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Photochromic Materials for Optical Neuromorphic Networks (Postdoctoral position, 1 year)
Post-DoctoratCEA Saclay, Site de l’Orme des merisiers (91) Essonne, FranceSeptember 1 202512 month01/09/2025 12 month A one-year postdoctoral position is available at CEA Paris Saclay, within the PHOTOMIC project, funded by the ANR. This multidisciplinary project explores the use of photochromic materials for low-power, reconfigurable photonic synapses. These synapses will be designed to modulate the connection weights…
Postdoc offer at CEA Saclay, France on the physics of mechanical metamaterials
Post-DoctoratCEA Saclay, Site de l’Orme des merisiers (91) Essonne, FranceMarch 1 202524 monthA two-year postdoc position is available in the SPHYNX[1] group of the SPEC[2] unit at CEA Saclay[3]. It is part of a project with CEA-NIMBE’s[4] LIONS[5] group, to develop a new class of ultralight mechanical metamaterials with random architectures optimized to deliver a novel set…
Molecular dynamics modeling of imogolite formation mechanisms
Stage M2CEA Saclay, (91) Essonne, FranceMarch 3 20256 monthDomain, Specialties : CHEMISTRY Keywords: Computational chemistry Research Unit : NIMBE / LIONS Imogolite is a nanotubular clay mineral that can be synthesized in the laboratory. Today, this family of materials constitutes a nanoplatform with multiple potential applications [1]. Imogolite is formed by the folding…
Experimental mechanical study of multi-domain 2D mechanical metamaterials fabricated by 3D printing
Stage M2CEA Saclay, (91) Essonne, FranceApril 14 20256 monthDomain, Specialties : CHEMISTRY Keywords: Materials chemistry Research Unit : NIMBE / LIONS The internship proposed here involves the experimental study of new digitally-designed, locally isotropic, multi-domain, 2D-architecture microtrellis metamaterials. The trainee will participate in the design, manufacture by 3D printing (photopolymerization) and study of…
Measuring decoherence and entanglement in attosecond photoemission
Stage M2CEA Saclay, Site de l’Orme des merisiers (91) Essonne, FranceJanuary 2 20255 monthDomain, Specialties : PHYSICS Keywords: ultrafast optics, atomic and molecular physics, quantum optics Research Unit : LIDYL/ATTO The aim of the internship is to generate attosecond pulses using a new high-power Ytterbium laser and to use them to investigate the ultrafast photoemission dynamics of gases,…
Post doc offer LLB/PHENIX: TOF-SANS
Post-DoctoratCEA Saclay, (91) Essonne, FranceDecember 9 202412 monthPlease find attached a 12 months post-doc offer at Laboratoire Léon Brillouin, CEA Saclay in collaboration with PHENIX Laboratory (Université Paris Sobnne) funded by the APICONE call. The ICONE project proposes to build a HiCANS (High Current Accelerator- based Neutron Source) in France. The aim…
Exploration of inert or functionalised cubosomes by hyperpolarised xenon NMR
February 3 20256 monthDomain, Specialties : Physical chemistry Keywords: Cubosomes, nanoparticles, NMR, SAXS, hyperpolarised xenon Research Unit : NIMBE / LIONS The internship proposed between 2 laboratories aims to use hyperpolarised Xenon NMR in organic particles formed by self-assembly of lipids. The aim is to monitor the location…
Magneto-ionic gating in magnetic tunnel junctions
Stage M2CEA Saclay, Site de l’Orme des merisiers (91) Essonne, FranceMarch 1 20256 monthDomain, Specialties : PHYSICS Keywords: Spintronics, ionic gating of magnetic anisotropy, neuromorphic computing Research Unit : SPEC/LNO Magneto-ionics is an emerging field that offers great potential for reducing power consumption in spintronics memory applications through non-volatile control of magnetic properties through gating. By combining the…
Internal structure of ferroelectric nanocrystals: coupling between local piezoresistance microscopy and optical measurements
Stage M2CEA Saclay, Site de l’Orme des merisiers (91) Essonne, FranceFebruary 1 20244 monthDomain, Specialties : Condensed matter physics Keywords: Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, photonics, local probe microscopy Research Unit : SPEC / LEPO This internship aims at correlating local probe measurements (AFM electrical modes) to optical measurements (frequency conversion, in particular 2nd harmonic generation – SHG) in order to…
Post-Doctoral fellowship Polarized Neutron Diffraction for Anisotropy in Molecular Magnets
Post-DoctoratEssonne (91)October 25 202412 monthThe research project will explore the magnetic properties of molecular compounds exhibiting magnetic anisotropy using Polarized neutron diffraction (PND). This unique technique makes it possible to measure magnetic anisotropy vectors with precision, something very difficult with other techniques. Inelastic Neutron Scattering (INS) may also be…
Fluorescence lifetime measurements of nano-objects to detect alpha radiation in water
Stage M2FranceMarch 3 20256 monthDomain, Specialties : Physical chemistry Research Unit : LIDYL / DICO Using water-soluble fluorescent molecules or nano-objects is promising for detecting sources of alpha radiation in water remotely. The internship will make it possible to compare different systems by measuring fluorescence lifetimes. Objective of the…
Photocatalytic reduction of PFAS using solvated electrons produced by hydrogenated nanodiamonds
Stage M2CEA Saclay, (91) Essonne, FranceFebruary 3 20256 monthDomain, Specialties : CHEMISTRY Keywords: Nanomaterials, photocatalysis, analytical chemistry Research Unit : NIMBE / LEDNA Per- and polyfluoroalkylated substances (PFAS) are highly persistent and resistant to degradation. This internship aims to investigate the potential of nanodiamonds as a source of solvated electrons for the photocatalytic…
Photocatalytic decarboxylation: transfer carboamination of hydroxylamines
Stage M2CEA Saclay, (91) Essonne, FranceJanuary 6 20256 monthDomain, Specialties : Chemistry Keywords: organic chemistry, photocatalysis Research Unit : NIMBE / LCMCE The internship involves the development of a new synthetic method for forming C-N bonds, called transfer carboamination. This approach uses alkenes and hydroxylamines as substrates. The project aims to optimize the…
Study of the TSPO Translocator Protein: A Key Marker in Neuroimaging
Stage M2CEA Saclay, (91) Essonne, FranceFebruary 3 20256 monthDomain, Specialties : Biophysics Keywords: biochemistry, structural biology Research Unit : LLB / MMB Our goal is to study the structure/function relationship of mTSPO, both with and without ligand (apo form), by producing it under conditions close to its native state in S. cerevisiae yeast.…
Detecting supercurrent fluctuations in topological insulators
Stage M2CEA Saclay, Site de l’Orme des merisiers (91) Essonne, FranceFebruary 1 20255 monthDomain, Specialties : Condensed matter physics Keywords: spin electronics, supercurrents, itopological insulators Research Unit : SPEC / LNO The aim of this internship is to develop a system for detecting supercurrents in topological insulators using Giant Magneto-Resistance (GMR) devices, whose low-temperature sensitivity will give access…
Compact 3D magnetic sensor
Stage M2CEA Saclay, Site de l’Orme des merisiers (91) Essonne, FranceFebruary 1 20254 monthDomain, Specialties : Condensed matter physics Keywords: spin electronics, magnetotransport Research Unit : SPEC / LNO The aim of the internship is to develop and test a compact magnetometer enabling field measurement in all three directions. The magnetometer will use the principles of spin electronics…
Study of attosecond dynamics in the liquid phase thanks to developments in ytterbium laser technologies
Stage M2CEA Saclay, Site de l’Orme des merisiers (91) Essonne, FranceMarch 3 20255 monthDomain, Specialties : Laser Keywords: Non linear optics, Physical chemistry, Ultrafast lasers Research Unit : LIDYL / ATTO Electronic motion in molecules is now accessible thanks to attosecond (10-18 s) spectroscopic tools. The characterization of these pulses of light and their generation were the focus…
Microfluidic developments for analytical monitoring of bio-hydrometallurgical processes for recycling critical metals
Stage M2CEA Saclay, (91) Essonne, FranceMarch 13 20256 monthDomain, Specialties: CHIMIE Keywords: biolixiviation, microbiologie Research Unit: NIMBE / LICSEN The increase in the worldwide production of electronic equipment in recent years has led to an increase in the production of electronic waste, the recycling of which is still only partial. New recycling methods…
Electrocatalytic reductive coupling of C=C unsaturated bonds
Stage M2CEA Saclay, (91) Essonne, FranceMarch 13 20256 monthDomain, Specialties : CHIMIE Keywords: Catalysis, Electrochemistry Unité d’accueil : NIMBE/LCMCE Coupling reactions are synthetic methods that are widely used in both academic and industrial environments. The continuous efforts of the community have made it possible to develop a range of different reactivities and conditions…
Physics of fracture: Experimentally demonstrating the role of local heating on crack dynamics
Stage M2CEA Saclay, Site de l’Orme des merisiers (91) Essonne, FranceFebruary 3 20256 monthDomain, Specialties : Material physics Keywords: Fracture, solid state physics Research Unit : SPEC / SPHYNX The aim of this internship is to set up and optimize a new method for studying material fractures. It consists in post-mortem imaging of the localized heating that occurred…
Wetting dynamics of polymeric liquids at the nanoscale
Stage M2CEA Saclay, (91) Essonne, FranceMarch 13 20253 monthDomain, Specialties : Liquid physics Keywords: wetting, polymers, friction, nanoroughness Research Unit : LLB / MMB Wetting dynamics of polymeric liquids at the nanoscale The aim of this project is to understand the mechanisms of energy dissipation during the spontaneous spreading of a drop on…
Mineral nanodroplets: impact on crystallization processes in solution
Stage M2CEA Saclay, (91) Essonne, FranceFebruary 3 20256 monthDomain, Specialties : Materials chemistry Keywords: crystallization, non-classical nucleation, X-ray scattering, cryo-microscopy Research Unit : NIMBE / LIONS This project addresses a deep fundamental question with numerous practical implications: why and when do unexpected “mineral emulsions” form prior to crystallization in solution? It is now…
Representativeness of robotic syntheses of nanoparticles
Stage M2CEA Saclay, (91) Essonne, FranceFebruary 3 20256 monthDomain, Specialties : Materials chemistry Keywords: robotic syntheses, nucleation, Small-Angle X-ray Scattering Research Unit : NIMBE / LIONS Representativeness of robotic syntheses of nanoparticles With the advent of machine learning in materials chemistry, using robots to build databases of syntheses of nanoparticles is at the…
Study of electronic processes in nitride LEDs by electro-emission microscopy
March 13 20256 monthDomain, Specialties : Condensed matter physics Keywords: Energy efficient devices, semiconductors, microscopy Research Unit : SPEC / LEPO Although nitride LEDs are extremely efficient at low indium content (for blue emission) and low current densities, they suffer from drastic drops in efficiency when going out…
Modeling of an optimized cold neutron moderator for the ICONE project
Stage M2CEA Saclay, (91) Essonne, FranceFebruary 3 20256 monthDomain, Specialties : Neutronics Keywords: Monte-Carlo Simulation Research Unit : LLB / INFRA The aim of the ICONE project (“Innovative COmpact NEutron facility”) is to build a Compact Accelerator-driven Neutron Source (CANS) for the French neutron research community. A general description of the ICONE project…
Synthesis, characterization and study of the magnetic properties of high-Tc superconducting cuprates
Stage M2CEA Saclay, (91) Essonne, FranceFebruary 1 20256 monthDomain, Specialties : Physics Research Unit : LLB/NFMQ This internship project aims at the synthesis of two families of superconducting cuprates at different hole doping levels in their polycrystalline form, and their characterizations by X-ray diffraction and magnetometry measurements. These powders will be used for…
Machine learning for accelerated discovery of sustainable alloys
March 3 20256 monthDomain, Specialties : Neural networks Keywords: Machin learning-Artificial intelligence-alloys-recycling Research Unit : NIMBE / LICSEN The production of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) is increasing and poses recycling challenges, particularly for printed circuit boards (PCBs), which contain precious metals and reusable components. The aim…
Processing hyperspectral imaging data using chemometrics and artificial intelligence for materials characterization
Stage M2CEA Saclay, (91) Essonne, FranceFebruary 1 20256 monthDomain, Specialties : Materials chemistryKeywords: Data processing, spectroscopy, heritage Research Unit : NIMBE/LAPA Summary The aim of this internship is to collect mappings at three wavelengths 473, 532 and 785 nm on the same sample areas. The datasets collected will be processed using chemometric data…
WiSE electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries: a machine learning study
Stage M2CEA Saclay, (91) Essonne, FranceFebruary 3 20256 monthDomain, Specialties: Physical chemistry Keywords: theoretical chemistry, artificial intelligence, machine learning Research Unit: NIMBE / LSDRM For this internship, the trainee will build and apply artificial neural networks able to simulate at atomic scale the structural and dynamic properties of superconcentrated lithium salt electrolytes for…
Glass recycling and decoloration from Roman period: photoluminescence contribution
Stage M2LSI – Ecole Polytechnique – PalaiseauFebruary 3 20256 monthDomain, Specialties : PHYSICS Keywords: Physics / Physico-chemistry of materials Research Unit : LSI Glass recycling and decoloration from Roman period: photoluminescence contribution This internship deals with the analysis or Roman decolored glasses by photoluminescence. We aim to provide a new method to indentify quickly…
Epitaxial multifunctionnal multiferroic oxynitride thin films
Stage M2CEA Saclay, Site de l’Orme des merisiers (91) Essonne, FranceFebruary 1 20255 monthDomain, Specialties : Condensed matter physics Keywords: Oxinitrides, molecular beam epitaxy, ferroélectricité, ferrimagnétisme, synchrotron, lithography Research Unit : SPEC / LNO Epitaxial multifunctionnal multiferroic oxynitride thin films The objective of the internship is to grow epitaxial thin multiferroic ferrite/perovskite (CoFe2(OxN1-x)4/N:BaTiO3 oxynitride films by oxygen and…
Giant magnetoresistance resistors for local characterization of surface magnetic state: towards Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) applications
CDDCEA Saclay, Site de l’Orme des merisiers (91) Essonne, FranceJanuary 6 202536 monthCIFRE thesis in the field of non-destructive testing using magnetic sensors in collaboration with 3 partners: Laboratoire de Nanomagnétisme et Oxyde (SPEC/LNO) du CEA Paris-Saclay Laboratoire de Génie Electrique et Ferroélectricité (LGEF) de l’INSA Lyon Entreprise CmPhy La grande majorité des aciers de structure et…
Application of the diffusing wave spectroscopy to the study of boundary layers in turbulent convection
Stage M2CEA Saclay, Site de l’Orme des merisiers (91) Essonne, FranceFebruary 3 20256 monthDomain, Specialties : Liquid physics Keywords: Tubulence Convection Research Unit : SPEC/SPHYNX The aim of the internship will be to contribute to the set up of a convection experiment to study dissipation in boundary layers in the turbulent regime. To do so, we will use…
Energy and material investment in railway development during the industrial revolution
Stage M2CEA Saclay, Site de l’Orme des merisiers (91) Essonne, FranceFebruary 3 20254 monthDomain, Specialties : PHYSICS Keywords: network theory ; energy investment ; energy transition ; materials Research Unit : SPEC/SPHYNX We are working on the link between energy transition and network development, coupling statistical physics tools with resource economics considerations. In this internship, we propose to…
High-throughput photoredox synthesis – Development of AI models
Stage M2CEA Saclay, (91) Essonne, FranceFebruary 3 20256 monthDomaine, spécialité : CHIMIE Mots-Clés : Intelligence Artificielle, HTE Unité d’accueil : NIMBE/LCMCE We are offering two internships as part of a research project aimed at optimizing chemical reactions used to synthesize therapeutic compounds, in particular via photo-induced cross-coupling reactions. By using CO2, these methods…
Chemical valorization of plastic wastes
Stage M2CEA Saclay, Site de l’Orme des merisiers (91) Essonne, FranceJanuary 1 20256 monthDomain, Specialties : CHEMISTRY Keywords: Homogeneous catalysis; Chemical depolymerization; plastics Research Unit : NIMBE/LICSEN The aim of this project is to synthesize organometallic catalysts and test them in the reductive depolymerization of plastics. Since the 1950s, plastics have gradually replaced traditional materials (wood, metal, concrete)…
Real-time chemical studies of sustainable cement carbonation
Stage M2CEA Saclay, Site de l’Orme des merisiers (91) Essonne, FranceFebruary 3 20256 monthDomain, Specialties : CHEMISTRY Keywords: NMR spectroscopy, fluoresence microscopy, sustainable cement, microfluidics Research Unit : NIMBE / LIONS This project is focused on the development of tools to study cement chemistry. Microfluidic devices will be used to control the environment of small cement samples, and…
Development and characterization of medical implants functionalized by a bioactive molecule
Stage M2CEA Saclay, (91) Essonne, FranceFebruary 10 20256 monthDomain, Specialties : CHEMISTRY Keywords: Fucoidan, platinum, surface functionalization, bioactive coils, in vitro, optimization Research Unit : NIMBE / LICSEN Around 5% of the European population is affected by intracranial aneurysms (IA), which are often asymptomatic until they rupture, causing hemorrhagic strokes with a mortality…
Spin symmetries, superconductivity and altermagnetism
Stage M2CEA Saclay, (91) Essonne, FranceMarch 13 20256 monthDomain, Specialties : Condensed matter physics Keywords: Magnetism, – Superconductivity, – Many-body physics Research Unit : LLB / NFMQ There has been a tremendous amount of interest recently in a new form of magnetism called altermagnetism both from the point of view of fundamental condensed…
Local control and imaging of ferroelectric domains in HfZrO2 layers using piezoelectric force (PFM) and electron microscopy (LEEM-PEEM) techniques
Stage M2CEA Saclay, (91) Essonne, FranceFebruary 3 20255 monthDomain, Specialties : Material physics Keywords: Surfaces, interfaces, imaging, microscopy, PFM, LEEM, PEEM Research Unit : SPEC/LENSIS This internship focuses on the characterization of ferroelectric (FE) domains in hafnium zirconium oxide (HZO) films. We propose to train the student to use several surface imaging techniques…
Development of catalysts for PEM electrolyzers
Stage M2CEA Saclay, (91) Essonne, FranceFebruary 3 20255 monthDomain, specialty : CHIMIE – Electrochemistry Laboratory : NIMBE/LICSEN The internship will focus on the development of catalysts for proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyzers. The aim is to synthesize catalysts based on iridium and iridium-nickel alloys, which are more economical while maintaining high performance. The…
Development and study of composite materials based on carbon nanotubes for application to cryogenic fluid reservoirs
Stage M2CEA Saclay, (91) Essonne, FranceJanuary 6 20256 monthDomain, specialty: MATERIALS Keywords: materials science or instrumentation or chemistry, mechanical testing, nanoscience and nanotechnology Laboratory : NIMBE / LEDNA The subject of this internship is part of a thesis project aimed at finding the best way of integrating carbon nanotubes into laminated composite materials,…
Magnetic mapping using magnetoresistive magnetic sensors.
Stage M2CEA Saclay, Site de l’Orme des merisiers (91) Essonne, FranceFebruary 3 20256 monthDomain, Specialties : PHYSICS Keywords: Magnetic sensor, stray fields Research Unit : The aim of the internship will be to optimize the magnetoresistive sensors, the 3D probe and the scanner of the setup developed in the laboratory and enabling the quantitative and vectorial measurement of…
Local magnetic microscopy by integrating magnetoresistive sensors
Stage M2CEA Saclay, Site de l’Orme des merisiers (91) Essonne, FranceFebruary 3 20256 monthDomain, Specialties : PHYSICS Keywords: magnetic sensor, local probe microscopy, magnetoresistance Research Unit : SPEC/LNO The aim of the internship is to study the effect of integrating magnetoresistive magnetic sensors into flexible AFM-type cantilever on their performance. The sensors, designed to be integrated into an…
Colored materials for air quality
Stage M2CEA Saclay, (91) Essonne, FranceFebruary 3 20256 monthDomain, Specialties : CHEMISTRY Keywords: Materials, Physical chemistry, Environment, Air quality Research Unit : NIMBE / LEDNA To detect pollutants in the air, we are developing compact, high-performance, lightweight measuring devices. These devices probe the chemical reactivity of gaseous pollutants using colored microbeads See: [Mugherli…
Spiral order by disorder
Stage M2CEA Saclay, (91) Essonne, FranceSeptember 9 20244 monthDomain, Specialties : Condensed matter physics Keywords: magnetic excitations, disorder Research Unit : LLB / NFMQ The search of magnetoelectric multiferroic materials, where magnetic order and ferroelectricity are coupled to each other is an issue of keen interest in condensed matter physics and in spin-related…
On-chip Terahertz Electrodynamics of Superconducting Collective Modes
Stage M2LSI – Ecole Polytechnique – PalaiseauMarch 13 20255 monthDomain, Specialties : Condensed matter physics Keywords: Spectroscoy, Terahertz, Superconductivity, Cavity Research Unit : LSI / NEE Strong light-matter interactions between quantum materials and the vacuum field of cavities at TeraHertz (THz) frequencies is emerging as a new frontier for the control of material properties.…
Scale-up of an electronic component sorting bench
Stage M2CEA Saclay, (91) Essonne, FranceFebruary 3 20256 monthDomain, Specialties : Process engineering Keywords: Industrial Engineering, Materials, Software, Electronics Research Unit : NIMBE/LICSEN Scale-up of an electronic component sorting bench If today’s electronic waste (WEEE) can be described as an “urban mine”, it’s because it abounds in metals that are in essential supply…
Porphyrin-based nanostructures
Stage M2FranceFebruary 3 20256 monthDomain, Specialties : CHEMISTRY Keywords: Chimie organique Research Unit : NIMBE / LICSEN Porphyrin-based nanostructures Porphyrins are aromatic tetrapyrrolic macrocycles that exhibit a wide range of optical, optoelectronic and electrochemical properties. The aim of this project is to synthesize new materials based on porphyrins to…
Synthesis and study of graphenic materials
Stage M2FranceFebruary 3 20256 monthDomain, Specialties : CHEMISTRY Keywords: Organic chemistry Research Unit : NIMBE / LICSEN Synthesis and study of graphenic materials The term graphene covers a whole family of materials. In this internship, we propose to build by organic synthesis methods graphene nanoparticles for the study of…
Study of Carbon Degradation for Supercapacitors Using Optical Techniques.
Stage M2FranceFebruary 3 20256 monthDomain, Specialties : CHEMISTRY Electrochemistry, Materials (carbon, thin films), Microscopy, and Spectroscopy Research Unit : NIMBE/LICSEN This internship focuses on a crucial issue in the field of energy storage: increasing the energy density of supercapacitors in aqueous media. The long-term goal is to improve the…
Research engineer on UHI100 laser experimental platform (permanent position) – Orme des merisiers h/f
CDDSeptember 10 202412 monthThe mission of CEA’s Fundamental Research Division, based at all the CEA’s civilian centers, is to carry out research in line with the CEA’s missions in the fields of physics, chemistry and life sciences, areas in which its excellence is recognized worldwide. The Laboratory Interactions,…
Structural characterization of inorganic-metallic coacervates obtained from complexation of metallic nanoparticles stabilized by polymerized Ionic Liquids and polyanions
Post-DoctoratIle-de-FranceNovember 4 202418 monthResearch The overall objective of the project is the design of a new class of highly active, selective and recyclable porous nano-catalysts thanks to a strategy based on the non-covalent electrostatic complexation of metallic nanoparticles (MNPs) of catalytic interest stabilized by cationic polymerized ionic liquids…
Post-doc: “Radiolysis to explore the reactivity of catalysts for C2H4 production”
Post-DoctoratJuly 24 202412 monthPost-doctorat à pourvoir : “La radiolyse pour explorer la réactivité de catalyseurs pour la production de C2H4” Le but du travail sera d’utiliser la radiolyse pour optimiser la production d’éthylène de divers couples réactif/catalyseur après irradiation. L’objectif est également d’utiliser toute la potentialité des techniques…
Post-doc position: Radiolysis to explore the reactivity of catalysts for C2H4 production”
Post-DoctoratCEA Saclay, (91) Essonne, FranceJuly 24 202412 monthAvailable Post-doc position: “Radiolysis to explore the reactivity of catalysts for C2H4 production” The aim of this post-doctoral work is to use radiolysis to optimize the ethylene production from various reactant/catalyst couples after irradiation. The aim is also to use the full potential of radiolysis…
Postdoc position opened at CEA-Saclay (Paris, France) in the field of EUV metrology
Post-DoctoratEssonne (91)January 17 202436 monthThe use of very short wavelength light is developing rapidly in a wide variety of fields adiotherapy, lithography, academic research, attophysics, etc.). This type of radiation imposes severe constraints on the quality of the optical elements used. However, the current techniques of control offer limited…
Internship: Proof of concept for in operando H2O2 determination by flash photolysis
Stage M2CEA Saclay, Site de l’Orme des merisiers (91) Essonne, FranceMarch 28 20253 monthThe internship will involve adapting the H2O2 flash photolysis process for in operando measurement under ionizing radiation. For the proof of concept, it will be necessary to determine the best chemical system and protocol for analyzing the content of H2O2 formed during the radiolysis of…
Laser developments for attosecond physics in semiconductor crystals.
Stage M2CEA Saclay, Site de l’Orme des merisiers (91) Essonne, FranceMarch 4 20244 monthThe objective of the internship is to modify and optimize the properties of a femtosecond laser in order to extend the laboratory’s experimental capabilities on the study of attosecond dynamics (1 attosecond = 10^-18 second) during laser-condensed matter interaction, and in particular the fundamental mechanisms…
PhD-thesis announcement PMS-DICO : ‘Electronic structure of 2 dimensional materials’
CDDCEA Saclay, Site de l’Orme des merisiers (91) Essonne, FranceSeptember 1 202436 monthA joint Ph.D. project between DICO / LIDYL / CEA Saclay (F) and University of Bohemia (CZ) Supervisors: Professors Christine Richter (DICO, CYU), Jan Minar (UWB) Experimental and computational condensed matter & surface physics We are seeking a highly motivated candidate, with good skills in…
Position of Instrumentation technician M/F
CDIEssonne (91)January 1 202512 monthThe person recruited will be involved in the development of experimental instrumentation: this covers the design of small electro-mechanical devices, instrumentation, design with simple CAD elements in conjunction with researchers. Computer control of experiments in place or being set up will be planned and carried…
In the framework of the France 2030 and PEPR Recyclage, CEA, is looking for a Postdoc fellow
Post-DoctoratEssonne (91)July 17 202418 monthFichier d’annonce / Announcement file It is important to develop the scientific knowledge and stimulate innovations to recycling Plastics. The extremely large variety of plastic based objects that we use in our daily life are made of a wide range of plastic materials covering many…
PhD thesis
Understanding the signals emitted by moving liquids
NFMQ : Mesoscopic physicsParis-Saclay Ondes et Matière (EDOM) SaclayElasticity is one of the oldest physical properties of condensed matter. It is expressed by a constant of proportionality G between the applied stress (s) and the deformation (?): s = G.? (Hooke’s… -
Synthesis and optical properties of quantum dots
LICSEN : ChemistryParis-Saclay Sciences Chimiques: Molécules, Matériaux, Instrumentation et Biosystèmes (2MIB) SaclayGraphene as a constituent of graphite was close to us for almost 500 years. However, it is only in 2005 that A. Geim and K. Novoselov (Nobel Prize in 2010) reported for the first time the obtaining… -
Porphyrin-based nanostructures
LICSEN : ChemistryParis-Saclay Sciences Chimiques: Molécules, Matériaux, Instrumentation et Biosystèmes (2MIB) SaclayThe aim of this project is the synthesis of new molecular structures based on porphyrins for the formation of 0D, 1D and 2D nanostructures. Porphyrins are an important class of molecules that are… -
Advanced characterization of ferroelectric domains in hafnia-based thin films
LENSIS : Solid state physics, surfaces and interfacesParis-Saclay Physique en Île-de-France (EDPIF) SaclayLes mémoires ferroélectriques à accès aléatoire (FeRAM en anglais) à base d’oxyde d’hafnium et de zirconium (HZO) sont intrinsèquement ultra-faibles en consommation grâce au mécanisme de changement… -
Development and characterization of a reliable 13.5 nm EUV OAM carrying photon beamline
DICO : Radiation-matter interactionsParis-Saclay Ondes et Matière (EDOM) SaclayThe Extreme UltraViolet (EUV) photon energy range (10-100 nm) is crucial for many applications spanning from fundamental physics (attophysics, femto-magnetism) to applied domains such as lithography… -
Covalent 2D organic nanostructures by optically controlled cross-linking of molecular self-assemblies
LEPO : Solid state physics, surfaces and interfacesParis-Saclay Ondes et Matière (EDOM) SaclayThe self-assembly of molecules on crystalline substrates leads to non-covalent 2D structures with interesting properties for various fields such as optoelectronics and sensors. The stabilization of… -
Développement de nouveaux lasers ultraviolets basés sur des fluorures dopés aux ions terres rares
CIMAP : Optics – Laser optics – Applied opticsCaen SaclayUltraviolet (UV) laser sources are attracting growing interest: the high energy of their photons and their ability to be highly focused make them a tool of choice for the study and machining of… -
Electrocatalyzed Reductive Couplings of Olefins and Carbonyls for the synthesis of sustainable molecules.
LCMCE : ChemistryParis-Saclay Sciences Chimiques: Molécules, Matériaux, Instrumentation et Biosystèmes (2MIB) SaclayThe LCMCE aims to develop a sustainable method for the reductive functionalization of carbonyl derivatives with olefins via electrochemistry. Traditional redox processes in organic synthesis often… -
Innovative syntheses of perovzalates and rationalization of the formation mechanism by synchrotron methods
LIONS : Radiation-matter interactionsParis-Saclay Sciences Chimiques: Molécules, Matériaux, Instrumentation et Biosystèmes (2MIB) Saclay“Perovzalates” are a new family of hybrid perovskites based on oxalate, with around ten examples listed since 2019 (AILi3MII(C2O4)3, with A = K+, Rb+, Cs+, NH4+; M = Fe2+, Co2+, Ni2+). Just like… -
Magneto-ionic gating of magnetic tunnel junctions for neuromorphic applications
LNO : Emerging materials and processes for nanotechnologies and microelectronicsParis-Saclay Physique et Ingénierie: électrons, photons et sciences du vivant (EOBE) SaclayMagneto-ionics is an emerging field that offers great potential for reducing power consumption in spintronics memory applications through non-volatile control of magnetic properties through gating.… -
Theoretical design of quasi-atomic systems in the band gap of semiconductors/insulators for quantum application
LSI : New computing paradigms, circuits and technologies, incl. quantumIP. Paris Ecole Doctorale de l’Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris) SaclayThe rise of room-temperature applications like single photon emission of the negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy NV center in diamond has renewed the interest in the search for materials having a… -
Optimization of the catalytic layer for CO2 electroreduction integrated into a PEM electrolyzer
LICSEN : Physical chemistry and electrochemistryParis-Saclay Sciences Chimiques: Molécules, Matériaux, Instrumentation et Biosystèmes (2MIB) SaclayThis thesis focuses on optimizing the catalytic layer for CO2 electroreduction in an acidic medium, integrated into a proton-exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyzer. The aim is to upgrade CO2 by… -
Interfaces in super-concentrated aqueous electrolytes: machine learned simulations at the exascale era
LSDRM : Physical chemistry and electrochemistryParis-Saclay Sciences Chimiques: Molécules, Matériaux, Instrumentation et Biosystèmes (2MIB) SaclayImproving the performance of liquid electrolytes is one of today’s major challenges in the field of batteries, with the aim of improving efficiency, safety and economy. Recent advances include… -
Functionalized aluminosilicate nanotubes for photocatalysis
LIONS : Radiation-matter interactionsParis-Saclay Sciences Chimiques: Molécules, Matériaux, Instrumentation et Biosystèmes (2MIB) SaclayRising energy demand and the need to reduce the use of fossil fuels to limit global warming have created an urgent need for clean energy collection technologies. One interesting solution is to use… -
Quantum computing with nuclear spins
GQ : New computing paradigms, circuits and technologies, incl. quantumParis-Saclay Physique en Île-de-France (EDPIF) SaclayNuclear spins in solids are amongst the quantum systems with the longest coherence times, up to minutes or even hours, and as such are attractive qubit candidates; however, controlling and reading… -
Exploration of Diamond-Based Nanomaterials for (Sono)photocatalysis: Applications in Hydrogen Production and CO2 Reduction
LEDNA : Ultra-divided matter, Physical sciences for materialsParis-Saclay Sciences Chimiques: Molécules, Matériaux, Instrumentation et Biosystèmes (2MIB) SaclayNanodiamonds (NDs) are increasingly being studied as semiconductors for photocatalysis, thanks in particular to the very specific positions of their valence and conduction bands, which can be… -
Brines for metal recycling
LICSEN : ChemistryParis-Saclay Sciences Chimiques: Molécules, Matériaux, Instrumentation et Biosystèmes (2MIB) SaclayCritical metals are essential for a range of technologies that are vital to reduce our carbon dioxide emissions. However, the global recycling rate for metals contained in electronic waste is below… -
Towards a better understanding of membrane proteins through AI
MMB : Structural biologyParis-Saclay Sciences Chimiques: Molécules, Matériaux, Instrumentation et Biosystèmes (2MIB) SaclayDespite the remarkable advances in artificial intelligence (AI), particularly with tools like AlphaFold, the prediction of membrane protein structures remains a major challenge in structural… -
Spectrometry and Artificial Intelligence: development of explainable, sober and reliable AI models for materials analysis
LEEL : Analytic chemistryParis-Saclay Sciences Chimiques: Molécules, Matériaux, Instrumentation et Biosystèmes (2MIB) SaclayThe discovery of new materials is crucial to meeting many current societal challenges. One of the pillars of this discovery capacity is to have means of characterizing these materials which are… -
X-ray diffusion assisted by Artificial Intelligence: the problem of the representativeness of synthetic databases and the indistinguishability of predictions.
LIONS : Artificial intelligence & Data intelligenceParis-Saclay Sciences Chimiques: Molécules, Matériaux, Instrumentation et Biosystèmes (2MIB) SaclayThe advent of artificial intelligence makes it possible to accelerate and democratize the processing of small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) data, an expert technique for characterizing nanomaterials… -
Flying Qubit in Graphene
GNE : Mesoscopic physicsSaclayThe solid-state systems, presently considered for quantum computation, are built from localized two-level systems, prime examples are superconducting qubits or semiconducting quantum dots. Due to… -
Study of electronic processes in nitride LEDs by electro-emission microscopy
LEPO : Solid state physics, surfaces and interfacesParis-Saclay Ondes et Matière (EDOM) SaclayNitride LEDs are universally used for energy-efficient lighting. They are extremely efficient at low indium content and low current density, allowing to produce commercial white LEDs from a blue LED… -
Fluorescence photoswitching for excitonic gate
LEPO : Physical chemistry and electrochemistrySaclayFörster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) enables the exciton diffusion between molecules through a characteristic distance of 1 to 10 nm. The association of multiple fluorophores represents a… -
Design of plasmonic nanocomposite membranes for biomolecule detection
LSI : Ultra-divided matter, Physical sciences for materialsEcole Polytechnique Ecole Doctorale de l’Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris) SaclayDetection of specific small biomolecules amounts is usually challenging. Recently, nanomaterials have provided new materials with interesting optical properties for such an application, especially… -
Experimental study of boundary layers in turbulent convection by diffusive waves spectroscopy
SPHYNX : Soft matter and complex fluidsParis-Saclay Physique en Île-de-France (EDPIF) SaclayTurbulent convection is one of the main drivers of geophysical and astrophysical flows, and is therefore a key element in climate modeling. It is also involved in many industrial flows. Transport… -
Topological and altermagnetic materials: what power can be extracted from the anomalous Hall effect?
LSI : Mesoscopic physicsEcole Polytechnique Ecole Doctorale de l’Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris) SaclayThe major argument to promote the development of spin electronics and topological materials is the low power dissipation when using spin degrees of freedom and transverse configurations such as Hall… -
Early diagnosis of sepsis using a GMR sensor-based biochip
LNO : Health and environment technologies, medical devicesParis-Saclay Physique en Île-de-France (EDPIF) SaclaySepsis, an extreme and deregulated immune response to an infection that then spreads through the bloodstream, can lead to organ dysfunction and death (11 million deaths worldwide every year). The… -
Can we predict the weather or the climate?
SPHYNX : Theoretical PhysicsParis-Saclay Physique en Île-de-France (EDPIF) SaclayAccording to everyone’s experience, predicting the weather reliably for more than a few days seems an impossible task for our best weather agencies. Yet, we all know of examples of “weather … -
Topological magnons in quantum materials
NFMQ : Solid state physics, surfaces and interfacesParis Sud Physique en Île-de-France (EDPIF) SaclayTopology has become an essential paradigm in condensed matter, making it possible to classify phases of matter according to properties that are invariant under continuous deformations. Early… -
Sub-critical crack growth in oxide glasses
SPHYNX : Solid state physics, surfaces and interfacesAutre Physique en Île-de-France (EDPIF) SaclayMaterial failure is a concern for scientists and engineers worldwide. This includes oxide glasses, which are integral parts of building, electronics, satellites due to multiple advantageous… -
Influence of ionization density in water on fluorescent solutes. Application to the detection of alpha radiation
DICO : Radiation-matter interactionsParis-Saclay Sciences Chimiques: Molécules, Matériaux, Instrumentation et Biosystèmes (2MIB) SaclayThe location and rapid identification, at a distance, of sources of alpha and beta particle emissions on surfaces or in wet cavities or solutions, in nuclear facilities undergoing decommissioning or… -
Development of a microfluidic bioanalytical platform to quantify the cellular bio-distribution of a drug
LIONS : Health and environment technologies, medical devicesParis-Saclay Physique et Ingénierie: électrons, photons et sciences du vivant (EOBE) SaclayA drug’s mode of action and efficacy are correlated not only with its ability to accumulate in the targeted pathological tissues, i.e. its tissue bio-distribution, but also with its ability to… -
Research of nanostructured oxides for CO2 capture assisted by synthesis robot and artificial intelligence.
LIONSParis-Saclay Sciences Chimiques: Molécules, Matériaux, Instrumentation et Biosystèmes (2MIB) SaclayThe advent of robotic syntheses assisted by artificial intelligence opens up countless perspectives for the discovery of new nanomaterials, while raising the question of correctly validating these… -
High Harmonic Generation in cavity for an attosecond quantum source
ATTO : Plasma physics and laser-matter interactionsParis-Saclay Ondes et Matière (EDOM) SaclayAttophysics is at the forefront of time-resolved spectroscopy. Indeed, it harnesses the shortest light pulse probe that can be produced experimentally, thanks to the high harmonic generation (HHG)… -
Novel oxynitride based artificial multiferroic oxynitride thin films
LNO : Solid state physics, surfaces and interfacesParis Sciences et Lettres Physique en Île-de-France (EDPIF) SaclayN-doped oxides and/or oxinitrides constitute a booming class of compounds with a broad spectrum of useable properties and in particular for novel technologies of carbon-free energy production,… -
Chemical recycling of oxgenated and nitrogenated plastic waste by reductive catalytic routes
LCMCE : ChemistryParis-Saclay Sciences Chimiques: Molécules, Matériaux, Instrumentation et Biosystèmes (2MIB) SaclaySince the 1950s, the use of petroleum-based plastics has created a modern consumerist world based on the use of disposable products. Global production of plastic waste is therefore considerable, and… -
Exploration of the energy deposition dynamic on short time scale with laser-driven electron accelerator in the context of the Flash effect in radiotherapy
PHI : Radiation-matter interactionsParis-Saclay Ondes et Matière (EDOM) SaclayThe objective of the thesis project is to analyze the physicochemical processes resulting from the extreme dose rates that can now be obtained in water with the ultra-short (fs) pulses of… -
Hyperpolarized Xenon NMR to probe the functionality of biological barriers
LSDRM : Medical imagingParis-Saclay Sciences Chimiques: Molécules, Matériaux, Instrumentation et Biosystèmes (2MIB) SaclayOptical pumping of xenon, giving rise to an intense NMR signal, is a specialty of the LSDRM team. Xenon, which is soluble in biological media, has a wide range of chemical shifts, which we use here… -
Thermoelectric energy conversion control via coordination chemistry of transition metal redox ions in ionic liquids
SPHYNX : Physical chemistry and electrochemistryParis-Saclay Sciences Chimiques: Molécules, Matériaux, Instrumentation et Biosystèmes (2MIB) SaclayThermoelectricity, a materials’ capability to convert heat in to electric energy has been known to exist in liquids for many decades. Unlike in solids, this conversion process liquids take several… -
Theoretical study of the physical and optical properties of some titanium oxide surfaces for greenhouse gas sensing applications
LSI : Solid state physics, surfaces and interfacesEcole Polytechnique SaclayThe international community is engaged in developing the policy to reduce greenhouse gases (GHGs) emission, in particular carbon dioxide (CO2), in order to reduce the risks associated to the global… -
All solid-state lithium batteries based on Pyrochlore solid electrolyte
LEEL : Physical chemistry and electrochemistryParis-Saclay Sciences Chimiques: Molécules, Matériaux, Instrumentation et Biosystèmes (2MIB) SaclayDue to the increasing energy demand, developing efficient storage systems, both stationary and portable, is crucial. Among these, lithium-ion batteries stand out as the most advanced, capable of… -
Wetting dynamics at the nanoscale
MMB : Soft matter and complex fluidsParis-Saclay Physique en Île-de-France (EDPIF) SaclayWetting dynamics describes the processes involved when a liquid spreads on a solid surface. It’s an ubiquitous phenomenon in nature, for example when dew beads up on a leaf, as well as in many… -
Radiological large-scale accident dosimetry: use of EPR spectroscopy for population triage by measurements of smartphone screens
LSI : Materials and applicationsIP. Paris Ecole Doctorale de l’Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris) SaclayIn the event of a large-scale radiological emergency involving sources of external irradiation, methods are needed to identify which members of the population have been exposed and require priority… -
Plasma Mirrors: towards extreme intensity light sources and high-quality compact electron
PHI : Radiation-matter interactionsParis-Saclay Ondes et Matière (EDOM) SaclayResearch objectives: expand the capabilities of the WarpX Partice-In-Cell code for lower cost-to-convergence using mesh refinement. Devise a high-charge highquality injector for laser-plasma… -
Very high energy electrons radiotherapy with beams from a wakefield accelerator
PHI : Radiation-matter interactionsParis-Saclay Ondes et Matière (EDOM) SaclayResearch objectives: Use numerical modelling to optimize the properties of laser-plasma accelerators in the 50 MeV-200 MeV range for VHEE radiotherapy: (i) optimize the properties of a laser-plasma… -
Design and implementation of cryogenic electronics for signal acquisition at cryogenic temperatures
PSR : InstrumentationParis-Saclay Physique et Ingénierie: électrons, photons et sciences du vivant (EOBE) SaclayThe aim of our proposed thesis is to demonstrate that it is possible to integrate at cryogenic temperatures the entire instrumentation chain for reading and controlling quantum components at… -
Giant magnetoresistance resistors for local characterization of surface magnetic state: towards Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) applications
LNO : Solid state physics, surfaces and interfacesINSA Lyon Electronique, Electrotechnique et Automatique (EEA) SaclayCIFRE thesis in the field of non-destructive testing using magnetic sensors in collaboration with 3 partners: Laboratoire de Nanomagnétisme et Oxyde (SPEC/LNO) du CEA Paris-Saclay Laboratoire de… -
Numerical twin for the Flame Spray Pyrolysis process
LEEL : Numerical simulationParis-Saclay Sciences Mécaniques et Energétiques, Matériaux et Géosciences (SMEMaG) SaclayOur ability to manufacture metal oxide nanoparticles (NPs) with well-defined composition, morphology and properties is a key to accessing new materials that can have a revolutionary technological… -
Perovskite devices for solar hydrogen production
LICSEN : ChemistryParis-Saclay Sciences Chimiques: Molécules, Matériaux, Instrumentation et Biosystèmes (2MIB) SaclayProject Overview: The PhD thesis is part of the ICARUS European project, aiming to develop efficient solar energy conversion systems for a carbon-neutral future. The project focuses on integrating… -
Perovskite ferroelectric oxynitride thin films with tunable properties
LNO : Solid state physics, surfaces and interfacesParis-Saclay Physique en Île-de-France (EDPIF) SaclayN-doped oxides and/or oxinitrides constitute a booming class of compounds with a broad spectrum of useable properties and in particular for novel technologies of carbon-free energy production.…