The IRAMIS Institute
The “Saclay Institute of Matter and Radiation” (Iramis) is one of the Institutes of the CEA’s Fundamental Research Direction (DRF). IRAMIS gathers 6 joint research Units in association with CNRS, École Polytechnique or ENSICAEN and the Caen University. Iramis is based at the CEA Paris-Saclay Center, as well as at the École Polytechnique and the University of Caen.

Research’s thematics
IRAMIS teams conduct research in physics and chemistry, at the crossroads of academia and CEA missions, as well as societal issues and innovation. Its research focuses on new energy technologies, quantum technologies, new materials, complex systems and radiation-matter interaction.
Primarily fundamental in nature, the research carried out at the Institute is open to the creation of economic value and technology transfer. To carry out this research, IRAMIS teams use first-rate scientific facilities and equipment, and are also very active around Large European Facilities.