Basile Gallet, scientist in the Sphinx team at IRAMIS/SPEC, has been awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant 2023 for his project: P-BOT, “Physically-based parameterization for turbulent transport in the 3D ocean”.
The P-BOT (Physically-Based Ocean Transport) project aims to combine idealized models, satellite data and laboratory experiments to implement in a climate model a parameterization of turbulent ocean transport, directly derived from the laws of physics, using the tools of nonlinear physics and experimental fluid mechanics.
Following the award of an ERC Starting project in 2017, the 2023 P-Bot project by Basile Gallet aims to propose a new parameterization of the turbulent transport in the ocean, directly derived from the laws of physics, using the tools of nonlinear physics and experimental fluid mechanics. The project will be carried out using a multi-method approach combining theory, laboratory experiments, numerical simulations and the analysis of satellite data. This will provide a better understanding of how tracers are accumulated and redistributed in ocean turbulence, and will help improve climate models for long-term climate prediction.