Séminaire SPEC Topological effects in superconducting circuits: application to metrology Laurent Lévy 17/09/2008
Séminaire SPCSI Preparation and Physical Property Studies of Oxide Based Nanostructures Prof. Rao 20/06/2008
Séminaire SPEC Flow and Static Properties of Two-Dimensional Foams Gijs Katgert (Kamerlingh Onnes Lab., U. Leiden, Pays-Bas) 11/06/2008
Séminaire SPCSI Recent Results from Polymer Solar Cells and Field Effect Transistors Pr. K.S. Narayan 06/06/2008
Séminaire SPEC How Frustrating: a look at recent neutron data in the frustrated pyrochlores ${rm Tb}_2{rm Ti}_2{rm O}_7$ and ${rm Tb}_2{rm Sn}_2{rm O}_7$ Kirrily C. Rule 05/06/2008
Séminaire SPEC Free surface of superfluid $^3$He studied with the 2D electron solid Kimitoshi Kono 04/06/2008
Séminaire SPCSI Magnetism and Spintronics: Research Activities at the IFF Jülich Claus Schneider 30/05/2008
Séminaire SPCSI Growth and oxidation of Al thin films deposited on Ag(111) and Si(100)-H Sebastien Vizzini 20/05/2008