The LIONS Research Group at CEA Saclay

LIONS is interested in the physical and chemical mechanisms that make it possible to obtain nanostructured materials. The aim of this research is to understand and thus better utilize the unique properties resulting from nanostructuring while guaranteeing a low environmental impact and safety of use (Safe by Design) by adapted synthesis methods. Rational design using statistical physics and modeling enables us to develop nanostructured materials and the methods to obtain them.

Our expertise :


Synthesis, Chemistry for safe, thrifty and useful nanomaterials


Chemistry under confinement, reactivity at the nanoscale

Nano for life

Understanding nano/bio interactions

Our instrumental platforms :


Chemistry under confinement, reactivity at the nanoscale


Understanding nano/bio interactions


Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and optical spectroscopy

Rapid prototyping

Bringing our ideas to life

no result

no result


no result

Publications récentes

Retrouvez les publications scientifiques de nos chercheurs.


  • 2000 chercheurs, enseignants-chercheurs et autres organismes
  • 1800 ingénieurs et techniciens
  • 1500 doctorants et post-doctorants
  • 120 unités de recherche et de service
  • 12 groupements de recherche
  • 16 projets de recherche conjoints et partenariats stratégiques
  • 32 laboratoires communs avec des entreprises
  • 33 start-up, 14 licences, 18 logiciels, 480 brevets
  • 23 millions d’euros de budget



Ingénieurs, techniciens
et administratifs
