Laboratoire Léon Brillouin

UMR12 CEA-CNRS, Bât. 563 CEA Saclay

91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France


Let's scatter neutrons

D. Dulić, P. Lavie, S. Campidelli, A. Filoramo, collaboration : F. Pump et G. Cuniberti (Université de Dresde)



Scientists at the Laboratory of Molecular Electronics (IRAMIS / SPEC) recently published a paper entitled  "Controlled Stability of Molecular Junctions" in the prestigious international journal Angewandte Chemie. The work done in collaboration with the group of Prof. Gianaurelio Cuniberti of the University of Dresden shows the influence of the contact interfaces on transport through single molecules by means of the break-junction method.

Single molecule magnets grafted on carbon nanotubes : the first of its kind has been realized at the Molecular Chemistry and Materials Institute in Orsay (CNRS/University of Paris 11) in collaboration with the Institut Lavoisier de Versailles (CNRS/Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin), the Laboratoire de Chimie Physique (CNRS/Université Paris 11), the Molecular Electronics Laboratory (CEA-Saclay/SPEC) and the Néel Institut in Grenoble (CNRS/Université Joseph Fourier). These novel systems are of great interest to both physicists; because of their capability to store binary information (on and off) on individual small molecules (~ 2nm) and chemists ; because of the remarkable acceleration  in the electron transport between the electrodes and the polyoxometalate* observed in the system, foretelling new catalytic properties.  These results have been published in the June 2nd edition of Agnewandte Chemie.


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