HDR : Auto-assemblage des nanotubes de carbone pour la nano électronique

February 3 2012
Types d’événements
Thèses ou HDR
Arianna Filoramo
Centre d’Intégration Nano-INNOV, Bât.862, Avenue de la VAUVE, 91120 Palaiseau
February 3 2012
to 10:00

Soutenance au Centre d’Intégration Nano-INNOV, Bât.862 Salle 33,
Av. de la VAUVE, 91120 Palaiseau
Plan d’accès.

Abstract :

Developing bottom-up nanofabrication technologies to enable the manipulation of well-defined structures at the nanoscale level is an intense field of research. Here, the discussion is not meant to be an exhaustive review of self-assembly techniques, but rather a focused point on some aspects of this concept that I considered and applied to a particular nano-object, a single wall carbon nanotube, for nanoelectronics purposes.

First, I will discuss a chemical self-assembly route and its use for the realisation of nanotube-based electronic devices. Then, a DNA-directed approach will be presented. Indeed, self-assembly based on molecular recognition can provide a versatile technique for the site-controlled implementation of nano-components in predefined positions and configurations. In this context, the properties that make DNA so successful in acting as a genetic material also make it a suitable candidate for constructing new materials on the nanometre scale. Because of its unique recognition properties, its size and the sub-nanometric resolution, DNA is of particular interest for positioning and organizing nanomaterials: DNA can be engineered to both create scaffolds or circuits, and attach to other materials in order to include those materials in the self-assembly process.

To conclude I will present some routes and perspectives for future work.

IRAMIS/SPEC/Laboratoire d’Electronique Moléculaire