Numerical Study of the Dynamical Conductivityin Carbon Nanotubes

July 12 2006
Types d’événements
Séminaire SPEC
Yoichi ASADA
SPEC Salle Itzykson, Bât.774
July 12 2006
to 11:00

The dynamical conductivity in carbon nanotubes in the presence of impurity scattering is studied within the effective mass approximation based on an exact numerical diagonalization of the kp Hamiltonian. By controlling the Fermi energy and the magnetic flux, the number of conducting channels at the Fermi energy Nc is varied between one, two, and three without breaking symplectic symmetry. The exact dynamical conductivity deviates significantly from that in the self-consistent Born approximation in a small frequency region corresponding to the absence of backscattering for Nc=1, the Anderson localization for Nc=2, and the presence of a perfect conducting channel for Nc=3.

Tokyo Institute of Technology