012059(6) (2011)

41. A Solignac, R Guerrero, G Agnus, C Fermon, M Pannetier-Lecoeur, and Ph Lecoeur, Magnetic tunnels junctions for all-oxide spin valves, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 303, 012063(1)-012063(6) (2011)

40. Magnetocardiography with sensors based on giant magnetoresistance
M. Pannetier-Lecoeur, L. Parkkonen, N. Sergeeva-Chollet, H. Polovy, C. Fermonand C. Fowley
Applied Physics Letters, 98 (2011) 153705.

39. Magnetoresistive Hybrid Sensors for Simultaneous Low-Field MRI and Biomagnetic Measurements
Sergeeva-Chollet, N; Dyvorne, H; Polovy, H; et al.
17th International Conference on biomagnetism – BIOMAG2010 Book series title:IFMBE Proceedings, 28: 70-73 (2010)

38. Unusual low-frequency noise in irradiated SrTiO3
Guerrero, R; Solignac, A; Pannetier-Lecoeur, M; et al.
Physical Review B, 82 (3) 035102.

37. Magnetoresistive-superconducting mixed sensors for biomagnetic applications
C. Fermon, M. Pannetier-Lecoeur, H. Dyvorne, J.F. Jacquinot, H. Polovy, A.L. Walliang
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 322 (2010) 1647–1650.

36. Noise of MgO-based Magnetic Tunnel Junctions
H Polovy, R. Guerrero, J. Scola, M. Pannetier-Lecoeur, C. Fermon, G. Feng, K. Fahy, S. Freitas
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 322 (2010) 1624–1627.

35. Low frequency noise in arrays of magnetic tunnel junctions connected in series and parallel
R. Guerrero, M. Pannetier-Lecoeur, C. Fermon, S. Cardoso, R. Ferreira, and P. P. Freitas
J. Appl. Phys. 105 (11) 113922 (2009)

34. Magnetoresistive detection of the rotation and translation behavior of magnetic beads flowing in microchannels at mm/s velocities
J.Loureiro, S.Cardoso, J.Germano, P. P. Freitas, C.Fermon, G.Arrias, M.Pannetier-Lecoeur, F. Rivadulla, J. Rivas
Appl. Phys. Lett. 95(3) 034104 (2009)

33. Magnetoresistive detection of magnetic beads flowing at high speed in microfluidic channels
J. Loureiro, C. Fermon, M. Pannetier-Lecoeur, G. Arrias, R. Ferreira, S. Cardoso, P. P. Freitas
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 45(10) 4873 (2009)

32. Explosives Detection using Magnetic and Nuclear resonance Techniques,
M. Pannetier-Lecoeur, C. Fermon, H. Dyvorne, G. Cannies and G. Le Goff
14N NQR detection of explosives with hybrid sensors
NATO Science for Peace and Security Series – B: Physics and biophysics, Springer (2009)

31. NMR with superconducting-GMR mixed sensors
Hadrien Dyvorne, Claude Fermon, Myriam Pannetier-Lecoeur, Hedwige Polovy, Anne-Laure Walliang
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 19(3) 819 (2009)

30. High Critical Temperature Superconducting Wire Based Flux Transformers
Hadrien Dyvorne, Rubén Guerrero, Claude Fermon, Myriam Pannetier-Lecoeur, Jacques-Francois Jacquinot
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 19(3) 761 (2009)

29. Magnetic field microscopy of geological samples using a new Giant Magneto Resistance-based scanning magnetometer
Fatim Hankard, Jérôme Gattacceca, Claude Fermon, Myriam Pannetier-Lecoeur, Pierre Rochette, Benoit Langlais
Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 10 Q10Y06 (2009).

28. Flux transformers made of commercial high critical temperature superconducting wires
H. Dyvorne, J. Scola, C. Fermon, J. F. Jacquinot, and M. Pannetier-Lecoeur
Rev. Sci. Instr. 79 (2), 025107, Part 1, FEB 2008

27. Noise in MgO barrier magnetic tunnel junctions with CoFeB electrodes: Influence of annealing temperature
J. Scola, H. Polovy, C. Fermon, M. Pannetier-Lecoeur, G. Feng, K. Fahy and J.MD. Coeyl.
Appl. Phys. Lett. 90(25): 252501 (2007)

26. RF response of superconducting-GMR mixed sensors, application to NQR
Pannetier-Lecoeur, M; Fermon, C; Biziere, N; et al.
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 17 (2): 598-601 Part 1 JUN 2007

25. Low noise magnetoresistive sensors for current measurement and compasses
Pannetier-Lecoeur, M; Fermon, C; de Vismes, A; et al.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 316 (2): e246-e248 SEP 2007

24.Micro-motor with screen-printed rotor magnets
T. Speliotis, D. Niarchos, P. Meneroud, G. Magnac, F. Claeyssen, J. Pepin, C. Fermon, M. Pannetier, N. Biziere
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 316 (2007) e120–e123

23. Experimental evidence of the spin dependence of electron reflections in magnetic CoFe2O4/Au/Fe3O4 trilayers
E. Snoeck, C. Gatel, R. Serra, G. BenAssayag, J.B. Moussy, A.M. Bataille, M. Pannetier, M. Gautier-Soyer, Phys. Rev. B 73 (10): Art. No. 104434 (2006)

22. Preparation of Nd-Fe-B magnets by screen printing
Speliotis, A; Niarchos, D; Falaras, P; et al.
Journal of iron ans steel research international, 13: 405-410 Suppl. 1 2006

21. Field line distribution in a mixed sensor
Pannetier M, Fermon C, Vedrine P, et al.
Sensors and Actuators A-Physical 129 (1-2): 146-149 Sp. Iss. SI MAY 24 2006

20. Optimised GMR sensors for low and high frequencies applicationsFermon C, Pannetier-Lecoeur M, Biziere N, et al.
Sensors and Actuators A-Physical, 129 (1-2): 203-206 Sp. Iss. SI MAY 24 2006

19. Pannetier M, Fermon C, Le Goff G, et al.
Ultra-sensitive mixed sensors – Design and performance
Sensors and Actuators A-Physical, 129 (1-2): 247-250 Sp. Iss. SI MAY 24 2006

18. Experimental evidence of the spin-dependence of electrons reflections in magnetic multilayers
Snoeck E, Gatel C, Serra R, Ousset JC, Moussy JB, Bataille A, Pannetier M, Gautier-Soyer M
Materials Science and Engineering B-Solid State Materials for Advanced Technology 126 (2-3): 120-125. JAN 25 2006.

17. 14N NQR detection of explosives,
C. Fermon, J.F. Jacquinot, M. Pannetier-Lecoeur, J. Scola and A.L. Walliang
H. Schubert, A. Rimski-Korsakov eds. in: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Stand-off Detection of Suicide-Bombers and Mobile Subjects. Pfinztal, Germany, December 13-14, 2005 (Springer-Verlag, Berlin). NATO Security through Science Series B pp. 145-150 (2006).

16. Determination of the energy dissipation of a vortex in a superconductor using a giant magnetoresistive sensor M. Pannetier-Lecoeur, C. Fermon
Phys. Rev. B 72(18): Art. No. 180501 (2005).

15. Ultra-sensitive field sensors – An alternative to SQUIDs.
M. Pannetier, C. Fermon, G. Le Goff, J. Simola, E. Kerr, M.S. Welling, R.J. Wiijngaarden,
IEEEE Trans. On Appl. Supercond. 15(2) 892- 895 (2005)

14. Noise in small magnetic systems – Applications to very sensitive magnetoresistive sensors,
M. Pannetier, C. Fermon, G. Le Goff, J. Simola, E. Kerr and J.M.D. Coey,
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 290-291(2), 1158-1160 (2005)

13. Femtotesla magnetic field measurement with magnetoresistive sensors,
M. Pannetier, C. Fermon, G. Le Goff, J. Simola, E. Kerr,
Science, 304, 1648-1650 (2004).

12. Polarized neutron reflectometry for GMR sensors optimization,
M. Pannetier, T.D. Doan, F. Ott, S. Berger, N. Persat, C. Fermon,
Europhys. Lett. 64(4) 524-528 (2003)

11. Electronic noise in magnetic low dimensional materials and nanostructures
B. Raquet, M. Viret, M. Costes, M. Baibich, M. Pannetier, M. Blanco-Mantecon, H. Rakoto, A. Maignan, S. Lambert, C. Fermon, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 258, 119-124 (2003).

10. Unexpected fourfold symmetry in the resistivity of patterned superconductors.
M. Pannetier, R.J. Wijngaarden, I. Fløan, J. Rector, B. Dam, R. Griessen, P. Lahl, R. Wördenweber
Phys. Rev. B 67 212501 (2003).

9. Surface diffraction on magnetic nanostructures in thin films using grazing incidence SANS.
M. Pannetier, F. Ott, C. Fermon, Y. Samson,
Physica B 335, 54-58 (2003).

8. Magneto-optical observation of flux penetration in a superconducting ring.
M. Pannetier, F.C.Klaassen, R.J.Wijngaarden, M.Welling, K. Heeck, J.M.Huijbregtse, B.Dam, R.Griessen, Phys. Rev. B 64 144505 (2001).

7. Fast imaging polarimeter for magneto-optical investigations.
R.J. Wijngaarden, K. Heeck, M. Welling, R. Limburg, M. Pannetier, K. van Zetten, V.L.G. Roorda and A.R. Voorwinden.
Rev. of Sc. Instr. 72 (6) 2661-2664, (2001).

6. Characterization of pinning and vortex motion in thin superconducting microbridges
M. Pannetier, Ph. Lecoeur, P. Bernstein, T.D. Doan, and J. F. Hamet
Phys. Rev. B 62 (22) 15162-15166 (2000)

5. Magneto-optical observation of the influence of an artificial periodic magnetic pattern on the pinning of a YBa2Cu3O7-δ thin film
M. Pannetier, R.J. Wijngaarden, R. Surdeanu, J.M. Huijbregste, K. Heeck, B. Dam and R. Griessen.
Physica C, 341-348(1-4) 1019-1022 (2000).

4. Determination of vortex motion characteristics, effective thickness and dynamic resistance in very thin YBaCuO bilayer structures
M. Pannetier, P. Bernstein, P. Lecoeur, O. Riou, T.D. Doan, J.F. Hamet, IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond. 9 (2) 2635-2638 (1999)

3. The diffusion of the vortices in high Tc thin film microbridges: Model and results
P. Bernstein, M. Pannetier, P. Lecoeur, T.D. Doan, J.F. Hamet
International Journal of Modern Physics B 13: (29-31) 3626-3634 (1999).

2. Characterization of the vortex dynamics in Abrikosov superconductive flux flow transistors
P. Bernstein, C. Picard, M. Pannetier, P. Lecoeur, J.F. Hamet, T.D. Doan, J.P. Contour, M. Drouet
Appl. Superconductivity 5 (7-12), 241-247 (1997).

1. Current-voltage characterization of the vortex motion in YBa2Cu3O7-delta microbridges and the implications on the development of superconducting flux flow transistors
P. Bernstein, C. Picard, M. Pannetier, Ph. Lecoeur, J.F. Hamet, T.D. Doan, J.P. Contour, M. Drouet and F.X. Regi.
J. Appl. Phys. 82 (10), 5030-5038 (1997).

Conference proceedings (with peer review)

4. Magnetoresistive technology for biomagnetism
C. Fermon, M. Pannetier-Lecoeur, H. Dyvorne, R. Guerrero, H. Polovy, A. L. Walliang
Proceedings Biomag conference-Sapporo August 2008

3. Low-field NMR with superconducting-GMR mixed sensors
H. Dyvorne, M. Pannetier-Lecoeur, C. Fermon, J. F. Jacquinot, H. Polovy, A. L. Walliang
Proceedings Biomag conference-Sapporo August 2008

2. Non destructive testing with GMR magnetic sensors arrays,
F. Vacher, C. Gilles-Pascaud, J.M. Decitre, C. Fermon, M. Pannetier, G. Cattiaux,
ECNDT 2006

1. Low frequencies method to estimate the Labusch parameter and the depinning current in thin YBCO films
M. Pannetier, P. Bernstein, Ph. Lecoeur, T.D. Doan and J.F. Hamet
Institute of Physics Conference Series No 167

Book chapter

Spin electronics for biomagnetism and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Myriam Pannetier Lecoeur, Reina Ayde, Claude Fermon
in Nanomagnetism: Applications and Perspectives, First Edition. Edited by Claude Fermon.
2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. Published 2017

Spin electronics based magnetic sensors for biomagnetic measurements
M. Pannetier-Lecoeur, C. Fermon, P. Campiglio, Q. Herreros, G. Jasmin-Lebras.
In Magnetoencephalography, From Signals to Dynamic Cortical Networks, Supek, Selma; Aine, Cheryl J. (Eds.)

Noise in GMR and TMR sensors, C. Fermon and M. Pannetier-Lecoeur
In Giant Magnetoresistance (GMR) sensors, from Basis to State-of-the-Art applications, Editors: C. Reig, S. Cardoso de Freitas, S. C; Mukhopadhay, Springer (2013)

Other publications

  1. Électronique de spin et applications,
    Claude Fermon, Myriam Pannetier-Lecoeur et Jean-Pierre Nozières
    Reflets de la Physique (2009)
  2. Les transistors à flux de vortex Abrikosov,
    P. Bernstein, C. Picard, M. Pannetier, J.F. Hamet, N. Beaudet, S. Flament
    Le Vide : Science Technique et Applications 53 (283): 35 (1997)


23. Système et procédé de suppression du bruit magnétique basse fréquence de capteurs magnéto-résistifs
Fermon Claude, Pannetier Lecoeur Myriam, PSolignac Aurélie, Moulin Julien, Jotta Garcia Mafalda, Wittrock Steffen, Bortolotti Paolo, Cros Vincent (2020)

22. Empilement magnetorésistif sans champ rayonné et procédé de déterminateur de l’épaisseur de chaque espaceur de l’empilement
Fermon, Solignac, Pannetier Lecoeur (2019)

Fermon, Pannetier Lecoeur, Latham (2018)

Solignac, Trauchessec, Fermon, Pannetier Lecoeur (2017)

Solignac, Trauchessec, Fermon, Pannetier Lecoeur (2017)

Fermon, Pannetier Lecoeur, Du Hamel de Milly, Latham , Doogue .(2017)

Fermon, Pannetier Lecoeur, Latham, Cadugan (2017)

Fermon, Pannetier Lecoeur, Latham, Boudreau, Cadugan, Romero. (2017)

16. Magnetoresistance element with improved response to Magnetic Fields
Claude Fermon , Myriam Pannetier-Lecoeur, Marie-Claire Cyrille, Cyril Dressler, and Paolo Campiglio (2015)

Gerardo A. Monreal, Andreas P. Friedrich, Claude Fermon and Myriam Pannetier-Lecoeur (2015)

14. Dispositif et méthode de réhabilitation prothétique de la rétine
Laure Caruso, Vincent Trauchessec, Myriam Pannetier-Lecoeur, Frederic Chavane, Sébastien Roux, Fréderic Matonti (2015)

13. Magnetoresistance element with improved response to magnetic fields
C. Fermon, M. Pannetier Lecoeur, MC Cyrille, C. Dressler, P. Campiglio (2014)

12. Capteur intégré de mesure de tension ou de courant à base de magnétorésistances (BD11969)
Demande de dépôt : 30 juillet 2010

11. Système de diagnostic de mesure de tension (BD11970)
Demande de dépôt : 30 juillet 2010

10. Claude Fermon, Hedwige Polovy, Myriam Pannetier-Lecoeur
Method for low frequency noise cancellation in magneto-resistive mixed sensors
WO/2009/001160 – PCT/IB2007/003021 du 27.06.2007

9. Myriam Pannetier-Lecoeur, Hedwige Polovy, Claude Fermon
Device based on a magneto-resistive mixed sensor without low frequency noise and associated method
WO/2009/001162 – PCT/IB2007/003323 du 27.06.2007

8. C. Fermon, M. Pannetier, F. Vacher.
Procédé de contrôle par courants de Foucault, et dispositif en faisant application
WO/2007/095971PCT/EP2006/002599 du 24/02/2006.

7. C. Fermon, M. Pannetier-Lecoeur.
Procédé de modification de la sensibilité d’un transducteur magnétorésistif, et dispositif en faisant application
WO/2007/148028N° de dépôt EN : 06 52598 du 22/06/2006.

6. C. Fermon, M. Pannetier-Lecoeur, J. Scola, J.F. Jacquinot.
Procédé de réalisation de mesures RMN à l’aide d’une magnétorésistance RF
WO/2007/148029N° de dépôt EN : 06 52599 du 22/06/2006.

5. N. Biziere, C. Fermon, M. Pannetier.
Procédé et dispositif de mesure de champ magnétique à l’aide d’un capteur magnétorésistif.
WO/2006/042839 Patent pending 22/10/04.

4. M. Pannetier, C. Fermon, B. Bonvalot.
An active protection device for protecting circuit against mechanical and electromagnetic attack.
WO/2006/011013Patent 04 291 834.2 (16/07/04)

3. M. Pannetier, C. Fermon, B. Bonvalot.
A screened electrical device and a process for manufacturing the same.
WO/2005/106953Patent 04 291 122.2 (03/05/04).

2. M. Pannetier, C. Fermon.
Device for sensing RF fields.
WO/2004/068152PCT/EP 0301517 (01/2003)

1. M. Pannetier, C. Fermon, J. Simola.
Device for sensing a magnetic field.
WO/2004/06815PCT/EP 0301518 (01/2003)


2005-2008: Superconductivity course – Master 2 ‘Matériaux et structures pour l’Énergie’ INSTN.