Interdisciplinary Laboratory on Nanoscale and Supramolecular Organization

Interdisciplinary Laboratory on Nanoscale and Supramolecular Organization


Gold, emulsions, imogolite and microfluidics

Discover the internet WEBsite of the LIONS (Interdisciplinary Laboratory on Nanoscale and Supramolecular Organization).


Aucun résultat


  • 2D-MEMBA: 2D nanolaminate – nanofluidic ionic diodes hybrid membranes for desalination and water purification (2D-MEMBA) Project # ANR-21-CE09-0034 (english)

    2D-MEMBA: 2D nanolaminate – nanofluidic ionic diodes hybrid membranes for desalination and water purification (2D-MEMBA) Project # ANR-21-CE09-0034 (english)

    Summary: Nanomaterials hold promise for the development of innovative membranes towards the purification of water and desalination. Two-dimensional materials (2D) when stacked in 2D nanolaminates have been investigated for molecular sieving via size-limited diffusion in the 2D capillaries while nanofluidic ionic diodes can efficiently control the diffusion of ions depending on their charges. Within 2D-MEMBA,…

  • ANR LabCom 2018 – DESIR

    ANR LabCom 2018 – DESIR

    Efficient and sensitive detection of reaction intermediates via NMR The ability to control chemical reactions by simultaneously monitoring in real time and under real conditions the concentration of…



    Le changement climatique résultant de l’accumulation de dioxyde de carbone anthropique dans l’atmosphère et l’incertitude quant à la quantité de réserves de combustibles fossiles récupérables…

  • Iramis partner of the European RISEnergy project

    Iramis partner of the European RISEnergy project

    Le CEA-Iramis est partenaire du projet Européen Infrastructures “RISEnergy” qui rassemble un ensembled’entreprises, d’organismes de recherche, d’Universités et d’agences de financement européens (69…

  • Nanoprotection


    The Nanoprotection research project ( gathers six French laboratories. Four scientist from the LIONS are involved: Frédéric Gobeaux, Jean-Philippe Renault, Fabienne…

  • Notre-Dame de Paris Scientific Project

    Notre-Dame de Paris Scientific Project

    Martine Regert, Deputy Scientific Director at the Institute of Ecology and Environment, and Philippe Dillmann, CNRS Research Director at IRAMAT’s LRC Saclay* and head of the “Laboratoire archéomatériaux et prévision de l’altération – LAPA” team at IRAMIS/NIMBE, are coordinators of the “Chantier CNRS Notre-Dame”, whose aim is to develop lines of research linked to the…

  • Projet SOS Epaves – Save Our Shipwrecks

    Projet SOS Epaves – Save Our Shipwrecks

    Depuis mai 2019, le LAPA est porteur d’une ANR «SOS– Save Our Shipwrecks » alliant la biocorrosion et le patrimoine sous-marin, comme les épaves métalliques sous-marines du second conflit mondial.…

  • The labcom  project LETRIP

    The labcom project LETRIP

    The ANR labcom project LETRIP (Laboratoire d’Etude des Traitements et Revêtements Innovants pour le Patrimoine) is a joint laboratory between the NIMBE/LAPA (CEA/CNRS, Université Paris Saclay,…

  • WideNMR – A large cavity RMN spectrometer

    WideNMR – A large cavity RMN spectrometer

    Nuclear Magnetic Resonance is a powerful analytical tool that allows a wide variety of studies of matter, in all its forms. It involves very low energies and combines multi-scale properties for…

Domaines Techniques

  • Advanced Electrochemical Microscopy (SECM)

    Advanced Electrochemical Microscopy (SECM)

    Electrochemical microscopy (SECM, for Scanning ElectroChemical Microscopy) is an electrochemical technique developed in the late 90s. It involves bringing a micrometer-sized electrode close to the surface to be studied. Depending on the nature of the electrolyte in which the experiment is carried out, and the potential conditions imposed on the electrode and substrate, we can…

  • Instrumental setups @ LSDRM

    InstrumentalSetups: SEOP in a van Low field NMR Rotating magnets Microdetectionin microfluidic device Super Wide Bore Sample shuttling / Navette porte échantillon

  • Microfluidics

    The microfluidics is the science and technology of systems that process or manipulate small amounts of fluids (nanoliter to attoliter), using channels with dimensions of tens to hundreds of…

  • Spectrométrie de photoélectrons X  (XPS)

    Spectrométrie de photoélectrons X (XPS)

    La spectrométrie XPS (X-Ray Photo-electron Spectroscopy) La spectroscopie XPS permet de mesurer le nombre d’électrons émis dans un intervalle d’énergie en fonction de l’énergie de liaison des…

  • X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

    X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

    X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) is a surface analysis technique which provides both chemical and electronic properties. Through the photoelectric effect, photoelectrons are ejected from the surface illuminated with a X-ray source. They have characteristic binding energy which depends on the element, orbital and chemical environment of the atom. This technique allows the detection of virtually…

  • X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS)

    X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS)

    XPS, X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy is a surface analysis technique which provides both chemical and electronic properties. Through the photoelectric effect, photoelectrons are ejected from the…


Thèmes de recherche

  • Materials, nanomaterials, materials for electronics, energy and heritage materials  @ NIMBE

    Materials, nanomaterials, materials for electronics, energy and heritage materials @ NIMBE

    Fundamental Research on materials enables us to develop methods for elaborating new materials with original properties. This research enables to adapt these materials to get the best performances in the realization of electronic or optical devices. Another research approach is to adapt materials for optimum performance in energy production, corrosion resistance, functionalized materials and catalytic…

  • Physics and life

    Physics and life

    Threeresearch programsof the IRAMIS found an natural extension towards biology: Molecular engineering, where studies of co-operative interactions of molecules in solution found a direct extension…

  • Support and short pulse lasers

    Support and short pulse lasers

    Cliquer ici pour consulter le nouveau site ‘Supports et Lasers à Impulsion Courte’ L’équipe SLIC (Supports et Lasers à Impulsions Courtes) est un groupe de développement laser et de support…