Service de Physique de l’État Condensé
CEA Paris-Saclay
Office 227, bldg. 772, Orme des Merisiers
91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex

Phone: +33 1 69 08 94 88
E-mail : vadim.nikolayev(at)

Main topics of research


2024 Internship on simulation of boiling of binary mixtures with TrioCFD (co-supervised by G. Bois and me, applications are welcome)

2024 Internship on “Experimental study of Taylor bubbles” (co-supervised by C. Tecchio and me, applications are welcome)

2024 PhD position “Taylor bubbles: experiments and modeling” (applications are welcome)

2024 PhD position “Direct Numerical Simulation of boiling of binary mixtures with TrioCFD” (applications are welcome)

2024 Postdoctoral position on boiling experiment co-supervised by C. Tecchio and me (applications are welcome)

Co-authored by me 2023 article was selected as the Editor’s suggestion of Phys. Rev. Fluids

Physics of the heat transfer processes involving phase change (see the theoretical and experimental theses on boiling physics of my former Ph.D. students)


Dr. Vadim Nikolayev graduated from the Radio-Physics Department of Kiev University (Ukraine, ex-USSR at the time) in 1985 and received his Ph.D. degree in Physics in 1989 from the same university. He was a staff researcher at the Institute for Theoretical Physics in Kiev in 1988-1999. He took visiting positions in France and USA (SPEC/CEA/Saclay, 1995-1996, DRFMC/CEA/Grenoble 1997-1998 and Physics Department of the University of New Orleans, USA, 1998-1999). Since 1999 he works as a staff researcher at the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), at the Low Temperature Systems Department (DSBT) until 2013 and in the Laboratory of Condensed Matter Physics (SPEC) since 2013.

As a member of the Team of supercritical fluids for environment, materials and space (ESEME) created jointly by CEA, CNRS and ESPCI (1999-2013), he was based at several laboratories: DSBT at Grenoble (1999-2000), ICMCB/CNRS at Bordeaux (2000-2004), PMMH/ESPCI at Paris (2004-2013).

He has defended his habilitation thesis in 2005. He is currently based at SPEC/IRAMIS/CEA/Saclay. He was a member of the scientific committee of the French-German program COMPERE (2012-2016) that deals with the behavior of cryogenic liquid fuel in the reservoirs of space vehicles.

He served as a co-chairman of the International Symposium on Oscillating/Pulsating Heat Pipes, Daejeon, Korea, September 25-28, 2019.

Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of a special issue of Applied Thermal Engineering “Innovations in Pulsating Heat Pipes”

Member of the scientific council GDR 2799 (virtual research entity managed by CNRS) “Fundamental and applied microgravity”.

Member of the LEO (Low Earth Orbit) Facility Definition Team of ESA.

Recent publications of V. S. Nikolayev by topic

Click at a topic to open or close the list of corresponding references.

Last change: Sep 2, 2024.

Heat transfer with phase change, boiling

Microlayer in nucleate boiling seen as Landau-Levich film with dewetting and evaporation,
Tecchio, C., Zhang, X., Cariteau, B., Zalczer, G., Roca i Cabarrocas, P., Bulkin, P., Charliac, J., Vassant, S. & Nikolayev, V. S., J. Fluid Mech. 2024.

Microlayer evaporation during bubble growth in nucleate boiling,
Tecchio, C., Cariteau, B., Le Houedec, C., Bois, G., Saikali, E., Zalczer, G., Vassant, S., Roca i Cabarrocas, P., Bulkin, P., Charliac, J. & Nikolayev, V. S., Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 2024 vol. 231, 125860.

Direct numerical simulation of single bubble dynamics in nucleate pool boiling with micro-region modeling and thermal coupling to a solid wall,
J. Wei, L., Bois, G. & Nikolayev, V. S., Phys. Conf. Ser. 2024 vol. 2766(1), 012122.

Effect of an artificial cavity on the microlayer and contact line dynamics during bubble growth in nucleate boiling,
Tecchio, C., Regoli, I., Cariteau, B., Zalczer, G., Roca i Cabarrocas, P., Bulkin, P., Charliac, J., Vassant, S. & Nikolayev, V. S., J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 2024 vol. 2766(1), 012121.

Subgrid moving contact line model for direct numerical simulations of bubble dynamics in pool boiling of pure fluids,
Nikolayev, V. S., Wei, L. & Bois, G., J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 2024 vol. 2766(1), 012123.

Dewetting accelerated by evaporation,
Zhang, X. & Nikolayev, V. S., Proc. 16th Int. Conf. Heat Transfer Fluid Mech. Thermodynamics (HEFAT-ATE 2022), 2022, 311 – 316.

Evaporation effect on the contact angle and contact line dynamics,
Nikolayev, V. S. in: Marengo, M. & De Coninck, J. (ed.), The Surface Wettability Effect on Phase Change, Chapter 6, Springer, 2022, 133 – 187.

Microlayer dynamics at bubble growth in boiling, 16th Int. Conf. Heat Transfer Fluid Mech. Thermodynamics
Tecchio, C., Zhang, X., Cariteau, B., Zalczer, G., Roca i Cabarrocas, P., Bulkin, P., Charliac, J., Vassant, S. & Nikolayev, V., (ATE-HEFAT 2022), 2022, 624 – 629.

Vapour bubble growth during nucleate boiling accounting for contact-line evaporation,
Pandey, V., Bois, G. & Nikolayev, V. Proc. Adv. Therm. Hydraulics (ATH20), 2020, 1131 – 1144.

Evaporation condensation-induced bubble motion after temperature gradient set-up,
Nikolayev, V. S., Garrabos, Y., Lecoutre, C., Pichavant, G., Chatain, D. & Beysens, D. C. R. Mécanique, 2017 vol. 345 (1), 35 – 46.

Nikolayev, V., Garrabos, Y., Lecoutre, C., Charignon, T., Hitz, D., Chatain, D., Guillaument, R., Marre, S. & Beysens, D. ,
Boiling Crisis Dynamics: Low Gravity Experiments at High Pressure, Microgravity Sci. Technol. 2015 vol. 27 (4), 253 – 260.

Criticality in the slowed-down boiling crisis at zero gravity,
Charignon, T., Lloveras, P., Chatain, D., Truskinovsky, L., Vives, E., Beysens, D. & Nikolayev, V. S. Phys. Rev. E, 2015 vol. 91, 053007.

Triggering the boiling crisis: a study of the dry spot spreading mechanism,
Janeček, V. & Nikolayev, V. S., Interfacial Phenomena and Heat Transfer, 2014 vol. 2 (4), 363 – 383.

Boiling crisis dynamics: low gravity experiments and modeling,
Nikolayev, V., Garrabos, Y., Lecoutre, C., Hitz, D., Chatain, D., Guillaument, R., Janeček, V. & Beysens, D., Proc. 8th Eu. Conf. on Aerothermodynamics for Space Vehicles, ESA, 2015.
(cf. presentation

Boiling phenomena in near-critical SF6 observed in weightlessness,
Lecoutre, C., Garrabos, Y., Beysens, D., Nikolayev, V. & Hahn, I. , Acta Astronautica,
, 2014 vol. 100 , 22 – 29

Moving contact line of a volatile fluid,
Janeček, V., Andreotti, B., Pražák, D., Bárta, T. & Nikolayev, V. S. Phys. Rev. E, 2013 vol. 88, 060404.

Apparent-contact-angle model at partial wetting and evaporation: Impact of surface forces,
Janeček, V. & Nikolayev, V. S. Phys. Rev. E, 2013 vol. 87, 012404.

Contact line singularity at partial wetting during evaporation driven by substrate heating,
Janeček, V. & Nikolayev, V. S. , Europhys. Lett. 2012 vol. 100 (1), 14003.

Quench cooling under reduced gravity,
Chatain, D., Mariette, C., Nikolayev, V. S. & Beysens, D. Phys. Rev. E, 2013 vol. 88, 013004.

Impact of the apparent contact angle on the bubble departure at boiling,
Nikolayev, V. S. & Janeček, V. , Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 2012 vol. 55 (23-24), 7352 – 7354.

Parneix, C., Vandoolaeghe, P., Nikolayev, V.S., Quéré, D., Li, J. & Cabane, B. ,
Dips and Rims in Dried Colloidal Films,
Phys. Rev. Lett.,
, 2010 Vol. 105 (26), 266103.

Janeček, V. & Nikolayev, V.S. Influence of the surface forces on the apparent contact angle at partial wetting and in the presence of heat and mass transfer, Proc. 2nd European Conference on Microfluidics – μFLU10, , paper 212, Toulouse, December 8-10, 2010.

Nikolayev, V.S. ,
Dynamics of the triple contact line on a nonisothermal heater at partial wetting,
Phys. Fluids,
, 2010 Vol. 22 (8), 082105.

Garrabos, Y., Lecoutre, C., Beysens, D., Nikolayev, V., Barde, S., Pont, G. & Zappoli, B. ,
Transparent heater for study of the boiling crisis near the vapor-liquid critical point,
Acta Astronautica,
, 2010 Vol. 66 (5-6), pp. 760 – 768

Nikolayev, V. S., Chatain, D. & Beysens, D. Physical modelling of the boiling crisis:
theory and experiment
Actes du colloque de la Société Hydrotechnique de France “Ecoulements diphasiques”,
, Grenoble, 8-9 septembre 2008.

Nikolayev, V. S. Dynamique de la ligne triple de contact sur une paroi chauffante,
Actes du congrès de la Société Française de thermique, Toulouse (2008).

Nikolayev, V. S., Chatain, D. & Beysens, D. Crise d´ébullition par caléfaction : modélisation et expériences
à très grande pression
Actes du congrès de la Société Française de
, Toulouse (2008).

Nikolayev, V. Ebullition en crise, Feuille rouge (Publcation du DRFMC/CEA), Numéro 530, de février 2007.

Nikolayev, V. S., Chatain, D., Garrabos, Y. & Beysens D. Experimental evidence
of the vapor recoil mechanism in the boiling crisis
Physical Review Letters, 97, 184503 (2006).

Followups of this paper:
Physics News Update, (AIP), APS News, (article Slow-Motion Boiling, p. 8)

Nikolayev, V. S., Chatain, D. & Beysens, D. Bubble spreading during the boiling
crisis: modeling and experimenting in microgravity
Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Boiling Heat Transfer, May 7-12, 2006, Spoleto, Italy (CD-ROM).

Nikolayev, V., Beysens, D., Garrabos, Y., Chatain, D. & Lecoutre, C. Bubble
spreading during the boiling crisis: modeling and experimenting in microgravity
Microgravity Science and Technology, 18(3/4), 34 – 37 (2006).

Hegseth, J., Oprisan, A., Garrabos, Y., Nikolayev, V. S., Lecoutre-Chabot, C. &
Beysens D. Wetting film dynamics during evaporation under weightlessness in a
near-critical fluid
Physical Review E, 72, 031602 (2005).

Nikolayev, V.S., Beysens, D.
La crise d´ébullition vue comme l´étalement des bulles sur la paroi chauffante,
17ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Troyes, 29/8-2/09 2005, published as a CD-ROM, AFM (2005).

Nikolayev V., Beysens D. Boiling crisis : theory, simulation, and experiments in
, “Theory and simulations”, Bulletin DRFMC No. 4 (Novembre),
44 – 45, CEA Grenoble (2004).

Nikolayev, V.S., Beysens, D., Garrabos, Y.
Crise d´ébullition : inhibition du détachement de la bulle de vapeur par la force de recul,
Mécanique & Industries, 5(5), 553 – 558 (2004).

Nikolayev, V.S., Beysens, D.A. 2D BEM modeling of a singular thermal diffusion
free boundary problem with phase change
, Boundary elements XXIV (Incorporating meshless solutions), Eds. C.A. Brebbia, A. Tadeu & V. Popov, Int. Series on Advances in Boundary Elements 13, WIT Press (Southhampton, Boston) 501-525 (2002).

Beysens, D., Nikolayev, V.S., Garrabos, Y. Vapor spreading and the boiling crisis,
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 15, S435 – S442 (2003).

Hegseth, J., Garrabos, Y., Nikolayev, V.S., Lecoutre-Chabot, C., Wunenburger, R.,
Beysens, D. Gas “wets” a solid wall in orbit,
International Journal of Thermophysics, 23, 89 – 101 (2002).

Garrabos, Y., Lecoutre-Chabot, C., Hegseth, J., Nikolayev, V.S., Beysens, D. &
Delville, J.-P. Gas spreading on a heated wall wetted by liquid,
Physical Review E, 64(5), 051602 (2001).

Nikolayev, V.S., Beysens, D.A., Lagier, G.-L., Hegseth, J. Growth of a dry spot
under a vapor bubble at high heat ux and high pressure
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 44(18), 3499 – 3511 (2001).

Nikolayev, V.S., Beysens, D.A., Garrabos, Y., Hegseth, J. CHF as a Non-Equilibrium
Drying Transition
, Proc. 4th International Conference on Multiphase
Flow (ICMF), New Orleans (USA), May 27-June 1, 2001,
paper 937, Ed. E. E. Michaelides, published as a CD-ROM, Tulane University (2001).

Nikolayev, V.S., Beysens, D.A., Hegseth, J. Boiling Crisis as a Non-Equilibrium
Drying Transition
14th Symposium on Thermophysical properties, Boulder (USA) 25-30/6/2000 published as a CD-ROM, NIST (2000).

Nikolayev, V.S., Beysens, D.A. Boiling crisis and non-equilibrium drying transition,
Europhys. Lett., 1999 vol. 47(3), 345 – 351.