Séminaire SPEC The happy marriage between superconductivity and astronomy Teunis Martien Klapwijk 23/11/2007
Séminaire SPCSI Principles and applications of X-ray Photoemission electron Microscopy Luiz Zagonel 16/11/2007
Séminaire SPEC The effect of a single impurity on the local density of states in monolayer and bilayer graphene Cristina Bena 14/11/2007
Séminaire SPCSI Out-of-equilibruim dynamics of elastic manifolds and the vortex glass Sebastian Burstingorry 31/10/2007
Séminaire LARSIM Tensor products and teleportation protocols in operational theories Alexander Wilce and Howard Barnum 15/10/2007
Séminaire SPEC Interaction Effects and Disorder in Two-Dimensional Electron Systems Matthias Baenninger 26/09/2007