Research axis
Technologies for new energies
Proposing new, original technological advances for tomorrow, to help us cope with the energy transition and reduce CO2 emissions
Biology and Health
Innovative technologies related to biology or healthcare
Circular economy – Environment
Better control our environment (analysis, methods) and ensure the best possible management of our waste.
Scientific and technological tools
Multi-scales characterization & modeling
Examine and model objects to refine our understanding of physical-chemical processes
AI & data treatment
Accelerating data processing and assisting materials discovery
News & Events
Webinar of the European Federation of Corrosion – EFC WP21
Chair : Delphine Neff du NIMBE/LAPA. See the announcement and registration (follow the kink): “Conservators, conservation scientists, and corrosion experts—let’s bridge the gap!“ Tadeja Kosec, Head of Laboratory for Metals, Corrosion, and Anti-corrosion Protection.and Peter Meehan, Conservator
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Scientific highlights
Perovskite solar cells stable for 6 months under real outdoor operating conditions
Perovskite solar cells (PSC) are attracting growing interest due to their remarkable efficiency, flexibility and low cost. However, their rapid loss of performance is preventing their widespread use.
Last publications
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Teaching and Theses
Joining CEA gives you the opportunity to develop a motivating career in a multidisciplinary scientific community open to both international research and industry.
Key figures
Engineers, technicians
and administrative staff
Doctoral students