Reduction of the damping induced by nonlinear effects
G. de Loubens, V.V. Naletov and O. Klein
By measuring simultaneously Mz (the component parallel to the effective field direction) and absorption power, when ferromagnets are excited by microwave fields at high power levels, we found a diminution of the damping with increasing power. These changes are interpreted as reflecting the properties of longitudinal spinwaves excited above Suhl’s instability.
Microwave field strength dependence of the transverse (closed circles) and longitudinal (open circles) components of the magnetization. The quantities are normalized by their low power value.
The high power dynamics of magnetic structures is receiving much attention owing to the potential application to spin electronic devices. In this regime, the nonlinear contributions contained in the torque term of the gyroscopic equation become important as soon as the precession angle exceeds a couple of degrees. Although these effects were first discovered in the ferromagnetic resonance response of insulators, they apply to every magnets. While the consequences of these nonlinearities on the microwave susceptibility have been thoroughly investigated, their effects on Mz have never been established.
We exploit the exquisite sensitivity of Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy to follow the changes in Mz at the resonance saturation. Our data obtained at room temperature on an yttrium iron garnet (YIG) sample of micron-size. It is found that Mz drops dramatically at the saturation of the main resonance. These findings indicate that the spin-lattice relaxation rate of the system decreases with increasing power. This diminution of the damping with increasing power is not specific to ferrites and it challenges some of the assumption used in the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation.
Power dependence of the ratio of the transverse and longitudinal components of the magnetization. The ratio measures directly the energy decay rate of the spinwave system. It is found that the damping decreases with increasing power.