Nanoscience and Innovation for Materials, Biomedicine and Energy

A research unit specializing in the design, shaping and analysis of matter from the micron to the nanometric scale, as well as the understanding of physicochemical mechanisms and their synergies at these scales.

Research axis

Materials and nanomaterials

Completely new materials with original properties

Technologies for new energies

Proposing new, original technological advances for tomorrow, to help us cope with the energy transition and reduce ourCO2 emissions

Biology and Health

Innovative technologies related to biology or healthcare

Circular economy – Environment

Better control our environment (analysis, methods) and ensure the best possible management of our waste.

Skills bases

Instrumental developments

Propose new technological advances for the energy transition and the reduction of ourCO2 emissions

Multi-scales characterization & modelization

Completely new materials with original properties

AI & data treatment

Innovative technologies for applications in biology and healthcare.

  • Milestones


    Research axis Materials and nanomaterials Completely new materials with original properties Technologies for new energies Proposing new, original technological advances for tomorrow, to help us cope with the energy transition and reduce ourCO2 emissions Biology and Health Innovative technologies related to biology or healthcare Circular economy – Environment Better control our environment (analysis, methods) and…


News & Events



    Research axis Materials and nanomaterials Completely new materials with original properties Technologies for new energies Proposing new, original technological advances for tomorrow, to help us cope with the energy transition and reduce ourCO2 emissions Biology and Health Innovative technologies related to biology or healthcare Circular economy – Environment Better control our environment (analysis, methods) and…

Last publications

Find out about our researchers’ scientific publications.

Teaching and Theses

Joining CEA gives you the opportunity to develop a motivating career in a multidisciplinary scientific community open to both international research and industry.

Key figures

  • 2000 researchers, lecturers and other organizations
  • 1800 engineers and technicians
  • 1,500 doctoral and post-doctoral students
  • 120 research and service units
  • 12 research clusters
  • 16 joint research projects and strategic partnerships
  • 32 joint laboratories with companies
  • 33 start-ups, 14 licenses, 18 software programs, 480 patents
  • 23 million euros budget



Engineers, technicians
and administrative staff

Doctoral students