Ongoing research projects @ LICSEN

Ongoing research projects @ LICSEN

LICSEN’s laboratory is actively involved in multiple national and European projects across diverse fields of study, with funding sources including the French funding agency, Agence Nationale de la Recherche, and the European Union through its Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions and Horizon Europe programs. These projects yield significant discoveries and often involve industrial partners. Explore below the array of projects involving LICSEN’s researchers.


2021-2025: European project HARMLESS (Advanced High Aspect Ratio and Multicomponent materials: towards comprehensive intelLigent tEsting and Safe by design Strategies), Learn more about the project here. (contact Licsen: Arianna Filoramo).


2021-2027: The LICSEN is involved in the PEPR Recyclage, recyclabilité, ré-utilisation des matières, which aims at accelerating implementation of a circular economy for various sources of wastes, in particular electronic waste (contact LICSEN: Jean-Christophe Gabriel)

2023-2027: ANR project X-ETL (Crosslinked electron transport layer for stable tandem perovskite solar cell) coordinated at LICSEN by Frédéric Oswald

2022-2026: ANR project DELICACY (Graphene Quantum Dot in Dielectric Nano-Cavity) coordianted at LPENS by Y. Chassagneux (contact Licsen Stéphane Campidelli)

2021-2025: ANR project CARBONIC (Carbon nanotubes for integrated nonlinear optics) coordinated at C2N by L. Vivien (contact Licsen Arianna Filoramo).

2021-2025: ANR project 2D-MEMBA (Membranes hybrides à base de nanofeuillets et de diodes ioniques nanofluidiques pour le dessalement et la purification d’eau), (contact Licsen Jean-Christophe Gabriel).

2021-2025: ANR project GANESH (Graphene Nanomeshes) coordinated at IM2NP by S. Clair (contact Licsen Stéphane Campidelli).

2020-2024: ANR project 2D-ON-DEMAND (van der Waals heterostructures of 2D materials with on-demand band-structure) coordinated at Licsen. Learn more about the project here. (contact Licsen Vincent Derycke).

2020-2024: MATRA-2D (Mastering the Charge Transfers and Trapping Dynamics in Hybrid Nano-Perovskite/TMDC 2D Photodetectors) coordinated at CEA-Irig by B. Grévin. Learn more about the project here. (contact Licsen Vincent Derycke).

2019-2024: ANR project TRAPPER (Piégeage des positons et des porteurs de charge dans les pérovskites halogénées) coordinated at LSI. Learn more about the project here. (contact Licsen Bernard Geffroy).

2019-2024: ANR project GRANAO (Graphene quantum dots and nanoribbons for advanced optics), German-French project (contact Licsen Stéphane Campidelli).


2019-2023: European ITN network SENTINEL (Single-Entity NanoElectrochemistry) coordinated by University of Leeds. Learn more about the ITN here. (contact Licsen: Renaud Cornut).

2017-2022: European project PEGASUS (PEMFC based on platinum group metal free structured cathodes) coordinated by CEA-LITEN (Grenoble). Learn more about the project here. (contact Licsen: Bruno Jousselme).

2018-2022: European ITN network eSCALED (European School on Artificial Leaf : Electrodes Devices) coordinated by Université de Pau. Learn more about the ITN here. (contact Licsen: Bruno Jousselme).

2017-2023: ANR project 4WATER (For WATER Quality Monitoring), Management of resources and adaptation to climate change. (contact Licsen Jean-Christophe Gabriel).

2017-2022: ANR project FLUOHYB (New FLUOrescent HYBrid nanomaterials based on Aggregation-Induced Emission (AIE) organic ligands grafted to inorganic nanoparticles). (contact Licsen Bernard Geffroy).

2017-2021: ANR project PERSIL (Perovskite/nanocrystalline-silicon tandem solar cells) coordinated at LICSEN. Learn more about the project here. (contact Licsen Bernard Geffroy).

2016-2022: ANR project BRICAPAC (Polymères et composites bactériostatiques pour l’élaboration d’emballages actifs) coordinated at Licsen by Géraldine Carrot. Learn more about the project here. (contact Géraldine Carrot).

2016-2020: ANR project MAGMA (Magnetic Properties of Graphene Functionalized with 2D Molecular Assemblies) coordinated at LICSEN. Learn more about the project here. (contact Licsen Stéphane Campidelli).

2016-2021: ANR project PHOTON’INK (Recuit photonique alternatif pour les encres cuivre) coordinated at CentraleSupelec by S. Noël. Learn more about the project here. (contact Licsen Fanny Hauquier).

2016-2020: ANR project ECCENTRIC (EleCtrospinned Carbon Nanotubes Network for Li/Air Cathode) coordinated at LICSEN. Learn more about the project here. (contact Bruno Jousselme, Renaud Cornut).

2016-2019: MESTREL Labcom with Protec Industrie (Laboratoire de traitement de surface des métaux) coordinated at LICSEN. Learn more about the project here. (contact Guy Deniau).

2016-2019: ANR project NANOEXTRACT (Traitement d’effluents liquides industriels par extractants nanofibres hautes performances) coordinated by Ekaterina Shilova of AJELIS.Learn more about the project here. (contact Licsen Pascal Viel).

2016-2019: ANR project MIMATIC (Biomimetic polymers for ophthalmic surgical implants) coordibnated by Bio-Win-Tech. Learn more about the project here. (contact Licsen Guy Deniau).

2016-2019: ANR project REMIND (REdox active Molecular layers with Ions for Nanoelectroionics Devices) coordinated at ITODYS by J-C. Lacroix. Learn more about the project here. (contact Licsen Bruno Jousselme).

The Graftfast® process for polymer grafting. Learn more about the process here.