Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire sur l’Organisation Nanométrique et Supramoléculaire (LIONS)

Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire sur l’Organisation Nanométrique et Supramoléculaire (LIONS)


  • ANR LabCom 2018 – DESIR

    ANR LabCom 2018 – DESIR

    Efficient and sensitive detection of reaction intermediates via NMR The ability to control chemical reactions by simultaneously monitoring in real time and under real conditions the concentration of…



    Le changement climatique résultant de l’accumulation de dioxyde de carbone anthropique dans l’atmosphère et l’incertitude quant à la quantité de réserves de combustibles fossiles récupérables…

  • For WATER Quality Monitoring – 4WATER

    For WATER Quality Monitoring – 4WATER

    ANR project: For WATER Quality Monitoring – 4WATER The water crisis is the #1 global risk based on impact to society as announced by the World Economic Forum in January 2015 [1]. Indeed, groundwater…

  • iNanoTheRad


    iNanoTheRad : un programme IDEX de l’Université Paris-Saclay pour les domaines : Biologie et chimie des radiations, Signalisation cellulaire et cancer The NanoTheRad project is an IRS (Initiative de Recherche Stratégique) of Paris-Saclay University. The aim is the improvement and personalization of treatments to increase cure rates and reduce side effects of cancer treatments by…

  • Iramis partner of the European RISEnergy project

    Iramis partner of the European RISEnergy project

    Le CEA-Iramis est partenaire du projet Européen Infrastructures “RISEnergy” qui rassemble un ensembled’entreprises, d’organismes de recherche, d’Universités et d’agences de financement européens (69…

  • LightDyNAmics


    LightDyNAmics is a European project entitled “DNA as a training platform for photodynamic processes in soft materials”. (ETN H2020) started on April 2018. Some key aspects studied in the frame of…

  • Nanoprotection


    The Nanoprotection research project ( gathers six French laboratories. Four scientist from the LIONS are involved: Frédéric Gobeaux, Jean-Philippe Renault, Fabienne…

  • Notre-Dame de Paris Scientific Project

    Notre-Dame de Paris Scientific Project

    Martine Regert, Deputy Scientific Director at the Institute of Ecology and Environment, and Philippe Dillmann, CNRS Research Director at IRAMAT’s LRC Saclay* and head of the “Laboratoire archéomatériaux et prévision de l’altération – LAPA” team at IRAMIS/NIMBE, are coordinators of the “Chantier CNRS Notre-Dame”, whose aim is to develop lines of research linked to the…

  • Projet SOS Epaves – Save Our Shipwrecks

    Projet SOS Epaves – Save Our Shipwrecks

    Depuis mai 2019, le LAPA est porteur d’une ANR «SOS– Save Our Shipwrecks » alliant la biocorrosion et le patrimoine sous-marin, comme les épaves métalliques sous-marines du second conflit mondial.…

  • The labcom  project LETRIP

    The labcom project LETRIP

    The ANR labcom project LETRIP (Laboratoire d’Etude des Traitements et Revêtements Innovants pour le Patrimoine) is a joint laboratory between the NIMBE/LAPA (CEA/CNRS, Université Paris Saclay,…



    TUNIFOLDS : Building blocks of foldamers in the gas phase Contacts M. Mons, V. Brenner This topic capitalizes on the team’s achievements and in particular its pioneering role in the laser…

  • WideNMR


    Nuclear Magnetic Resonance is a powerful analytical tool that allows a wide variety of studies of matter, in all its forms. It involves very low energies and combines multi-scale properties for…

Domaines Techniques


  • Multimodal approaches using Raman imaging to characterize microplastics and nanoplastics in cells and organisms

    LIONS : Radiation-matter interactions
    Université de Paris Médicament Toxicologie Chimie Imageries (MTCI) Saclay
    Pollution by microplastics presents ecological risks due to their slow degradation, long-range transport and accumulation in organisms. Although numerous studies have reported their presence in…
  • Durable radially polatised tubular nanoreactors for catalysis

    LIONS : Radiation-matter interactions
    Paris-Saclay Sciences Chimiques: Molécules, Matériaux, Instrumentation et Biosystèmes (2MIB) Saclay
    Rising energy demand and the need to reduce the use of fossil fuels to limit global warming have created an urgent need for clean energy collection technologies. One interesting solution is to use…
  • Development of dense and fluidized granular beds in microfluidic channels for healthcare applications

    LIONS : Health and environment technologies, medical devices
    Paris-Saclay Physique et Ingénierie: électrons, photons et sciences du vivant (EOBE) Saclay
    The major public health problem of sepsis requires breakthrough technologies for ultra-fast diagnosis. Dense, fluidized granular beds are ideal systems for liquid-solid or gas-solid exchange…
  • Multiscale metamaterials based on 3D-printed biosourced polymer composites

    LIONS : Ultra-divided matter, Physical sciences for materials
    Paris-Saclay Sciences Chimiques: Molécules, Matériaux, Instrumentation et Biosystèmes (2MIB) Saclay
    Reducing the density of materials is one of the best ways to diminish our energy footprint. One solution is to replace massive materials by microlattices. Among these, random architecture structures…
  • Catalysis using sustainaBle hOllow nanoreacTors wiTh radiaL pErmanent polarization

    LIONS : Radiation-matter interactions
    Paris-Saclay Sciences Chimiques: Molécules, Matériaux, Instrumentation et Biosystèmes (2MIB) Saclay
    The combined demands of increasing energy production and the need to reduce fossil fuels to limit global warming have paved the way for an urgent need for clean energy harvesting technologies. One…
  • Nano-object simulations in biological media

    LIONS : Biotechnologies,nanobiology
    Paris-Saclay Sciences Chimiques: Molécules, Matériaux, Instrumentation et Biosystèmes (2MIB) Saclay
    Understanding the non-specific or specific interactions between biomolecules and nanomaterials is key to the development of safe nanomedicines and nanoparticles. Indeed, adsorption of biomolecules…
  • Raw earth soil, an age-old material with new emerging uses

    LIONS : Ultra-divided matter, Physical sciences for materials
    Montpellier Sciences Chimiques Balard (EDSCB) Saclay
    Raw earth materials, which have found multiple uses for millennia, now offer considerable potential for helping to adapt to the changing climate, thanks to their natural ability to regulate heat and…

Thèmes de recherche
