Head of Nanomagnetism and Oxide laboratory.
Sujets de recherche
- Solid state NMR and NQR,
- Submicron magnetic systems,
- Spin waves,
- Magnetic sensors and spin electronics,
- Low field MRI and biomedical applications of spin electronics,
- Magnetophysiology.
- Prix Anatole Abragam de l’Académie des Sciences, 1998
- Prix Aimé Poirson de l’académie des sciences 2008
Brevets 2000-2015
- Magnetoresistance element with an improved seed layer to promote an improved response to magnetic fields, Dressler Cyril, Fermon Claude, Pannetier-Lecoeur Myriam, Cyrille Marie Claire, , Campiglio Paolo WO2015105836A1 2015-07-16
- Magnetoresistance element with improved response to magnetic fields, O2015105830A1,Fermon Claude, Pannetier-Lecoeur Myriam, Cyrille Marie Claire, Dressler Cyril, Campiglio Paolo WO2015105830A1 2015-07-16
- Magnetoresistance element with improved response to magnetic fields, O2015105830A1, Campiglio Paolo, Fermon Claude, Cadugan Bryan, Lasalle-Balier remy WO2015105834A1 2015-07-16
Système de diagnostic de mesure de tension, Giraud Alain, Fermon Claude, Pannetier-Lecoeur Myriam, Roy Francis, FR2963435 20120203
Capteur intégré de mesure de tension ou de courant à base de magnétorésistances, Pannetier-Lecoeur Myriam, Fermon Claude, Giraud Alain, Roy Francis, FR2963432 20120203
- Capteur intégré de mesure de tension ou de courant à base de magnétorésistances
Pannetier-Lecoeur Myriam, Fermon Claude, Giraud Alain, Roy Francis, WO201201390, 20120202
Device based on a magneto-resistive mixed sensor without low frequency noise and associated method,
Pannetier-Lecoeur Myriam, Polovy Hewige, Fermon claude, WO2009001162 -A3
Method for low frequency noise cancellation in magneto-resistive mixed sensors
Fermon claude, POLOVY HEwige, Pannetier-Lecoeur Myriam , WO2009001160
Procédé de réalisation de mesures RMN à l’aide d’une magnétorésistance, RF system and method for measuring a magnetic resonance signal Fermon Claude ; Pannetier-Lecoeur Myriam ; SCOLA Joseph JACQUINOT Jacques-François, WO2007148029
Method and system for adjusting the sensitivity of a magnetoresistive sensor
Fermon Claude ; Pannetier-Lecoeur Myriam, WO2007148028
Procédé de contrôle par courants de Foucault, et dispositif en faisant application,Method and device for non destructive evaluation of defects in a metallic object,
Fermon Claude ; Pannetier Myriam ; Biziere Nicolas ; Sollier Thierry, Vacher François, WO2007095971
Procédé de mesure d’un champ magnétique ou d’un courant par des capteurs magnétorésistifs permettant de corriger les dérives,
Biziere Nicolas ; Fermon Claude ; Pannetier Myriam, WO2007148028
Protective layers against electromagnetic detection of IC activity
Fermon Claude ; Pannetier Myriam, Bonvalot Béatrice (Schlumberger), EP1617472
A screened electrical device and a process for manufacturing the same
Pannetier Myriam Fermon Claude ;; Bonvalot Béatrice (Schlumberger) (Schlumb), EP1594163
Device for sensing a magnetic fields,
Pannetier Myriam, Fermon Claude, SIMOLA Juha (Elekta), WO2004068158
Device for sensing RF field ,
Pannetier Myriam, Fermon Claude, WO2004068152
Dispositif à ondes magnétostatiques basé sur des films minces métalliques, procédé de fabrication et application à des dispositifs de traitement de signaux hyperfréquences,
Bailleul Matthieu ; Fermon Claude, FR2846472.
Publications 2000-2016
Publications récentes dans la base HAL-CEA.
Local nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy with giant magnetic resistance-based sensors , Guitard, P. A.; Ayde, R.; Jasmin-Lebras, G.; et al., Applied Physics Letters Volume: 108 Issue: 21 Article Number: 212405 Published: MAY 23 2016
Spin electronic magnetic sensor based on functional oxides for medical imaging , Solignac, A.; Kurij, G.; Guerrero, R.; et al. SPINTRONICS VIII Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE Volume: 9551 Article Number: 95512F Published: 2015
CESAR: Cryogenic Electronics for Space Applications , Reveret, V.; de la Broise, X.; Fermon, C.; et al. JOURNAL OF LOW Temperature Physics Volume: 176 Issue: 3-4 Pages: 446-452 Published: AUG 2014
Development of Eddy Current Probes Based on Magnetoresistive Sensors Arrays By: Sergeeva-Chollet, N.; Decitre, J. -M.; Fermon, C.; et al.,40th annual review of progress in quantitative nondestructive evaluation: incorporating the 10th international conference on Barkhausen noise and micromagnetic testing, VOLS 33A & 33B Book Series: AIP Conference Proceedings Volume: 1581 Pages: 1374-1379 Published: 2014
Very low field magnetic resonance imaging with spintronic sensors Q. Herreros, H. Dyvorne, P. Campiglio, G. Jasmin-Lebras, A. Demonti, M. Pannetier-Lecoeur, and C. Fermon,Review of Scientific Instruments 84, 095116 (2013)
NMR detection at 8.9mT with a GMR based sensor coupled to a superconducting Nb flux transformer R. Sinibaldi, C. De Luca, J. O. Nieminen, A. Galante, V. Pizzella, P. Sebastiani, M. Pannetier-Lecoeur, A. Manna, P. Chiacchiaretta, G. Tamburro, A. Sotgiu, C. Fermon, G. L. Romani, and S. Della Penna Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 142, 389-408, (2013).
Noise in GMR and TMR sensors,C. Fermon and M. Pannetier-Lecoeur, In Giant Magnetoresistance (GMR) sensors, from Basis to State-of-the-Art applications, Springer (2013), Editors: C. Reig, S. Cardoso de Freitas, S. C; Mukhopadhay
- Spin electronics based magnetic sensors for biomagnetic measurements, M. Pannetier-Lecoeur, C. Fermon, P. Campiglio, Q. Herreros, G. Jasmin-Lebras. In Magnetoencephalography, From Signals to Dynamic Cortical Networks, Supek, Selma; Aine, Cheryl J. (Eds.)
Low frequency noise in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 based magnetic tunnel junctions Guerrero, R.; Solignac, A.; Fermon, C.; et al.: Applied Physics Letters Volume: 100 Issue: 14 Article Number: 142402 DOI: 10.1063/1.3698393 Published: APR 2 2012
Spintronic platforms for biomedical applications: Freitas, P. P.; Cardoso, F. A.; Martins, V. C.; et al. LAB ON A CHIP Volume: 12 Issue: 3 Pages: 546 (2012)
GMR based integrated non-contact voltage sensor for fuel cells monitoring ,Pannetier-Lecoeur, M.; Fermon, C.; Giraud, A. Fifth International Conference on Sensing Technology (ICST 2011) Pages: 101-(201
Magnetocardiography with sensors based on giant magnetoresistance Pannetier-Lecoeur, M.; Parkkonen, L.; Sergeeva-Chollet, N.; et al. Applied Physics Letters Volume: 98 (2011)
Spin wave transducer with an arbitrary field direction, Lassalle-Balier, Remy; Fermon, Claude Journal of Applied Physics Volume: 109 (201
Noise and electric field characterization of irradiated SrTiO3, Guerrero, R.; Solignac, A.; Pannetier-Lecoeur, M.; et al. Journal of Physics Conference Series Volume: 303 (2011)
Spin wave propagation in ferromagnetic wires with an arbitrary field direction, Lassalle-Balier, Remy; Fermon, Claude, Journal of Physics Conference Series Volume:303 (2011)
Magnetocardiography with GMR-based sensors, Pannetier-Lecoeur, M.; Polovy, H.; Journal of Physics Conference Series Volume303 (2011)
Low field MRI with magnetoresistive mixed sensors, Sergeeva-Chollet, N.; Dyvorne, H.; Dabek, J.; et al.: Journal of Physics Conference Series Volume: 303 (2011)
Magnetic tunnels junctions for all-oxide spin valves devices: Solignac, A.; Guerrero, R.; Agnus, G.; et al. Journal of Physics Conference Series Volume: 303 (2011)
Unusual low-frequency noise in irradiated SrTiO3 Guerrero, R.; Solignac, A.; Pannetier-Lecoeur, M.; et al. Physical Review B Volume: 82 (2010)
Magnetoresistive-superconducting mixed sensors for biomagnetic applications, Pannetier-Lecoeur, M.; Fermon, C.; Dyvorne, H.; et al. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Vol 322 (2010)
Noise of MgO-based magnetic tunnel junctions,
Polovy, H.; Guerrero, R.; Scola, J.; et al., Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Volume: 322 (2010)
Magnetoresistive Hybrid Sensors for Simultaneous Low-Field MRI and Biomagnetic Measurement,: Sergeeva-Chollet, N.; Dyvorne, H.; Polovy, H.; et al. Proceedings 17th International Conference on Biomagnetism Advances in Biomagnetism – Biomag 2010 Volume: 28 Pages: 70-73 Published: 2010
Magnetic field microscopy of rock samples using a giant magnetoresistance-based scanning magnetometer
Hankard Fatim, Gattacceca Jerome, Fermon Claude, Pannetier-Lecoeur Myriam et al,
Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, Vol10, (2009),
Magnetoresistive Detection of Magnetic Beads Flowing at High Speed in Microfluidic Channels
Loureiro Joanna, Fermon Claude, Pannetier-Lecoeur Myriam, Arrias Guillaume et al,
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol45, (2009), p 4873-p 4876
Toward a magnetoresistive chip cytometer: Integrated detection of magnetic beads flowing at cm/s velocities in microfluidic channels
Loureiro Joanna, Ferreira Ricardo, Cardoso Susanna, Freitas P. P. et al,
Applied Physics Letters, Vol95, (2009)
high Critical Temperature Superconducting Wire Based Flux Transformers
Dyvorne Hadrien, Guerrero Ruben, Fermon Claude, Pannetier-Lecoeur Myriam et al,
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, Vol19, (2009), p 761-p 763
NMR With Superconducting-GMR Mixed Sensors
Dyvorne Hadrien, Fermon Claude, Pannetier-Lecoeur Myriam, Polovy Hedwige et al,
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, Vol19, (2009), p 819-p 822
Low frequency noise in arrays of magnetic tunnel junctions connected in series and parallel
Guerrero Ruben, Pannetier-Lecoeur Myriam, Fermon Claude, Cardoso Susanna et al,
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol105, (2009),
14N NQR detection of Explosives with Hybrid sensors. Pannetier-Lecoeur Myriam, Fermon Claude, Dyvorne Hadrien, Cannies Grégory et Le Goff Gérald, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series-B, Springer (2009)
High-frequency giant magnetoresistance measurement to study the dynamics of a micron-scale spin-valve sensor Biziere Nicolas, Fermon Claude, Physical Review B, Vol78, (2008),
Flux transformers made of commercial high critical temperature superconducting wires Dyvorne Hadrien, Scola J., Fermon Claude, Jacquinot Jacques-Francois et al,
Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol79, (2008),
DC effect in a single micrometric spin valve sensor under ferromagnetic resonance
Biziere Nicolas, Fermon Claude, Applied Physics Letters, Vol92, (2008),
Microwave spectrum of square permalloy dots: Multidomain state
Bailleul M., Hoellinger R., Perzlmaier K., Fermon Claude,
Physical Review B, Vol76, (2007),
High-intensity Brillouin light scattering by spin waves in a permalloy film under microwave resonance pumping
Stashkevich A. A., Djemia P., Fetisov Y. K., Biziere Nicolas et al,
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol102, (2007),
RF response of superconducting-GMR mixed sensors, application to NQR
Pannetier-Lecoeur Myriam, Fermon Claude, Biziere Nicolas, Scola J. et al,
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, Vol17, (2007), p 598-p 601
Noise in MgO barrier magnetic tunnel junctions with CoFeB electrodes: Influence of annealing temperature
Scola J., Polovy Hedwige, Fermon Claude, Pannetier-Lecoeur Myriam et al,
Applied Physics Letters, Vol90, (2007),
Hyper frequency behavior of the GMR effect in a single spin valve sensor
Biziere Nicolas, Fermon Claude, Le Goff G.,
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol316, (2007), p 340-p 343
Micro-motor with screen-printed rotor magnets
Speliotis Thanassis, Niarchos Dimitris, Meneroud Patrick, Magnac G. et al,
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol316, (2007), p E120-p E123
Low noise magnetoresistive sensors for current measurement and compasses
Pannetier-Lecoeur Myriam, Fermon Claude, de Vismes A., Kerr E. et al,
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol316, (2007), p E246-p E248
Ultra-sensitive mixed sensors – Design and performance
Pannetier M., Fermon Claude, Le Goff G., Kerr E.,
Sensors and Actuators A-Physical, Vol129, (2006), p 247-p 250
Giant anisotropic magneto-resistance in ferromagnetic atomic contacts
Viret M., Gabureac M., Ott F., Fermon Claude et al,
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B, Vol51, (2006), p 1-p 4
Field line distribution in a mixed sensor
Pannetier M., Fermon Claude, Vedrine P, Welling MS et al,
Sensors and Actuators A-Physical, Vol129, (2006), p 146-p 149
Optimised GMR sensors for low and high frequencies applications
Fermon Claude, Pannetier-Lecoeur Myriam, Biziere Nicolas, Cousin B,
Sensors and Actuators A-Physical, Vol129, (2006), p 203-p 206
Microwave spectrum of square Permalloy dots: Quasisaturated state
Bailleul M., Hollinger R, Fermon Claude,
Physical Review B, Vol73, (2006),
Advances in detectors for single crystal neutron diffraction
Buffet JC, Clergeau JF, Cooper RG, Darpentigny J et al,
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research , Vol554, (2005), p 392-p 405
Ultra-sensitive field sensors – An alternative to SQUIDs
Pannetier M., Fermon Claude, Legoff G, Simola J et al,
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, Vol15, (2005), p 892-p 895
Noise in small magnetic systems – applications to very sensitive magnetoresistive sensors
Pannetier M., Fermon Claude, Le Goff G., Simola J et al,
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol290, (2005), p 1158-p 1160
Direct measurement of the spin-lattice relaxation in a ferromagnet
Klein O., Charbois V., Naletov V. V., Fermon Claude,
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol272, (2004), p E1027-p E1028
Femtotesla magnetic field measurement with magnetoresistive sensors
Pannetier M., Fermon Claude, Le Goff G., Simola J et al,
SCIENCE, Vol304, (2004), p 1648-p 1650
Magnetoresistance in nanocontacts induced by magnetostrictive effects
Gabureac M., Viret M., Ott F., Fermon Claude,
Physical Review B, Vol69, (2004),
Polarised neutron reflectometry for GMR sensors optimization
Pannetier M., Doan TD, Ott F., Berger S et al,
Europhysics Letters, Vol64, (2003), p 524-p 528
Quantitative measurement of the ferromagnetic resonance signal by force detection
Naletov V. V., Charbois V., Klein O., Fermon Claude,
Applied Physics Letters, Vol83, (2003), p 3132-p 3134
Micromagnetic phase transitions and spin wave excitations in a ferromagnetic stripe
Bailleul M., Olligs D, Fermon Claude,
Physical Review Letters, Vol91, (2003),
Propagating spin wave spectroscopy in a permalloy film: A quantitative analysis
Bailleul M., Olligs D, Fermon Claude,
Applied Physics Letters, Vol83, (2003), p 972-p 974
Measurement of the ferromagnetic relaxation in a micron-size sample
Klein O., Charbois V., Naletov V. V., Fermon Claude,
Physical Review B, Vol67, (2003)
Surface diffraction on magnetic nanostructures in thin films using grazing incidence SANS
Pannetier M., Ott F., Fermon Claude, Samson Y,
Physica B – Condensed Matter, Vol335, (2003), p 54-p 58
Interaction between magnetostatic waves and neutrons in magnetic thin films
Bailleul M., Ott F., Fermon Claude,
Physica B – Condensed Matter, Vol335, (2003), p 68-p 71
Polarized neutron grazing incidence diffraction on magnetic epitaxial thin films
Doan TD, Ott F., Menelle A, Fermon Claude,
Physica B – Condensed Matter, Vol335, (2003), p 72-p 76
Electronic noise in magnetic low-dimensional materials and nanostructures
Raquet B, Viret M., Costes M, Baibich M et al,
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol258, (2003), p 119-p 124
New evanescent neutron wave diffractometer at LLB
Doan TD, Ott F., Menelle A, Humbert P et al,
Applied Physics A – Materials Science & Processing, Vol74, (2002), p S186-p S188
Magnetoresistance through a single nickel atom
Viret M., Berger S, Gabureac M., Ott F. et al,
Physical Review B, Vol66, (2002),
Individual domain wall resistance in submicron ferromagnetic structures
Danneau R, Warin P, Attane JP, Petej I et al,
Physical Review Letters, Vol88, (2002),
Spin wave wells in nonellipsoidal micrometer size magnetic elements
Jorzick J, Demokritov SO, Hillebrands B, Bailleul M. et al,
Physical Review Letters, Vol88, (2002),
Introduction, réflectivité de neutrons polarisés
Fermon Claude,
Journal de Physique IV, Vol56, (2001), p 741-p 747
Magneto-dipole coupling in arrays of micron-size rectangular magnetic elements
Jorzick J, Kramer C, Demokritov SO, Hillebrands B et al,
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol226, (2001), p 1835-p 1837
Domain structures in epitaxial (10(1)over-bar-0) Co wires
Prejbeanu IL, Buda LD, Ebels U, Viret M. et al,
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol37, (2001), p 2108-p 2110
Magnetization process in FePd thin films
Klein O., Samson Y, Marty A, Guillous S et al,
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol89, (2001), p 6781-p 6783
Spin wave quantization in laterally confined magnetic structures (invited)
Jorzick J, Kramer C, Demokritov SO, Hillebrands B et al,
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol89, (2001), p 7091-p 7095
Dynamical calculation of neutron scattering on a magnetic grating at grazing incidence
Ott F., Humbert P, Fermon Claude, Menelle A,
Physica B – Condensed Matter, Vol297, (2001), p 189-p 193
“Supra crystals” made of nanocrystals
Courty A, Fermon Claude, Pileni MP,
Advanced Materials, Vol13, (2001), p 254-p +
“Supracrystals” made of nanocrystals. 2. Growth on HOPG substrate
Courty A, Araspin O, Fermon Claude, Pileni MP,
LANGMUIR, Vol17, (2001), p 1372-p 1380
Anisotropy of domain wall resistance
Viret M., Samson Y, Warin P, Marty A et al,
Physical Review Letters, Vol85, (2000), p 3962-p 3965
Polarized reflectometer for the investigation of surface magnetism, the new polarized neutron reflectometer with polarization analysis at the Laboratoire Leon Brillouin
Fermon Claude, Ott F., Legoff G, Glattli H et al,
Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol71, (2000), p 3797-p 3800
New polarised neutron reflectometer with polarisation analysis PRISM
Fermon Claude, Ott F., Legoff G, Glattli H et al,
PHYSICA B, Vol283, (2000), p 372-p 375
Off-specular diffraction on periodic gratings studied by neutron reflectometry,
Ott F., Menelle A, Fermon Claude, Humbert P,
PHYSICA B, Vol283, (2000), p 418-p 421
Sructural and magnetic characterization of Fe/delta-Mn thin films, Kentzinger E, Rucker U, Caliebe W, Goerigk G et al,PHYSICA B, Vol276, (2000), p 586-p 587
- Interface magnetism of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin films studied by neutron reflectometry, Ott F., Viret M., Borges R, Lyonnet R et al, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol211, (2000), p 200-p 205