Chercheur au Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives CEA / CEA scientist
- Centre d’étude de Saclay – CEA Saclay, Bât. 466
Direction de la Recherche Fondamentale – DRF
Institut rayonnement matière de Saclay – IRAMIS
Service de physique de l’état condensé – SPEC
Laboratoire d’électronique et nanophotonique organique – LEPO
Sujets de recherche / Research activity
- Experience
2016-… Chercheur / Scientist CEA Saclay
2015 Visiting senior scholar (6 months) (Prof. X-W. Chen), Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
2014 Visiting senior scholar (2 ½ months) (Prof. L. Menesez) University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil
2014 Post-doctoral position (2 ½ years) (Advisor: Prof. V. Sandoghdar) Max Planck Insititute for the Science of Light, Erlangen, Germany
2011 Ph.D. in Physics (3 ½ years) (Advisor : Prof. JJ. Greffet) Ecole Centrale Paris, Châtenay-Malabry, France
“Contrôle optique et électrique de réflectivité THz assistée par phonon-polaritons de surface / Optical and electrical control of THz reflectivity assisted by surface phonon polariton“, soutenue le 14 février 2011.
2007 Master Thesis (6 month) and contract (4 month) (Advisors: Dr. E. Sondergaard and E. Barthel) Saint-Gobain Research, Laboratoire mixte CNRS/SGR, Aubervilliers, France
- Formation
2011 Doctorat en Physique / PhD in physics, Ecole Centrale Paris
2007 Master en Optique et Nanotechnologie, Ingénieur en génie des systèmes mécaniques, Université de Technologie de Troyes (UTT)
2000 Baccalauréat S
Publications scientifiques
Publications HAL-CEA (recent publications)
Optical characterization of a single molecule complete spatial orientation using intra-molecular triplet-triplet absorption
R. Trojanowicz, L. Douillard, L. Sosa Vargas, F. Charra and S. Vassant
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 26, 16350 (2024)
Microlayer in nucleate boiling seen as a Landau-Levich film with dewetting and evaporation
C. Tecchio, X. Zhang, B. Cariteau, G. Zalczer, P. Roca I Cabarrocas, P. Bulkin, J. Chariac, S. Vassant and V. Nikolayev
Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2024, in press)
Structure and Photonic Properties of a Perrylenediimide Monolayer Assembled by the Langmuir-Blodgett Technique
N. Fabre, R. Trojanowicz, L. Moreaud, C. Fiorini-Debuisschert, S. Vassant and F. Charra
Langmuir 39, 1852 (2023)
Determination of the far-infrared dielectric function of a thin InGaAs layer using a detuned Salisbury screen
TN. Le, J-L. Pelouard, F. Charra and S. Vassant
Optics Materials Express 12 (7), 2711 (2022)
Quasi-confined ENZ mode in an anisotropic uniaxial thin slab
S. Vassant, J-P. Hugonin, J-J. Greffet
Optics Express 27 (9), 12317 (2019)
Strong Coupling between Self-Assembled Molecules and Surface Plasmon Polaritons
J. Bigeon, S. Le Liepvre, S. Vassant, N. Belabas, N. Bardou, C. Minot, A. Yacomotti, A. Levenson, F. Charra, S. Barbay
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 8 (22), 5626 (2017)
Strong plasmonic enhancement of biexciton emission: controlled coupling of a single quantum dot to a gold nanocone antenna
K. Matsuzaki, S. Vassant, H-W. Liu, A. Dutschke, B. Hoffmann, X. Chen, S. Christiansen, M. R. Buck, J. A. Hollingsworth, S. Götzinger, V. Sandoghdar
Scientific Reports 7, 42307 (2017)
Fabrication and characterization of plasmonic nanocone antennas for strong spontaneous emission enhancement
B. Hoffmann, S. Vassant, XW. Chen, S. Götzinger, V. Sandoghdar, S. Christiansen
Nanotechnology 26 (40), 404001 (2015)
Epsilon-near-zero strong coupling in metamaterial-semiconductor hybrid structures
YC. Jun, J. Reno, T. Ribaudo, E. Shaner, JJ. Greffet, S. Vassant, F. Marquier, M. Sinclair, I. Brener
Nano letters 13 (11), 5391-5396 (2013)
Electrical modulation of emissivity
S. Vassant, I. Moldovan Doyen, F. Marquier, F. Pardo, U. Gennser, A. Cavanna, JL. Pelouard, JJ. Greffet
Applied Physics Letters 102 (8), 081125 (2013)
Epsilon-Near-Zero mode for active optoelectronic devices
S. Vassant, A. Archambault, F. Marquier, F. Pardo, U. Gennser, A. Cavanna, U. Gennser, A. Cavanna, JL. Pelouard, JJ. Greffet
Physical review letters 109 (23), 237401 (2012)
Berreman mode and epsilon near zero mode
S. Vassant, JP. Hugonin, F. Marquier, JJ. Greffet
Optics express 20 (21), 23971-23977 (2012)
Influence of a depletion layer on localized surface waves in doped semiconductor nanostructures
S. Vassant, F. Pardo, P. Bouchon, R. Haïdar, F. Marquier, JJ. Greffet, JL. Pelouard
Applied Physics Letters 100 (9), 091103 (2012)
Tailoring GaAs terahertz radiative properties with surface phonons polaritons
S. Vassant, F. Marquier, JJ. Greffet, F. Pardo, JL. Pelouard
Applied Physics Letters 97 (16), 161101 (2010)
Brevets / Patents
Modulateur THz (THz modulator)
S. Vassant, A. Archambault, F. Pardo, F. Marquier, JJ. Greffet, JL.Pelouard
Brevet FR 2 971 594 (2011)
Cellule de détection terahertz (THz detection cell)
S. Vassant, A. Archambault F. Pardo, F. Marquier , JJ.Greffet, JL. Pelouard
Brevet FR 2 971 623 (2011)
Enseignement / Teaching
Introduction à la mécanique quantique (cours 20h + TD 8h), ESIEE, 2016-2017