Dernières nouvelles / Last news LETS

Welcome to Dr. Jubin MITRA

Jubin MITRA has joined the LETS for a PostDoctoral contract of one year to work on the Holistar project, which is entirely funded and managed by DRT/CEA-Tech Pays de la loire. He will work full time in the LETS to study design space exploration approaches to make fault-tolerant architecture, he will focus on the design of prototypes.

Welcome to Amine AFROUN

Amine AFROUN has joined the LETS as a Master student to work on the Ampmeter Project for the first year of his contract.

Participation to IEEE ICECS 2O19

Mathieu THEVENIN chaired two session at IEEE ICECS 2019 conference, 9-12 December 2018 Bordeau France. Conference websiteProgramme de la conférence.

Welcome to Julien PALLY

2O18, October Julien PALLY has joined the LETS to work on AmpMeter as apprentice for one year. AmpMeter an IRAMIS/NIMBE project with Frederic Coneggo and Ludovic TORTECH. He will design a dual channel nano-ampmeter acquisition device, he will work on the mixed analog and digital parts of the design. Amine AFROUN will join the team to work on the low-level embedded software and other devices interfacing such as computers.

Participation to WISG 2018

Mathieu THEVENIN presented his work on signal processing and architecture for real-time radionuclide identification and neutron-gamma discrimination (ANR NANTISTA project, ends 2019, march).

Installation du nouveau système de gestion de la baudruche (récup Hélium), installé le 10/10/2018

Installation du nouveau système de gestion de la baudruche (récup Hélium), installé le 10/10/2018 SPEC _ pilote baudruche réalisé par Nathanael BROCARD AVANT LES MODIFICATIONS (repérages électriques)  : APRES LES MODIFICATIONS : Le remplacement de l’ancien automate FESTO FC21 par une carte électronique réalisée par Nathanaël Brocard s’est bien déroulé avec l’aide de Claude Fermon et Gérald Le Goff.