Local magnetic microscopy by integrating magnetoresistive sensors

Stage M2
CEA Saclay, Site de l’Orme des merisiers (91) Essonne, France
February 1 2025
February 3 2025
6 month

Domain, Specialties : PHYSICS
Keywords: magnetic sensor, local probe microscopy, magnetoresistance

Research Unit : SPEC/LNO


The aim of the internship is to study the effect of integrating magnetoresistive magnetic sensors into flexible AFM-type cantilever on their performance. The sensors, designed to be integrated into an ultrasensitive magnetic microscope, will be microfabricated in a clean room and then characterized in terms of magnetotransport and noise.

Full description

In order to characterize the magnetic properties of materials such as steels or nanoparticles, an ultra-sensitive and quantitative magnetic microscope is being developed at the Nanomagnetism and Oxides Laboratory. This microscope combines an AFM (Atomic Force Microscope) scanning probe microscope and a magnetic sensor integrated into an AFM lever arm. The magnetic sensors used are giant magnetoresistance sensors, based on spin electronics and capable of detecting magnetic fields of the order of nT/√Hz.

The aim of the internship will be to study the sensors’ performance in terms of magnetoresistance and noise when integrated into flexible lever arms. The response of the sensors will have to be optimized according to the targeted application. The internship will therefore have a microfabrication aspect in a clean room and a transport and noise measurement aspect, which will be carried out in the shielded chamber of the Ultra Low Noise platform.

The probes developed will then be integrated into the microscope to produce magnetic images.


CEA Saclay, (91) Essonne, France

Internship conditions

  • Internship duration: 6 months
  • Level of study: Bac+5
  • Training: Ingenieur/Master
  • Continuation in PhD thesis: Yes
  • Application deadline: 3 février 2025

Experimental skills

Useful methods and technics:
magnetic microscopy, micro fabrication, magnetotransport measurements

Langue : Anglais



Aurélie Solignac
Phone: 0169089540
Email :