Quantronique / Quantronics

Quantronique / Quantronics




Le Groupe Quantronique
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Aucun résultat


Domaines Techniques


Thèmes de recherche

  • Active Matter

    Active Matter

    Our work on active matter remains at the edge of the still rapid evolution of the field. Our main lines of research were: i) building and analysis of minimal models and theories describing the generic and universal physics of active systems, i.e., quantitative and qualitative properties that are independent of system-details; ii) model building for…

  • Disordered solids: glasses around Tg or Pg

    Disordered solids: glasses around Tg or Pg

    Glasses are everywhere in our daily life, from ordinary windowpanes to granular materials. What unifies them is their elusive nature: they are not crystalline solids, yet they hardly flow. Whether they are merely hyper-viscous liquids or form an intrinsic state of matter largely remain open issue. To shed light on this fundamental question, we have…

  • Electronic structure and atomistic modelisation

    Electronic structure and atomistic modelisation

    Several IRAMIS teams are involved in calculations of the electronic structure (ab-initio , tight binding, Hückel methods, etc…) and more generally in the modeling of matter at the atomic scale,…

  • Failure of disordered solids

    Disordered solids are everywhere in our daily life, from ordinary windowpanes to granular materials. They play such a significant role that the United Nations declared 2022 to be the International Year of the Glass (IYOG2022).  Understanding how disordered solids break is also a major focus in our group. The complexity here stems from the multi-scale…

  • Organic and molecular electronics

    Organic and molecular electronics

    With organic and molecular electronics, a data processing based on various types of nano-objects (molecules, biomolecules, nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes, graphene,…) is emerging. This means…

  • Physics and life

    Physics and life

    Threeresearch programsof the IRAMIS found an natural extension towards biology: Molecular engineering, where studies of co-operative interactions of molecules in solution found a direct extension…

  • Turbulence and Geophysical Flows

    Turbulence and Geophysical Flows

    The dynamics of turbulent flows remains an outstanding challenge of out-of equilibrium physics with important implications for industrial and natural settings. The research carried out at SPHYNX aims to characterize the energy pathways of such turbulent flows from the large injection scale to the tiny erratic dissipative structures. Focusing on flows driven by thermal convection,…
