Séminaire SPCSI Statistical micromechanics and fractals in damage and fracture SpeakerDr. Chunsheng Lu Period 19/06/2003 Hours to 11:00
Séminaire SPCSI SiC interface states and polytype transformations SpeakerProf. L. Brillson Period 28/04/2003 Hours to 11:00
Séminaire SPCSI Electronic and optical properties of 6.1 A III-V (001) superlattices: the role of interfaces SpeakerDr Rita MAGRI Period 19/02/2003 Hours to 11:00
Séminaire SPCSI Transport through quantum dots and quantum point contacts SpeakerC.A. BALSEIRO Period 06/02/2003 Hours to 11:00
Thèses ou HDR Propagation et confinement d’ondes de spin dans les microstructures magnétiques SpeakerMatthieu Bailleul Period 28/10/2002