Innovation at Licsen

Innovation at Licsen

LICSEN is very much involved in various forms of valorization of its research activities. This results in the filing of patents, the development of bilateral projects with industrial partners, joint laboratories with SMEs and contributions to the creation of startups.

Ongoing European and French projects and training networks involving industrial partners:

CIFRE PhD thesis of Thibault Rosier (Recyclage de métaux critiques perdus et issus de cartes de circuits imprimés usagés), from the company ECOLOGIC. PhD advisor: Jean-Christophe Gabriel.

CIFRE PhD thesis of Emilie Roch (Optimization of the coating of commercial coils for the healing of intracranial aneurysms : from the laboratory to the industrial process), from the company BALT Extrusion. PhD advisor : Fanny Hauquier, Director : Guy Deniau.

The i-Demo CICACOILS (healing coils) project, funded by BPi France, was approved in December 2023 for 5 years. Led by Balt Extrusion, in collaboration with Laboratory for vascular translational science (LVTS-INSERM), CHU Limoges-EMIS and F. Hauquier/G. Deniau for LICSEN.

European project PEGASUS (PEMFC based on platinum group metal free structured cathodes) coordinated by CEA-LITEN (Grenoble) and involving Heraeus Fuel Cells Gmbh, EWII Fuel Cells A/S and Toyota Motor Europe. (Grenoble). Learn more about the project here. (contact Licsen: Bruno Jousselme).

European ITN network ESCALED (European School on Artificial Leaf : Electrodes Devices) coordinated by Université de Pau and involving Solaronix and Riva Gmbh Batteries. Learn more about the ITN here. (contact Licsen: Bruno Jousselme).

European ITN network SENTINEL (Single-Entity NanoElectrochemistry) coordinated by University of Leeds and Keysight Technologies Gmbh, Elements SRL, Biologics and more. Learn more about the ITN here. (contact Licsen: Renaud Cornut).

ANR project BRICAPAC (Polymères et composites bactériostatiques pour l’élaboration d’emballages actifs) coordinated at Licsen by Géraldine Carrot and involving Bollore and Charal. Learn more about the project here. (contact Geraldine Carrot).

ANR project 2D-ON-DEMAND (van der Waals heterostructures of 2D materials with on-demand band-structure) coordinated at CEA and involving Thales RT. Learn more about the project here (contact Licsen Vincent Derycke).

Recently finished projects involving industrial partners:

CIFRE PhD thesis of Yuemin Deng (Extraction liquide-liquide en milieu supercritique et desextraction associée), from the company ECOLOGIC. PhD advisor Jean-Christophe Gabriel.

ANR project 4WATER (For WATER Quality Monitoring) coordinated at CEA and involving Hemera Analyzers. Learn more about the project here and here (contact Licsen Jean-Christophe Gabriel).

ANR project PHOTON’INK (Recuit photonique alternatif pour les encres cuivre) coordinated at CentraleSupelec and involving Kelenn Technology Learn more about the project here.(contact Licsen Fanny Hauquier).

ANR Labcom MESTREL with Protec Industrie (Laboratoire de traitement de surface des métaux) coordinated at LICSEN. Learn more about the project here. (contact Guy Deniau).

ANR project NANOEXTRACT (Traitement d’effluents liquides industriels par extractants nanofibres hautes performances) coordinated by Ekaterina Shilova from AJELIS. Learn more about the project here. (contact Licsen Pascal Viel).

Recent industrial partnerships :

Ajelis start-up created in 2015. New generation of sorbent materials for the selective recovery of pollutants and strategic metals in industrial effluents

ANR labcom joint laboratory (2015-2019): Metal surface treatments for the aerospace industry.

Joint laboratory (2012-2019): Intraocular implants with surface treatment capable of inhibiting cell.

Joint laboratory (2015-2018): Design and production of printable solutions for electronics.