Infrared and Raman spectroscopy / spectrometry (LEDNA)

Infrared and Raman spectroscopy / spectrometry (LEDNA)

  • Raman spectrometry

The Xplora is a compact, 1-wavelength (532 nm) Raman spectrometer from Horiba Jobin-Yvon, comprising a confocal microscope (100x), a motorized table (XY), an air-cooled 1650 x 200 pixel CCD detector and 4 gratings 600-1200-1800-2400 lines/mm. It is also equipped with 6 density filters (100%, 50%, 25%, 10%, 1%, 0.1%) to reduce laser power (at 100% laser power with a 10x objective, laser power will be 79 mW on the sample), 3 hole positions (100µm, 300µm, 500µm) to improve axial resolution and 3 slit positions (50µm, 100µm, 200µm) to improve spectral resolution.

  • All types of samples can be studied (metallic thin films, powders, polymers, nanoparticles, in solution, etc.).
  • Handling time: 5 min on average for one spectrum
  • Temperature range: room temperature
  • Typical sample volume: 1g or 1 ml
  • Spatial resolution: 10 µm
  • Spectral resolution: 4 cm-1
  • Software used : Labspec6
  • FTIR

LEDNA has one BRUKER Alpha-T spectrometer.

  • UV-Visible spectrometry

LEDNA has three UV-Visible spectrometers: 1 JASCO V-570 UV-Visible spectrometer (analysis range 190 to 2500 nm), 1 CARRY UV-Visible near-IR spectrometer, and 1 SHIMADZU UV-Visible near-IR spectrometer.