Service de Physique de l'État Condensé (SPEC)
Laboratoire d'Electronique et nanoPhotonique Organique (LEPO)
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Google Scholar : fuCQEgMAAAAJ ORCID : 0000-0003-1228-0583

- Physicien
- Directeur de Recherche CEA
Sujets de recherche
Nanophotonique moléculaire : Contrôle à l’échelle nanométrique de l’interaction molécule-lumière (absorption, émission, conversion, transduction, …) :
- Assemblages moléculaires basés sur le graphène pour la photonique
- Dynamique et opto-électronique de systèmes moléculaires organisés
- Modes de plasmons et exaltation plasmoniques de l’interaction molécule-champ
Situations précédentes
CEA / LETI (Division for Advanced Technologies)
- Chef du groupe Composants Organiques (1993-1995)
- Responsable de l’équipe Optique Non-Linéaire (1992-1993)
- Chercheur (1990-1992)
- 1987–1990 CEA / Saclay et université Paris-sud, Orsay, France – Thèse : Processus optiques non-linéaires dans les polymères semiconducteurs, Directeur: Ch. Flytzanis (LOQ, École Polytechnique) ; superviseurs: J. Messier (CEA), J.-M. Nunzi (CEA).
- 1986-1987 Institut d’Optique, Graduate School, Orsay, France – Master II en Optique et Photonique.
- 1981–1984 École Normale Supérieure (Saint Cloud, France) – Thèse (1982) et master I (1983) en physique, Université Paris-sud, France – Agrégation de Sciences Physiques (1984).
Publications scientifiques
Auteur de ~160 publications avec comité de lecture (“referee”), livres, chapitres de livres, et 6 brevets.
Facteur Hirsch= 37 (Google Scholar) ; 33(ISI).
Publications récentes :
Functional hybrid multilayered van der Waals heterostructures from graphene and self-assembled supramolecular 2D crystals.
N. Kalashnyk, A. Gouesmel, E. Kim, A.-J. Attias, F. Charra, 2D Materials 2019. 6 (4) Article Number: 045016. -
Computer modeling of 2D-supramolecular nanoporous monolayers self-assembled on graphite.
A. St. John, M. W. Roth, L. Firlej, B. Kuchta, F. Charra, C. Wexler, Nanoscale 2019. 11: p. 21284-21290 -
Electronic effects of the Bernal stacking of graphite on self-assembled aromatic adsorbates.
N. Kalashnyk, M. Jaouen, C. Fiorini-Debuisschert, L. Douillard, A.-J. Attias, F. Charra, Chemical Communications 2018. 54: p. 9607-9610. -
Directed Organization of Platinum Nanocrystals through Organic Supramolecular Nanoporous Templates.
F. Kameche, A. Six, F. Charra, A. T. Ngo, F. Mathevet, C. Salzemann, D. Kreher, I. Arfaoui, A.-J. Attias, C. Petit, Langmuir 2018. 33(44): p. 12759-12765. -
Strong Coupling between Self-Assembled Molecules and Surface Plasmon Polaritons.
J. Bigeon, S. Le Liepvre, S. Vassant, N. Belabas, N. Bardou, C. Minot, A. Yacomotti, A. Levenson, F. Charra, S. Barbay, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2018. 8(22): p. 5626-5632. -
Electroluminescence of Colloidal Quantum Dots in Electrical Contact with Metallic Nanoparticles.
H. Y. Wang, L. V. Quynh, A. Abdelhanin, X. Le Roux, F. Charra, N. Chauvin, A. Degiron, Advanced Optical Materials 2018. 6(2): Art. Number: 1700658. -
From plasmon-induced luminescence enhancement in gold nanorods to plasmon-induced luminescence turn-off: a way to control reshaping.
C. Molinaro, S. Marguet, L. Douillard, F. Charra, C. Fiorini-Debuisschert, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2018. 20(17): p. 12295-12302. -
Transition from disordered to long-range ordered nanoparticles on Al2O3/Ni3Al(111).
N. Alyabyeva, A. Ouvrard, A.-M. Zakaria, F. Charra, B. Bourguignon, B, Applied Surface Science 2018. 444: p. 423-429. -
Oriented Gold Nanorods and Gold Nanorod Chains within Smectic Liquid Crystal Topological Defects.
B. Rozic, J. Fresnais, C. Molinaro, J . Calxte, S. Umadevi, S. Lau-Truong, N. Felidj, T. Kraus, F. Charra, V. Dupuis, T. Hegmann, C. Fiorini-Debuisscher, B. Gallas, Bruno, E. Lacaze, Acs Nano, 2017. 11(7): p. 6728-6738. -
Near-Field Localization of Single Au Cubes: A Group Theory Description.
S. Mitiche, S. Marguet, F. Charra and L. Douillard, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2017. 121(8): p. 4517-4523. -
2D self-assembly of phenylene–vinylene tectons at the liquid–highly oriented pyrolytic graphite interface: from chain length effects to anisotropic guest–host dynamics.
A. Six, A. Bocheux, F. Charra, F. Mathevet, D. Kreher and A.-J. Attias,, Nanotechnology, 2017. 28(2): p. 025602. -
Two-Dimensional dye self-assemblies on graphene: optical signature
S. Le Liepvre, F. Charra, A.-J. Attias, C. Fiorini, L. Douillard, in Nano-Optics: Principles Enabling Basic Research and Applications. 2017, Springer, Dordrecht. p. 531-532.
Surface-confined supramolecular self-assembly: towards nanooptics on graphene.
A.-J. Attias, P. Du, D. Kreher, F. Mathevet, S. Le Liepvre, F. Charra,Organic Photonic Materials and Devices Xix, C.E. Tabor, et al., Editors. 2017. -
Fluorescent self-assembled molecular monolayer on graphene.
S. Le Liepvre, Ping Du, D. Kreher, F. Mathevet, A.-J. Attias, C. Fiorini-Debuisschert, L. Douillard and F. Charra , ACS photonics, 2016. 3(12): pp 2291–2296 -
Synthesis of new dithia [3.3] parapara-and metapara-cyclophane based tectons: toward a universal surface-confined 2D/3D molecular binding motif.
E. Zaborova, A. Six, H. Amokrane, F. Charra, F. Mathevet, A.-J. Attias et D. Kreher, Pure and Applied Chemistry, 2016. 88(10-11): p. 1005-1025. -
Two-photon luminescence of single colloidal gold nanorods: revealing the origin of plasmon relaxation in small nanocrystals.
C. Molinaro, Y. El Harfouch, E. Palleau, F. Eloi, S. Marguet, L. Douillard, F. Charra, and C. Fiorini-Debuisschert, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2016. 120(40): p. 23136-23143. -
Plasmonics of Opal Surface: A Combined Near- and Far-Field Approach.
C. Lethiec, G. Binard, T. Popescu, H. Frederich, H. Phan Ngoc, E. Yraola, C. Schwob, F. Charra, L. Coolen, L. Douillard and A. Maître, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2016. 120(34): p. 19308-19315. -
Optical absorption signature of a self-assembled dye monolayer on graphene.
T. Sghaier, S. Le Liepvre, C. Fiorini, L. Douillard and F. Charra, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 2016. 7(1): p. 862-868. -
High resolution scanning near field mapping of enhancement on SERS substrates: comparison with photoemission electron microscopy,
C. Awada, J. Plathier, C. Dab, F. Charra, L. Douillard and A. Ruediger, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2016. 18(14): p. 9405-9411. -
Two-photon luminescence of single gold nanorods: Influence of the rods volume at a given plasmon resonance.
C. Molinaro, S. Marguet, L. Douillard, F. Charra, and C. Fiorini-Debuisschert, CLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science, 2016. FW1B. 6 Optical Society of America. -
Influence of the oxazole ring connection on the fluorescence of oxazoyl-triphenylamine biphotonic DNA probes,
B. Dumat, E. Faurel-Paul, P. Fornarelli, N. Saettel, G. Metgé, C. Fiorini-Debuisschert, F. Charra, F. Mahuteau-Betzer and M.-P. Teulade-Fichou, Organic & biomolecular chemistry, 2016. 14(1): p. 358-370.