Turbulent transport in mesoscale convection by classical and quantum machine learning

October 18 2023
Types d’événements
Séminaire SPEC
CEA Bât 774, Amphi Claude Bloch
October 18 2023
from 11:15 to 12:00

Turbulent convection flows in nature are often found organized in a hierarchy of patterns and structures. A prominent example is convection at the surface of the Sun. In my talk I will discuss our recent numerical simulations which address this pattern formation and the related transport within simplified simulation models. In detail, we discuss the role of boundary conditions and compressibility. Convection processes at mesoscales typically have to be parametrized in global circulation models. In the talk, we will also report our recent efforts to model the low-order statistics of buoyancy fluxes in reservoir computing and generative machine learning models. This includes efforts to implement these algorithms on noisy quantum computers.

TU Ilmenau, Germany