Welcome to Dr. Jubin MITRA
Jubin MITRA has joined the LETS for a PostDoctoral contract of one year to work on the Holistar project, which is entirely funded and managed by DRT/CEA-Tech Pays de la loire. He will work full time in the LETS to study design space exploration approaches to make fault-tolerant architecture, he will focus on the design of prototypes.
Welcome to Amine AFROUN
Amine AFROUN has joined the LETS as a Master student to work on the Ampmeter Project for the first year of his contract.
Participation to IEEE ICECS 2O19
Mathieu THEVENIN chaired two session at IEEE ICECS 2019 conference, 9-12 December 2018 Bordeau France. Conference website – Programme de la conférence.
Welcome to Julien PALLY
2O18, October Julien PALLY has joined the LETS to work on AmpMeter as apprentice for one year. AmpMeter an IRAMIS/NIMBE project with Frederic Coneggo and Ludovic TORTECH. He will design a dual channel nano-ampmeter acquisition device, he will work on the mixed analog and digital parts of the design. Amine AFROUN will join the team to work on the low-level embedded software and other devices interfacing such as computers.
Participation to WISG 2018
Mathieu THEVENIN presented his work on signal processing and architecture for real-time radionuclide identification and neutron-gamma discrimination (ANR NANTISTA project, ends 2019, march).
Installation du nouveau système de gestion de la baudruche (récup Hélium), installé le 10/10/2018
Installation du nouveau système de gestion de la baudruche (récup Hélium), installé le 10/10/2018 SPEC _ pilote baudruche réalisé par Nathanael BROCARD AVANT LES MODIFICATIONS (repérages électriques) : APRES LES MODIFICATIONS : Le remplacement de l’ancien automate FESTO FC21 par une carte électronique réalisée par Nathanaël Brocard s’est bien déroulé avec l’aide de Claude Fermon et Gérald Le Goff.