Out-of-equilibrium Systems and Physics – HYdrodynamics – eNergy and compleXity

SPHYNX, created in January 2012, consists of 20 permanent researchers, engineers and technicians from CEA and CNRS. Our active research efforts encompass a wealth of multidisciplinary characters; theoretical, numerical and experimental, to study physical systems that are far from equilibrium.

Research topics

Techniques and Instruments


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Statistical physics of equilibrium systems provides today a well-established framework for classical thermodynamics. However, most ‘real world’ systems found in condensed matter, biology, natural or industrial macrocosms are out-of-equilibrium, either because of the presence of external forcing or because they cannot relax back to equilibrium. These systems are often non-linear, disordered and/or complex and present emerging properties of their own.

The goal of SPHYNX is to gather researchers working on different objects but using common tools, those of the statistical physics to tackle the same challenge, that of complexity.


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Key figures

  • 22 permanent researchers, engineers and technicians
  • 20 PhD students and post-docs