Researcher in CEA
Thema of research
Developments in the field of hyperpolarization to increase the sensitivity of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Parahydrogen as a source of hyperpolarization
ANR Research Project SOFTNMR – Sensitive online flow NMR techniques
One PhD student fellow starting in October 2024.
Noble gases polarized by optical pumping
ANR Research Project HELPING – High field enhancement of nuclear polarisation in noble gases
Scientific partner. One post-doc fellow at LSDRM.
One PhD student fellow in laboratoire Kastler Brossel, in which G. TASTEVIN coordinates the project.
Metabolic profiling by NMR
2006 | Habilitation to lead research |
2002 – | Researcher in CEA (IRAMIS / NIMBE / LSDRM) |
1999 – 2001 | Researcher in Metabolix Explorer |
1998 – 1999 | Post-doctoral position in the laboratory BIP-CNRS of Marseille, France, Supervisor Dr. Françoise Guerlesquin |
1996 – 1998 | Post-doctoral position in the laboratory of NMR, university of Florence, Italy, Supervisor Pr. Ivano Bertini |
1996 | Ph-D thesis |
1993 – 1996 | Ph-D thesis in the service of Inorganic and Biological Chemistry of CEA, Grenoble, France, Supervisor Dr. Jacques Gaillard |
1993 | Chemical Engineering degree of ESCIL, now CPE, Lyon |
Scientific publications
Interplay of structure and photophysics of individualized rod-shaped graphene quantum dots with up to 132 sp² carbon atoms
D. Medina-Lopez, T. Liu, S. Osella, H. Levy-Falk, N. Rolland, C. Elias, G. Huber, P. Ticku, L. Rondin, B. Jousselme, D. Beljonne, J.-S. Lauret, S. Campidelli, Nat. Comm., 2023, 14, 4728.
Methods Based on Solution Flow, Improved Detection and Hyperpolarization for Enhanced Magnetic Resonance
P. Berthault and G. Huber, chapter 6, ‘Magnetic Resonance Microscopy’, Wiley-VCH, 2022.
Open access link: https://cea.hal.science/cea-04383640
General Guidelines for Sample Preparation Strategies in HR‐μMAS NMR based Metabolomics of Microscopic Specimens
C. Lucas‐Torres, T. Bernard, G. Huber, P. Berthault, Y Nishiyama, PS Kandiyal, B Elena‐Herrmann, L Molin, F Solari, A-K Bouzier‐Sore, A Wong, Metabolites, 2020, 10, 54.
Open access link: https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/cea-02464528
Cucurbit[5]uril derivatives as oxygen carriers
G Huber, P Berthault, AL Nguyen, A Pruvost, E Barruet, J Rivollier, M-P Heck, B Prieur, Supramol. Chem., 2019, 31, 668-675.
Open access link: https://hal-cea.archives-ouvertes.fr/cea-02273187/document
L Guduff, P Berthault, C van Heijenoort, J-N Dumez, G Huber, ChemPhysChem, 2019, 20, 392-398.
HR-μMAS NMR-based metabolomics: localized metabolic profiling of a garlic clove with μg tissues
C Lucas-Torres, G Huber, A Ichikawa, Y Nishiyama, A Wong, Analytical Chemistry, 90, 13736-13743.
Functionalization of Bambusurils by thiol-ene click reaction and new, facile method for the preparation of anion-free Bambus[6]urils
D Azazna, M Lafosse, J. Rivollier, J Wang, I Ben Cheikh, M Meyer, P Thuéry, J-P Dognon, G, Huber, M-P Heck, Chem. Eur. J., 2018, 24, 10793-10801.
Unsaturated cryptophanes: toward dual PHIP/hyperpolarised xenon sensors
G Huber, E Léonce, O Baydoun, N De Rycke, T Brotin, P Berthault, Magn Reson Chem, 2017, 1-7.
Metabolomic and proteomic investigations of impacts of titanium dioxide nanoparticles on Escherichia coli
M Planchon, T Léger, O Spalla, G Huber, R Ferrari, Plos One, 2017.
Single-scan multidimensional NMR analysis of mixtures at sub-millimolar concentrations using SABRE hyperpolarization
V Daniele, F-X Legrand, P Berthault, J-N Dumez, G Huber, ChemPhysChem, 2015, 16, 3413-3417.
Nuclear spin noise in NMR revisited,
G Ferrand, G Huber, M Luong, H Desvaux, J. Chem. Phys., 2015, 143, 094201.
A more accurate tuning-matching technique for NMR probes using wobulation and variable phase shifter,
G Ferrand, M Luong, G Huber, H Desvaux, Concepts Magn. Reson. B, 2015, 45B, 59.
On the tuning of high resolution NMR probes,
M T Pöschko, J Schlagnitweit, G Huber, M Nausner, M Horničáková, H Desvaux, N Müller, ChemPhysChem, 2014, 15, 3639.
Synthesis of cucurbit[6]uril derivatives and insights into their solubility in water,
V Lewin, J Rivollier, S Coudert, A Buisson, D Baumann, B Rousseau, F-X Legrand, H Kourilová, P Berthault, J-P Dognon, M-P Heck, G Huber, Eur. J. Org. Chem., 2013, 3857.
Multiple echoes due to distant dipolar fields in NMR of hyperpolarized noble gas solutions,
S W Morgan, E Baudin, G Huber, P Berthault, G Tastevin, M Goldman, P-J Nacher, and H Desvaux, Eur. Phys. J. D., 2013, 67, 29.
Cell uptake of a biosensor detected by hyperpolarized 129Xe NMR: The transferrin case,
C Boutin, A Stopin, F Lenda, T Brotin, J-P Dutasta, N Jamin, A Sanson, Y Boulard, F Leteurtre, G Huber, A Bogaert-Buchmann, N Tassali, H Desvaux, M Carrière, and P Berthault, Bioorg. Med. Chem., 2011, 19, 4135-4143.
Interaction of Xenon with Cucurbit[5]uril in Water,
G Huber, F-X Legrand, V Lewin, D Baumann, M-P Heck, P Berthault, ChemPhysChem, 2011, 1053-1055.
A water-soluble Xe@cryptophane-111 complex exhibits very high thermodynamic stability and a peculiar 129Xe NMR chemical shift, RM Fairchild, AI Joseph, KT Holman, HA Fogarty, T Brotin, J-P Dutasta, C Boutin, G Huber, P Berthault, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2010, 132, 15505-15507.
Biosensing using laser-polarized xenon NMR/MRI,
P Berthault, G Huber, H Desvaux, Prog. NMR Spectrosc., 2009, 55, 35-60.
Nuclear spin-noise spectra of hyperpolarized systems,
H Desvaux, D J-Y Marion, G Huber, P Berthault, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 4341-4343.
Towards thrombosis-targeted zeolite nanoparticles for laser-polarized 129 Xe MRI,
F Lerouge, O Melnyk, J-O Durand, L Raehm, P Berthault, G Huber, H Desvaux, A Constantinesco, P Choquet, J Detour, M Smaïhi, J. Mater. Chem, 2009, 19, 379-386.
Sensitivity and multiplexing capabilities of MRI based on hyperpolarized 129Xe biosensors,
P Berthault, A Bogaert, H Desvaux, G Huber, Y Boulard, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2008, 130, 16456-16457.
Cryptophane-xenon complexes in organic solvents observed through NMR spectroscopy,
G Huber, L Beguin, H Desvaux, T Brotin, H A Fogarty, J-P Dutasta, P Berthault, J. Phys. Chem. A, 2008, 112, 11363-11372.
Observation of noise-triggered chaotic emissions in an NMR-maser,
D J-Y Marion, G Huber, P Berthault, H Desvaux, ChemPhysChem, 2008, 9, 1395-1401.
Effects on 1 H and 129 Xe NMR spectra of large magnetization created by dissolved laser-polarized xenon,
D J-Y Marion, G Huber, P Berthault, H Desvaux, C. R. Chimie, 2008, 11, 553-559.
A cryptophane core optimized for xenon encapsulation,
H A Fogarty, P Berthault, T Brotin, G Huber, H Desvaux, J-P Dutasta, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2007, 129, 10332-10333.
A cryptophane biosensor for detection of specific nucleotide targets through xenon-NMR,
V Roy, T Brotin, J-P Dutasta, M-H Charles, T Delair, F Mallet, G Huber, H Desvaux, Y Boulard, P Berthault, ChemPhysChem, 2007, 8, 2082-2085.
1H and 129 Xe NMR absorption line shapes in the presence of highly polarized and concentrated xenon solutions in high magnetic field,
D J Marion, G Huber, L Dubois, P Berthault, H Desvaux, J. Magn. Reson., 2007, 187, 78-87.
Direct enhancement of any solution NMR signal using the distant dipolar fields created by highly polarized and concentrated nuclear spin systems,
H Desvaux, D J Marion, G Huber, L Dubois, P Berthault, Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys., 2006, 36, 25–34.
Water soluble cryptophanes showing unprecedented affinity for xenon: candidates as NMR-based biosensors,
G Huber, T Brotin, L Dubois, H Desvaux, J-P Dutasta, P Berthault, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2006, 128, 6239-6246.
Study of the hydrophobic cavity of β-cryptogein through laser-polarized xenon NMR spectroscopy,
P Berthault, G Huber, P T Ha, L Dubois, H Desvaux, E Guittet, ChemBioChem, 2006, 7, 59-64.
Dynamics of xenon binding inside the hydrophobic cavity of pseudo wild-type bacteriophage T4 lysozyme explored through xenon-based NMR spectroscopy,
H Desvaux, L Dubois, G Huber, M L Quillin, P Berthault, M W Matthews, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2005, 127, 11676-11683.
Regioselective one-step synthesis of hexahydroxy permethylated β-cyclodextrin and unambiguous NMR analysis,
Y Chen, JG Huber, Zhang Y et Sinaÿ P, C.R. Chimie, 2005, 8, 27-30.
Probing hydrophobic cavities of lipid transfer protein from Nicotiana tabacum though Xenon-based NMR,
L Dubois, Da Silva P, Landon C, JG Huber, Ponchet M, Vovelle F, P Berthault, H Desvaux, JACS, 2004, 126, 15738-15746.
NMR study of optically active monosubstituted cryptophanes and their interaction with xenon,
JG Huber, L Dubois, H Desvaux, T BrotinT, J-P Dutasta, P Berthault, J. Phys. Chem. A, 2004, 108, 9608-9615.
Diisobutylaluminum hydride as a molecular scalpel: the regioselective stripping of four methyl groups from permethylated b-cyclodextrin,
X Luo, Y Chen, JG Huber, Y Zhang, P Sinaÿ, C.R. Chimie, 2004, 7, 25-28.
Mapping hydrophobic molecular regions using dissolved laser-polarized xenon NMR,
L Dubois, P Berthault, JG Huber, H Desvaux, C. R. Physique, 2004, 5, 305-313.
Dynamics of xenon inside cavities as probed by NMR relaxation of dissolved laser-polarized xenon,
L Dubois, S Parrès, JG Huber, P Berthault, H Desvaux, J Phys Chem B, 2004, 108, 767-773.
Magnetization transfer from laser-polarized xenon to protons with spin-diffusion quenching,
H Desvaux, JG Huber, T Brotin, J-P Dutasta, P Berthault, Chem Phys Chem, 2003, 4, 384-387.
Protein-hydration and location of water molecules in oxidized horse heart cytochrome c by (1)H NMR,
I Bertini, JG Huber, C Luchinat, M Piccioli, J Magn Reson, 2000, 147, 1-8.
Solution structure of reduced horse heart cytochrome c,
L Banci, I Bertini, JG Huber, GA Spyroulias, P Turano, J. Biol. Inorg. Chem., 1999, 4, 21-31.
Unusual NMR, EPR, and Mossbauer properties of Chromatium vinosum ,
P Kyritsis, R Kümmerle, JG Huber, J Gaillard, B Guigliarelli, C Popescu, E Münck, J-M Moulis, Biochemistry, 1999, 38, 6335-6345.
Partial orientation of oxidized and reduced cytochrome b 5 at high magnetic fields : magnetic susceptibility anisotropy contributions and consequences for protein solution structure determination,
L Banci, I Bertini, JG Huber, C Luchinat, A Rosato, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1998, 120, 12903-12909.
ePHOGSY experiments on a paramagnetic protein : location of the catalytic water molecule in the heme crevice of the oxidized form of horse heart cytochrome c.
I Bertini, C Dalvit, JG Huber, C Luchinat, M Piccioli, FEBS letters, 1997, 415, 45-48.
Intramolecular electron transfer between [4Fe-4S] clusters studied by PMR spectroscopy,
P Kyritsis, JG Huber, I Quinkal, J Gaillard, J-M Moulis, Biochemistry, 1997, 36, 7839-7846.
Use of 1 H longitudinal relaxation times in the solution structure of paramagnetic proteins. Applications to [4Fe-4S] proteins.
JG Huber, J-M Moulis, J Gaillard, Biochemistry, 1996, 35, 12705-12711.
The GC-MS analysis of organic intermediates from the TiO2 photocatalytic treatment of water contaminated by lindane (1a, 2a, 3b, 4a, 5a, 6b-hexachlorocyclohexane),
C Guillard, P Pichat, G Huber, C Hoang-Van, J. of Adv. Oxidation technologies, 1996, 1, 53-60.
NMR of Chromatium vinosum ferredoxin : evidence for structural inequivalence and impeded electron transfer between the two [4Fe-4S] clusters.
JG Huber, J Gaillard, J-M Moulis, Biochemistry, 1995, 34, 194-205.
Use of the TiO2-UV system to detoxify water contaminated by lindane (1α, 2α, 3ß, 4α, 5α, 6ß-Hexachlorocyclohexane),
C Guillard, G Huber, P Pichat, C Hoang-Van, Soil & Environment 1995, 5, 1233.
Cucurbituril derivatives as oxygen carriers,
B Prieur, M-P Heck, G Huber, owner B Prieur, 2017. EP17305480
Characterization of rubbers and rubber derivatives by NMR,
JG Huber, B Gonzalez, L d’Auriol, owner Metabolic Explorer, 2001. FR2821430 WO02068946-A,1.
Coupling device between a reactor and a NMR spectrometer,
B Gonzalez, JG Huber, L d’Auriol, owners Metabolic Explorer, Bruker SA, 2000. FR2816713, EP 1342097, WO/2002/041021.
Method and apparatus for analyzing the chemical state of living cells by nuclear magnetic resonance,
B Gonzalez, JG Huber, M Piotto, M Renaud, owners Université d’Auvergne, BRUKER SA, 2000. FR2815357, EP1410055, US20030199751, WO/2002/031523.