Scientific highlights 2020 Highlights 2021 Year 2020 December 23 2020 Chain Conformation and Aggregation Structure Formation of a High Charge Mobility DPP-based Donor-acceptor Conjugated Polymer IRAMIS, LLB, MMB December 2 2020 Effect of Ligands on HP-Induced Unfolding and Oligomerization of b-Lactoglobulin IRAMIS, LLB, MMB November 10 2020 Chain Conformation and Aggregation Structure Formation of a High Charge Mobility DPP-Based Donor–Acceptor Conjugated Polymer IRAMIS, LLB, MMB November 8 2020 Mg-ion batteries: amorphization and crystallization in In-Pb anodes IRAMIS, NIMBE, LEEL October 20 2020 Dimer Physics in the Frustrated Cairo Pentagonal Antiferromagnet Bi2Fe4O9 IRAMIS, LLB, MMB, NFMQ October 16 2020 Direct observation of the reduction of a molecule on nitrogen doped graphene IRAMIS, SPEC, Groupe Modélisation et Théorie / Modeling and Theory Group October 6 2020 Unsuspected movements inside magnetic materials IRAMIS, LSI, PCN September 28 2020 Self-Induced Crystallization in Charged Gold Nanoparticle- Semiflexible Biopolyelectrolyte Complexes IRAMIS, LLB, MMB September 28 2020 SCARCE : 18 mois de collaboration sur le recyclage, entre l’Université NTU de Singapour et le CEA IRAMIS, NIMBE, LICSEN September 28 2020 SCARCE : 18 mois de collaboration entre une université de Singapour et le CEA IRAMIS, NIMBE, LICSEN September 2 2020 Combining surface chemistry modification and in situ small-angle scattering characterization to understand and optimize the biological behavior of nanomedicines IRAMIS, LLB, MMB August 11 2020 Strain‑induced violation of temperature uniformity in mesoscale liquids IRAMIS, LLB, NFMQ July 31 2020 Origine des molécules du vivant : formation de liaisons peptidiques par irradiation ionique IRAMIS, CIMAP July 21 2020 Interplay of 4 f-3d interactions and spin-induced ferroelectricity in the green phase Gd2BaCuO5 IRAMIS, LLB, NFMQ July 9 2020 La face cachée de la galette de SiC IRAMIS, SPEC, Groupe Modélisation et Théorie / Modeling and Theory Group July 8 2020 Nano-impression électrique et manipulation d’hétérostructures oxydes ferroélectriques par microscopie à force piézoélectrique IRAMIS, SPEC, LNO, SPHYNX June 24 2020 Plasmonics and activated photopolymerization: tools for fine modification of metal nanoparticles IRAMIS, SPEC, LEPO June 23 2020 Controlled Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles in Copolymers Nanomolds by X-ray Radiolysis IRAMIS, LLB, MMB June 12 2020 Suspension de nanoparticules magnétiques dans un liquide ionique pour la thermoélectricité : une question d’interface Magnetic nanoparticles suspension in ionic liquid for thermoelectricity: It’s all about interface IRAMIS, SPEC, SPHYNX June 1 2020 RNA Spectroscopy; Methods and Protocol IRAMIS, LLB, MMB June 1 2020 Détecter un unique photon, porteur d’information quantique IRAMIS, SPEC, GQ May 23 2020 Hyperpolarisation de spins électroniques par refroidissement radiatif IRAMIS, SPEC, GQ May 9 2020 Exchange Lifetimes of the Bound Polymer Layer on Silica Nanoparticles IRAMIS, LLB, MMB April 28 2020 Evolution of the electronic structure of black phosphorus by electron doping IRAMIS, LSI, NEE April 15 2020 A quantum ice of electronic magnetic octupoles IRAMIS, LLB, NFMQ April 9 2020 Excitation résonante de la nutation d’un nano-aimant IRAMIS, SPEC April 8 2020 Controlled Loading and Release of Beta-Lactoglobulin in Calcium-Polygalacturonate Hydrogels IRAMIS, LLB, MMB March 17 2020 Direct evidence of weakly dispersed and strongly anharmonic optical phonons in hybrid perovskites IRAMIS, LLB, NFMQ February 13 2020 Coupling NMR to SANS: Addressing at once structure and dynamics in soft matter IRAMIS, LLB, MMB January 14 2020 Suppression of the bulk high spin–low spin transition by doping the chiral magnet MnGe IRAMIS, LLB, GDP, NFMQ January 7 2020 An oxygen-carrying cage molecule IRAMIS, NIMBE, LSDRM Highlights 2019
December 23 2020 Chain Conformation and Aggregation Structure Formation of a High Charge Mobility DPP-based Donor-acceptor Conjugated Polymer IRAMIS, LLB, MMB
December 2 2020 Effect of Ligands on HP-Induced Unfolding and Oligomerization of b-Lactoglobulin IRAMIS, LLB, MMB
November 10 2020 Chain Conformation and Aggregation Structure Formation of a High Charge Mobility DPP-Based Donor–Acceptor Conjugated Polymer IRAMIS, LLB, MMB
November 8 2020 Mg-ion batteries: amorphization and crystallization in In-Pb anodes IRAMIS, NIMBE, LEEL
October 20 2020 Dimer Physics in the Frustrated Cairo Pentagonal Antiferromagnet Bi2Fe4O9 IRAMIS, LLB, MMB, NFMQ
October 16 2020 Direct observation of the reduction of a molecule on nitrogen doped graphene IRAMIS, SPEC, Groupe Modélisation et Théorie / Modeling and Theory Group
September 28 2020 Self-Induced Crystallization in Charged Gold Nanoparticle- Semiflexible Biopolyelectrolyte Complexes IRAMIS, LLB, MMB
September 28 2020 SCARCE : 18 mois de collaboration sur le recyclage, entre l’Université NTU de Singapour et le CEA IRAMIS, NIMBE, LICSEN
September 28 2020 SCARCE : 18 mois de collaboration entre une université de Singapour et le CEA IRAMIS, NIMBE, LICSEN
September 2 2020 Combining surface chemistry modification and in situ small-angle scattering characterization to understand and optimize the biological behavior of nanomedicines IRAMIS, LLB, MMB
August 11 2020 Strain‑induced violation of temperature uniformity in mesoscale liquids IRAMIS, LLB, NFMQ
July 31 2020 Origine des molécules du vivant : formation de liaisons peptidiques par irradiation ionique IRAMIS, CIMAP
July 21 2020 Interplay of 4 f-3d interactions and spin-induced ferroelectricity in the green phase Gd2BaCuO5 IRAMIS, LLB, NFMQ
July 9 2020 La face cachée de la galette de SiC IRAMIS, SPEC, Groupe Modélisation et Théorie / Modeling and Theory Group
July 8 2020 Nano-impression électrique et manipulation d’hétérostructures oxydes ferroélectriques par microscopie à force piézoélectrique IRAMIS, SPEC, LNO, SPHYNX
June 24 2020 Plasmonics and activated photopolymerization: tools for fine modification of metal nanoparticles IRAMIS, SPEC, LEPO
June 23 2020 Controlled Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles in Copolymers Nanomolds by X-ray Radiolysis IRAMIS, LLB, MMB
June 12 2020 Suspension de nanoparticules magnétiques dans un liquide ionique pour la thermoélectricité : une question d’interface Magnetic nanoparticles suspension in ionic liquid for thermoelectricity: It’s all about interface IRAMIS, SPEC, SPHYNX
April 28 2020 Evolution of the electronic structure of black phosphorus by electron doping IRAMIS, LSI, NEE
April 8 2020 Controlled Loading and Release of Beta-Lactoglobulin in Calcium-Polygalacturonate Hydrogels IRAMIS, LLB, MMB
March 17 2020 Direct evidence of weakly dispersed and strongly anharmonic optical phonons in hybrid perovskites IRAMIS, LLB, NFMQ
February 13 2020 Coupling NMR to SANS: Addressing at once structure and dynamics in soft matter IRAMIS, LLB, MMB
January 14 2020 Suppression of the bulk high spin–low spin transition by doping the chiral magnet MnGe IRAMIS, LLB, GDP, NFMQ