Séminaire SPCSI Out-of-equilibruim dynamics of elastic manifolds and the vortex glass Sebastian Burstingorry 31/10/2007 from 11:00
Séminaire LARSIM Tensor products and teleportation protocols in operational theories Alexander Wilce and Howard Barnum 15/10/2007 from 15:30
Séminaire SPEC Interaction Effects and Disorder in Two-Dimensional Electron Systems Matthias Baenninger 26/09/2007 from 11:00
Séminaire SPCSI Surface-new-material: Epitaxial silicon oxynitride layer Prof. Tochihara 07/09/2007 from 11:00
Séminaire SPEC Extended scaling scheme and its application to spin glasses Koji HUKUSHIMA 16/07/2007 from 16:00
Séminaire SPCSI High Resolution Microscopy of Surface Nucleation, Growth, and Phase Transitions Shirley Chiang 19/06/2007 from 11:00
Séminaire SPEC Interactions and dynamics of charged colloidal particles at aqueous interfaces Penger TONG 06/06/2007 from 11:00