Séminaire SPEC Local and global structures in supercooled liquids and colloidal suspensions Stefano MOSSA 15/02/2007
Séminaire SPCSI Monatomic metallic wires: structure, electric transport and normal modes Andres Saul 08/02/2007
Séminaire SPEC Fragility of glassy systems at mesoscopic and macroscopic scales Hajime YOSHINO 24/01/2007
Séminaire SPCSI Selective Immobilization of Nanoparticles on Surfaces by Molecular Recognition using Simple Multiple H-bonding Functionalities Imad Arfaoui 19/12/2006
Séminaire SPCSI Surface Science Aspects of Carbon Related Materials: Present Status and Future Trends Prof. J. A. Schaefer 13/12/2006
Séminaire SPEC Interplay of paramagnetic, orbital and impurity effects on the phase transition of a normal metal to superconducting state V.P. MINEEV 06/12/2006
Séminaire SPCSI Magnetic phenomena and electron transport in monatomic nanowires and nanocontacts A. Smogunov 30/11/2006
Séminaires SPAM LFP “Conformational dynamics and structures of gas phase molecules and clusters” Undine ERLEKAN – Department of Molecular Physics Fritz-Haber-Institut Berlin 30/11/2006
Séminaire SPEC Low dimensional epitaxial metallic structures: nanotechnology, characterization and electron transport properties G.M. MIKHAILOV 28/11/2006
Séminaire SPEC Measuring the quantum noise of mesoscopic devices with an on-chip detector Richard DEBLOCK 22/11/2006
Séminaire SPCSI Self-affine fracture experiments in various heterogeneous materials Moises Hinojosa 20/11/2006