This research topic focuses on the development and study of:
- magnetic materials or multiferroic oxides (ferroelectricity associated with magnetism)*
- the magnetization dynamics in hybrid nanostructures and its coupling to the spin currents (spintronics)
- development of ultra-sensitive magnetic sensor
- and the associated modeling.
Such studies use many techniques mastered within IRAMIS: thin film growth (in particular oxides), magnetic transport measurements, (polarized) neutron scattering, … The characterization of magnetic sensors is performed in a “ultra low magnetic noise laboratory” necessary to the development of multiple applications: non-destructive testing, security, speed sensors, current sensors ….
The “Nanomagnetism and Oxides Laboratory” (LNO) within SPEC has its activity fully focused on this topic.
Multiferroic materials are multifunctional materials having simultaneously several “ferroic” properties: ferromagnetism, ferroelectricity and / or ferro-elasticity. Their development in thin layers allows to design functional devices, where their coupled properties can be used.