Séminaire SPEC Abrupt growth of large aggregates by correlated coalescences in turbulent flow Jérémie Bec 22/03/2017
Séminaire SPEC Coherent quantum phenomena in superconducting atomic monolayers Pb/Si(111): A STM study Dimitri RODITCHEV 15/03/2017
Séminaire SPEC Neuroinspired computing based on the physics of emerging nanodevices Damien QUERLIOZ 18/01/2017
Séminaire SPEC First-principles modeling of atomistic magnetization dynamics – from magnons to topological magnets Anders Bergman 07/12/2016
Thèses ou HDR Operando chemistry and electronic structure of electrode/ferroelectric interfaces Sara Gonzalez 30/11/2016
Thèses ou HDR HDR : Ab initio study of electron transport and magnetism in nanostructures Alexander Smogunov 25/11/2016