CNRS Research Director at the Laboratoire Léon Brillouin (CEA-CNRS), Université Paris-Saclay.
The Laboratoire Léon Brillouin is the French Neutron Facility. Neutron scattering is a unique tool to probe condensed matter and to reveal structure and dynamics properties at the molecular scale.
My research interests mostly lie in experimental mesoscopic physics of fluids:
- Structural studies: Self-organized systems (thermotropic, lyotropic, ionic), polymer melts (usual, mesomorphic, semiconductor), paramagnetic liquids (Van der Waals, hydrogen bonded). Scaling laws.
- Extreme conditions: hydrostatic pressure, confinement (nanotubes), flow near phase transitions, chain conformation under flow, liquid-surface interactions, etc studied using Large Research Facilities.
- Dynamics: Low frequency mechanical behavior: a no man’s land which reveals new mesoscopic liquid properties: shear elasticity. Dynamic (viscoelastic and flow), optical (birefringence), magnetic (liquid crystals, ionic liquids, paramagnetic liquids) and microthermal study of fluids as well as phononic coupling liquid-solid interactions.
- Thermal emissivity: Identifying the thermal response of fluids to mechanical stress.
See the PDF file: Topics Noirez 2024.pdf

The 2024 European Physical Society (EPS) Forum: March 25-27

- Colloquium 7 « Exploring liquid properties in confined geometry » CMD29:


Chapter: “Probing sub-millimeter dynamic to access static shear elasticity from polymer melts to molecular fluids”
L. Noirez, Encyclopedia of Polymers and Composites » © Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020, Polymers and Polymeric « >Composites: A Reference Series, S. Palsule (Editor) DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-37179-0_54-2.
Scientific publications
- 169 publications: see the full list of publications 2023 (PDF)
- Communications 2023 (PDF)
- For recent publications, see also the HAL-CEA-CNRS base.
Selected papers
“Identification by Inelastic X-Ray scattering of bulk alteration of solid dynamics due to Liquid Wetting”,
M. Warburton, J. Ablett, P. Baroni, JP Rueff, L. Paolasini, L. Noirez*, J. of Molecular Liquids 391 Part B (2023) 1233422023
« Fundamental constants explain sub-millimeter liquid shear forces”,
L. Noirez*, Focus Point in Science Advances (2023)
« Collective effects in ionic liquid [emim][Tf2N] and ionic paramagnetic nitrate solutions without long-range structuring”,
Eni Kume, Nicolas Martin, Peter Dunne, Patrick Baroni and Laurence Noirez, Molecules 27 (2022) 7829.
“Identification of mechanical-stimuli thermal response in mesoscopic liquids: from harmonic to non-harmonic thermal wave”,
E. Kume, L. Noirez, J. Chem. Phys. 125 (2021) 8658: https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcb.1c04362
NB : La page de garde du journal illustre la propagation de l’onde thermique émise par le liquide (PPG) sous contrainte oscillante de cisaillement.
“Universal G’ ∼ L-3 law for the low-frequency shear modulus of confined liquids”
A. Zaccone* & L. Noirez*, J. Phys. Chem. Lett.12 (1):650-657 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpclett.Oc02953
“Human blood plasma in capillary-size flow: revealing hidden elasticity and scale dependence”,
U. Windberger, P. Baroni L. Noirez*, J. of Biomedical Materials Research, Part A, (2021) https://doi.org/10.1002/jbm.a.37286
“Strain-induced violation of temperature uniformity in mesoscale liquids²,
E. Kume, P. Baroni, L. Noirez*, Scientific Reports 10 (2020) 13340. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-69404-1
“Unexpected thermo-elastic effects in liquid glycerol by mechanical deformation”
E. Kume, A. Zaccone, L. Noirez*, Physics of Fluids, 33, 072007 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0051587
“Highlighting thermo-elastic effects in confined fluids”,
E. Kume, P. Baroni, L. Noirez*, Polymers 13, 2378 (2021) https://doi.org/10.3390/polym13142378
“Neutron imaging of liquid-liquid systems containing paramagnetic salt solutions” T.A.. Butcher, G. J. M. Formon, P. Dunne, T. M. Hermans, F. Ott, L. Noirez, and J. M. D. Coey, Appl. Phys. Lett. 116, 022405 (2020).
« Exploring “Dormant” Opto-Mechanical Properties of the Isotropic Phase of Liquid Crystals and Revealing Hidden Elasticity of (Ordinary) Liquids », L. Noirez, P. Kahl, Fluids 3, 43 (Review) (2018).
“Identification of thermal shear bands in a low molecular weight polymer melt under oscillatory strain field”, L. Noirez, P. Baroni, J. of Colloid and Surf. 296(4) (2018) 713-720.
“Importance of interfacial interactions to access shear elasticity of liquids and understand flow induced birefringence from liquid crystals to worm-like micellar solutions”, L. Noirez, Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Rev. IFP Energies Nouvelles 10 (2017) 10.
“Highlighting Non-uniform temperatures close to Liquid/Solid Surfaces”,
L. Noirez, P. Baroni, J.F. Bardeau, Appl. Phys. Lett. 110 (2017) 213904.
“From Flow Birefringence in Liquid Crystals to the identification of shear elasticity in liquids”,
P. Kahl, L. Noirez, sur invitation, Liquid Crystals Reviews, 4 (2) (2017) 135–151.
“Highlighting liquid water trapped in neolithic chassey flints using neutron scattering”, P. Sciau, N. Ratel-Ramond, P. Baroni, L. Noirez, J. of Physics: 746 (2016) 012067.
“Highlighting delayed elastic processes at zero stress in a polymer glass”,
S. Mbarek, P. Baroni, L. Noirez, Polym. Inter, 64 (2015) 1303.
“Bringing to Light Hidden Elasticity in the Liquid State using in-situ pretransitional liquid crystal swarms”
P. Kahl, P. Baroni, L. Noirez, Plos One (2016).
“Microstructure and concentration fluctuations in alcohol–Toluene and alcohol-Cyclohexane binary liquids: A small angle neutron scattering study”,
JR. Mhanna, R. Lefort, L. Noirez, D. Morineau, J. of Mol. Liquids 218 (2016) 198–207.
“A journey through the phase diagram of a pharmaceutically relevant microemulsion system”,
L. Chiappisi*, L. Noirez, M. Gradzielski, J. of Colloid and Interface Science, 473 (2016) 52.
*Prix Allemand de Recherche en Chimie 2016.
“Highlighting a Cooling Regime in Liquids under Submillimeter Flows”,
Patrick Baroni, Patrice Bouchet,and Laurence Noirez, J. of Phys. Chem. Letters. 4 (2013) 2026−2029
“What Happens to Polymer Chains Confined in Rigid Cylindrical Inorganic (AAO) Nanopores »
L. Noirez,, C. Stillings, J.-F. Bardeau, M. Steinhart, S. Schlitt, J. H. Wendorff, and G. Pépy, Macromol. 46 (2013) 4932.
“Highlighting a Solid-Like Behavior in RTILs: Trioctylmethylammonium Bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide TOMATFSI”,
H. Mendil-Jakani, P. Baroni, L. Noirez, L. Chancelier, G. Gebel, J. of Phys. Chem. Letters. 4 (2013) 3775.
« Identification of a low-frequency elastic behaviour in liquid water » L. Noirez and P. Baroni, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 24 (2012) 372101.
“Identification of Low Frequency Shear elasticity in Liquids n-Heptadecane, Liquid Water and RT-Ionic Liquids [emim]5Tf2N],
L. Noirez, P. Baroni, H. Cao, J. Mol. Liq. 116 (2012) 18990.
“Revealing the solid-like nature of Glycerol at ambient temperature”
L. Noirez, P. Baroni, J. of Molecular Structure, 972 (2010) 16.
“Two-dimensional Neutron Scattering in a Floating Heavy Water Bridge”,
E.C. Fuchs, P. Baroni, B. Bitschnau, L. Noirez, J. of Physics D: Appl. Phys, 43 (2010) 105502.
« Chain conformation, Wall slippage and shear banding in low molecular weight molten polymers under flow«
L. Noirez, H. Mendil-Jakani, P. Baroni, Macromol. Rapid Commun. 30 (2009) 1709.
« The missing parameter in rheology : Hidden Solid-like Correlations in Liquid Polymers and Glass Formers« ,
L. Noirez, P. Baroni, H. Mendil-Jakani, Polymer International 58 (2009) 962. (PDF reprint)
« Pressure Effects Revealed by Small Angle Neutron Scattering on Block Copolymer Gels. »
V. Castelletto, G. E. Newby, I. W. Hamley, L. Noirez, P. Baroni, Langmuir 24 (2008) 8319.
« Rich polymorphism of a rod-like liquid crystal (8CB) confined in two types of unidirectional nanopores«
R. Guégan, D. Morineau, R. Lefort, W. Béziel, M. Guendouz, L. Noirez, A. Henschel and P. Huber, Eur. Phys. J. E 26, 261-273 (2008)
« Two dimensional neutron scattering study of the bulk microstructure of polytetrafluoroethylene under uniaxial stress »
L. Noirez, P. Baroni, Applied Physics Letters 90 (2007) 243111.
« Director Orientation of Nematic Side-Chain liquid Crystalline Polymers Under Shear Flow: Comparison of a Flow-Aligning and a non-Flow Aligning Polysiloxane »,
H. Siebert, I. Quirjada-Garrido, J. Vermant, L. Noirez, C. Schmidt, Macromol. Chem. Phys. 208 (2007) 2161.
« Shear Induced Order in Nematic Polymers »,
P. Becker, H. Siebert, L. Noirez, C. Schmidt, Macromolecular Symposia, 220 (2005) 111.
« Structural investigation of the pressure induced effects in liquid crystals »
L. Noirez, G. Pépy, P. Baroni, J. Phys. Condens. Matter 17 (2005) 1.
« Solid-like rheological response of non-entangled polymers in the molten state »,
H. Mendil, P. Baroni, L. Noirez, Euro. Phys. J. E, FOCUS POINT 19 (2006) 77.
« Observation of shear-induced nematic±isotropic transition in side-chain liquid crystal polymers«
C. Pujolle-Robic and L. Noirez, Nature 409 (2001) 167. (PDF Reprint).
List of communications 2023 (PDF)
Books, book chapters and other scientific publications
« Complex Melts under Extreme Conditions: from Liquid Crystal to Polymers. The Key-role of the Scattering methods for flow and pressure investigations. » L. Noirez,
Volume 3/4 « Neutron and X-Ray Scattering » du livre « Soft Matter: Scattering, Imaging and Manipulation », Soft-Matter Characterization, Borsali, Redouane; Pecora, Robert (Eds.) Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2008 ISBN: 978-1-4020-4465-6
« Dispositif innovant pour mesurer les propriétés viscoélastiques des matériaux », P. Baroni, L. Noirez, les Techniques de l’Ingénieur, Editions T.I. RE145-1 (2010).
« Novel strategies to probe the fluid properties and revealing its hidden elasticity », L. Noirez, Chapître 6 de « Applied Scanning Probe Method² Nanoscience & Technology, publié par Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, B. Bhushan Editor. 2009 ISBN: 978-3-642-03534-0.
“Probing sub-millimeter dynamic to access static shear elasticity from polymer melts to molecular fluids”, L. Noirez (2019), Encyclopedia of Polymers and Composites » © Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020, Polymers and Polymeric Composites: A Reference Series, S. Palsule (Editor) DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-37179-0_54-2.
Patent registration and licensing
« Procédé et dispositif de détermination d’une pression d’un liquide en écoulement dans un canal« . Inventeurs : P. Baroni & L. Noirez, Brevet 4 (CEA-CNRS) 2022: n° FR2206312, extension PCT.
Brevet d’invention déposé le 24-06-2022, sous le n° FR2206312, Rapport de Recherche validé en Mars 2023, PCT Juin 2023
« Nouveau Procédé et Dispositif de production du froid »
P. Baroni, L. Noirez et P. Bouchet, Brevet d’invention 2013 avec extension PCT, CNRS: DI 05815-01 FR12.
« Méthode de détermination des propriétés dynamiques d’un matériau fluide ou solide déformable. »
P. Baroni, H. Mendil & L. Noirez, n°0510988 du 27/11/2005 – Brevet PCT.
« Détecteur 2-D pour Rayonnement Neutrons. » P. Baroni & L. Noirez, n°0502379 du 24/03/2005 – PCT.
Voir aussi la page technologique : « Détecteur de neutrons 2-D« .Licence exclusive pour l’exploitation du brevet « Détecteur 2-D pour Rayonnement Neutrons² achetée par la Société MAATEL-Scientific Instrumentation en Janvier 2010.