Models for surface granular flows :Comparison to experimental measurements

March 16 2005
Types d’événements
Séminaire SPEC
SPEC Salle Itzykson, Bât.774
March 16 2005
to 11:00

Granular flows are important in industrial practice and natural systems. Surface granular flows, in which the particles flow on a bed of the same material, have one unique feature that differentiates them from other granular shear flows.
The “boundary” between the flowing particles and the fixed bed is determined by the flow itself. A consequence is that interchange of particles between the flowing layer and the bed is possible, and the surface angle and the layer thickness vary with the flow, locally. Modelling of such systems is difficult since the governing equations for granular flow are not established.
The seminar will focus on macroscopic fluid mechanics based approaches. Experimental results for flow and mixing of of particles in different systems will be presented and compared to the predictions of continuum models. Experimental results for measurements at the partile level in the layer will also be presented and compared to predictions of rheological models.

Department of Chemical EngineeringIndian Institute of Technology, Bombay