CNRS Research Scientist (Chargée de Recherche Hors Classe, CRCH)
Université Paris-Saclay, CEA, CNRS, NIMBE, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France (publication address)
- PUBLONS (web of science) : K-2750-2012
- ORCID : 0000-0002-8670-1320
- Google scholar
- Researchgate
- HAL-CEA – open access, publications and communications (> 1999)
Research Interests :
Light-Matter Interaction, Nanosciences
[2008 – present] Gold Nanoparticles for Plasmonics and Health
Our activity focuses on the synthesis and assembly of high quality colloidal gold nanoparticles (Au-NP), whose morphologies (sizes, shapes) and coatings are optimized to generate light, heat or charge carriers, depending on the targeted application. Indeed, the hybrid nanoparticles (NP) that are composed of a plasmonic-metal nanoparticle (such as gold, silver, copper,…) and another component wich can be a molecule, a semiconductor, a Qdot, a catalyst.. have a strong technical and societal impact on Energy, Environment and Health (research field of the CEA-NIMBE). After 20 years dedicated to the study of photo-induced processes in molecular sytems, the main objective of our research is now to take advantage of the light-matter interaction in highly controlled gold nanohybrids. This research is carried out in the framework of very stimulating collaborations, with expert teams (see below the list of funded coll.) to discover unexpected properties.

Funded collaborations:
- R. Bachelot, P. M. Adam, J. Plain, UTT Troyes, L2n CNRS-ERL 7004
- L. Douillard , C. Fiorini, S. Vassant, F. Charra, CEA Saclay, SPEC UMR 3680, équipe LEPO
- O. Soppera, C. Molinaro, Molécules, Nano-, Micro-structures, IS2M, Mulhouse,
- E. Le Moal, E. Boer-Duchemin, G. Dujardin, Orsay , ISMO, équipe Nanophys
- B. Palpant, CentraleSupelec, Paris-Saclay, LuMIn
- R. Pansu (ENS Paris-Saclay , anciennement PPSM)
- G. Bousquet, Ch. Leboeuf, UMR_S942, batiment SMBH, Bobigny
- A. Crut, Noelle Lascoux, Natalia Del Fatti et al, Lyon, ILM, équipe FemtoNanoOptics
- M. Treguer Delapierre, Bordeaux, ICMCB
- S. Bidault, Paris ESPCI, Institut Langevin UMR7587
- G. Bellot, Montpellier, CBS
[1988 -2008] Photophysics and Photochemistry (20 years)
Interface experience / theory
S. Marguet obtained a permanent research position in 1993 after a PhD at the interface experience/theory (J.C. Mialocq, P. Millié), followed by a post-doc in the field of pulse radiolysis (P. Neta, NIST, USA). By combining “time-resolved optical spectroscopies” and quantum chemistry, she was involved in two main projects :
- [1993 – 2001] : Photophysics of Organized Molecular Systems.
- [2001 – 2008] : Interaction of UV radiation with DNA
During this 20 year period, she had the opportunity to study many photoinduced chemical reactions and have developed an expertise of energy transfer and electron transfer in molecular systems, working with the assistance of many researchers : Ph. Millié, D. Markovitsi, T. Gustavsson, M.A. El-sayed,, P. Neta, J.C. Mialocq, J.P. Fouassier ….
Education and positions :
Since 1993 : permanent research position (CNRS : National Center for Scientific Research) at CEA Paris-Saclay, France
1997 | 6 months as visiting scientist in Pr. M. A. El-Sayed’s group, Atlanta, USA (CdS Qdots) |
1993 | Postdoctoral research, Dr Pedi Neta, N.I.S.T., Washington DC, USA (Radical Chemistry, Pulse Radiolysis) |
1992 | Ph.D in Molecular-Physics and Chemistry, University of Paris-Sud, Orsay, France: “Theoretical and experimental study of the relaxation of excited states of the DCM laser dye. Intra-molecular electron transfer and photo-isomerization. Solvent effects“. |
1988 | Engineer in Chemistry “Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Mulhouse”, France |
1966 | Born Besançon, France |