Herve BERCEGOL (français)



Research topics

  • Energy conversion
  • Rôle of energy consumption in the global economy
  • Entropy production
  • Matter-radiation interaction
  • Vacuum friction



Selected scientific publications

HAL Open science publications (id HAL: 972875)

An energy-based macroeconomic model validated by global historical series since 1820,
Bercegol H., Benisty H.
Ecological Economics (2022), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2021.107253

SUNRISE Roadmap – Solar Energy for a Circular Economy
Faber C. et al (2020)

Vacuum Friction on a Rotating Pair of Atoms,
Bercegol H., Lehoucq R.
Physical Review Letters 115 090402 (2015)

Artificial photosynthesis for solar fuels–an evolving research field within AMPEA, a joint programme of the European energy research alliance,
Thapper A., Styring S., Saracco G., Rutherford A. W., Robert B., Magnuson A., … Bercegol H. & Artero V. Green 3 (2013) 43-57

Laser damage phenomena relevant to the design and operation of an ICF laser driver,
Bercegol H., Boscheron A., Di-Nicola J.-M., Journot E., Lamaignère L., Néauport J. , Razé G.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 112 (2008) 032013

Fracture related initiation and growth of surface laser damage in fused silica,
Bercegol H., Grua P.
In Boulder Damage Symposium XL Ann. Symp. on Opt.Materials for High Power Lasers (pp. 71321B-). SPIE (2008).

Concerning the impact of polishing induced contamination of fused silica optics on the laser-induced damage density at 351 nm,
Néauport J., Cormont P., Lamaignère L., Ambard C., Pilon F., Bercegol H.
Optics Communication, 281 (2008) 3802–3805

An accurate, repeatable and well characterized measurement of laser damage density of optical materials,
Lamaignère L., Bouillet S., Courchinoux R., Donval T., Josse M., Poncetta J-C., Bercegol H.
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 78, 103105 (2007)

Electron kinetics and emission for metal nanoparticles exposed to intense laser pulses
Grua P.,Morreeuw J-P., Bercegol H., Jonusauskas G., Vallée F.
Physical Review B, 68, 035424 (2003)



  • A Circular Economy based on Artificial Photosynthesis www.sunriseflagship.eu
  • Interdisciplinary studies [Social Sciences & Humanities / Natural Sciences]
  • Energy Transitions