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IRAMIS/NIMBE/LIONS : Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire sur l'Organisation Nanométrique et Supramoléculaire )
Research scientist
Scientific researchs: experimental development for SAXS
Diffusion des Rayons X aux petits angles / Small Angle X-Rays Scattering (SAXS)
- MOMAC : Pole Molybdène pour la matière condensée
- Molybdenum Wide Angle X-Ray Scattering (WAXS)
- Diffusion des rayons X aux petits angles (SAXS)
- A high sensitivity Small Angle X-Ray Scattering (SAXS) experiment

- NEW PYTHON TUTORIAL (iPyhon notebook ): How to import scientific datas and plot them, How to minimize datas using Python (ipython notebook)
- Python langage : Python courses “Using Python for science”
- Android Developer : Android application for TANGO (search TangoWatch on Android Market)
- Control-command software (TANGO, Python, C++, Visual Basic, Labview,…)
- Scientific Data analysis software for Small-angle X rays scattering :
NIMBE webmaster: management and application development in PHP/mySQL (bibliography, chemical product management,…)
Last Publications :
Mémoire CNAM
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soutenu le 21 décembre 2006
Main scientific publications
T. Rhadfi, L. Sicard, F. Testard, O. Tache, A. Atlamsani, E. Anxolabehere-Mallart, Y. Le Du, L. Binet, J.-Y. Piquemal , A Comprehensive Study of the Mechanism of Formation of Polyol-Made Hausmannite Nanoparticles: From Molecular Species to Solid Precipitation, Journal Of Physical Chemistry C 116, 5516–5523, 2012.
F. Hubert, F. Testard, A. Thill, Q. Kong, O. Tache, O. Spalla , Growth and Overgrowth of Concentrated Gold Nanorods: Time Resolved SAXS and XANES, Crystal Growth & Design 12, 1548–1555, 2012.
R. Klein, G. J. T. Tiddy, E. Maurer, D. Touraud, J. Esquena, O. Tache, W. Kunz , Aqueous phase behaviour of choline carboxylate surfactants-exceptional variety and extent of cubic phases, Soft Matter 7, 6973–6983, 2011.
S. Fouilloux, O. Tache, O. Spalla, A. Thill , Nucleation of Silica Nanoparticles Measured in Situ during Controlled Supersaturation Increase. Restructuring toward a Monodisperse Nonspherical Shape, Langmuir 27, 12304–12311, 2011.
S. Fouilloux, A. Desert, O. Tache, O. Spalla, J. Daillant, A. Thill , SAXS exploration of the synthesis of ultra monodisperse silica nanoparticles and quantitative nucleation growth modeling, Journal Of Colloid And Interface Science 346, 79–86, 2010.
L. Sicard, O. Spalla, F. Ne, O. Tache, P. Barboux , Dissolution of oxide glasses: A process driven by surface generation, Journal Of Physical Chemistry C 112, 1594–1603, 2008.
Sen Debasis; Spalla Olivier; Tache Olivier; et al.
LANGMUIR 23 8 4296-4302 DOI: 10.1021/la063245j Published: APR 10 2007
Grazing Incidence Small Angle X-Ray Scattering on Glass Monoliths
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 345-346 (2004) 230-233.
Sicard, L.; Spalla, O.; Barboux, P.; Né, F.; Taché, O.
Grazing Incidence Small Angle X-Ray Scattering on Glass Monoliths
Spalla, O.; Sicard, L; Né, F.; Tache, O.; Barboux, P.
Nanoporous interfacial layers induced by water degradation of glass monoliths
European Colloid and Interface Society 21/09/2003 – Florence
Zemb, Th.; Taché, O.; Né, F.; Spalla, O.
Improving sensitivity of a small-angle X-ray scattering camera with pinhole collimation using separated optical elements
Rev. Sci. Inst., 2003, 74 2456-2462.
Zemb, Th.; Taché, O.;Né, F.; Spalla, O.
A high sensitivity pinhole camera for soft condensed matter
Journal of Applied Crystallography 36 (2003) 800-805.
Transporteurs hybrides à base de cyclodextrines
XIIIièmes Journées Scientifiques du Groupe Thématique de Recherche sur les Vecteurs, G.T.R.V., 07-08 décembre 1998, Paris
Auzély-Velty, R.; Perly, B.; Taché, O.; Zemb, T.; Jéhan, P.; Guenot, P.; Dalbiez, J.-P.; Djedaïni-Pilard, F.
Cholesteryl-cyclodextrins: synthesis and insertion into phospholipid membranes
Carbohydrate Research, 318 (1999) 82-90.
Né, F.; Grillo, I.; Taché, O.; Zemb, T.
Du spectre brut à l’intensité absolue : calibration d’une caméra Guinier-Méring à collimation linéaire
J. Phys. IV France 10 (2000) Pr10-403-Pr10-413.
Using Python for science 2013.pdf