Domain boundary engineering: a progress report

January 10 2018
Types d’événements
Séminaire SPEC
Ekhard Salje
SPEC Salle Itzykson, Bât.774
January 10 2018
from 11:00 to 12:00

Séminaire propose par Nick Barrett.

Domain boundaries can contain functionalities that do not exist in the bulk. Typical examples are (super-) conducting twin walls in WO3, highly conducting walls in BiFeO3 and in structural interfaces between SrTiO3 and LaAlO3, and ferroelectric walls in CaTiO3. The emerging field of Domain Boundary Engineering endeavors to generate such functional interfaces in a multitude of materials for applications in device materials.

Most current research focusses on twin boundaries in ferroelastics. Curved interfaces between crystalline and amorphous zircon can, in principle, act as multiferroic structural elements and lead the way to the discovery of novel multiferroic devices based on structurally heterogeneous materials. While this paradigm has not yet been explored in full, we show that physical and chemical properties can vary dramatically inside twin boundaries and interfaces.

Properties that have been already been explored include electric dipoles in a non-polar matrix, the appearance of superconductivity in twin boundaries and the catalytic reaction of hydrous species in interfaces of radiation damaged material.

Some of the fundamental physical and chemical properties of twin boundaries and related interfaces are described and possible applications are outlined.

University of Cambridge