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Chercheur au Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives CEA
CEA Orme des Merisisers, Bât. 774
Direction de la Recherche Fondamentale – DRF
Institut rayonnement matière de Saclay – IRAMIS
Service de physique de l’état condensé – SPEC
Laboratoire d’électronique et nanophotonique organique – LEPO
Sujets de recherche
Physique des surfaces
– Structuration planaire par voie ascendante (échelle nano., mémoire HdR)
– Reconstructions de surface
– Instabilités cinétiques de croissance
– Interaction photon matière, optique sub longueur d’onde
– Architectures supramoléculaires bidimensionnels
Cursus ————————————————————————————————
Déc. 2010 | Habilitation à diriger des recherches UPMC Paris VI Nanostructures, élaboration & propriétés |
Oct. 1994 |
Thèse de doctorat de l’Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris VI, spécialité science des matériaux. Direction J.-F. Petroff (Paris VI), J.-P. Duraud (CEA) Apport de la spectrométrie d’absorption X à l’étude des modifications de structures électronique et atomique dans différents oxydes |
Sept. 1990 | Diplôme d’étude approfondie de l’université de Caen, spécialité science des matériaux |
Juin 1990 | Diplôme d’ingénieur de l’école nationale supérieure d’ingénieurs de Caen ENSICAEN |
Juin 1987 | Diplôme universitaire de technologie de l’Université du Mans, spécialité chimie |
Parcours professionnel ——————————————————————————
Lab. de nanophotonique (2004 – …) – Animateur (2023 – …)
– Plasmonique (responsable de thématique)
– Architectures supramoléculaires bidimensionnels
Lab. nanostructures autoorganisées (1997 – 2004) – Animateur H.-J. Ernst CEA
– Phénomènes d’autoorganisation hors d’équilibre, instabilités cinétiques de croissance
Lab. surfaces et interfaces des matériaux avancés (1995 – 97) – Animateur P. Soukiassian Paris XI
– Physique des surfaces de semiconducteurs
– Séjour à l’Université de Madison, Wisconsin, États – Unis
Enseignement —————————————————————————————
2019 – … M2 Matériaux pour l’énergie et les transports MET, Univ. Paris Saclay – Microscopies Champ Proche & Spectrométries de surface, 10 hrs/an
2019 – … Institut d’Optique Graduate School ParisTech Palaiseau – Microscopies Champ Proche, 3 hrs/an
2004 – … M2 Couches Minces & Management Industriel MAMI, Univ. Paris Saclay – Spectrométries de surface, 22 hrs/an
1997 – 2003 M2 Instrumentation et Méthodes Physico-Chimiques d’Analyse IMPCA, Univ. Paris Sud & CEA INSTN – Spectrométries de surface, 25 hrs/an
1999 – 2003 Société française du vide (SFV) Formation pour adultes, niveaux technicien & ingénieur
Publications scientifiques
Publications (sélection > année 2000)
Probing the optical near-field
R. Bachelot and L. Douillard Springer Series in Optical Sciences SSOS 244 Springer Advances in Near-Field Optics Hardcover ISBN978-3-031-34741-2, Online ISBN978-3-031-34742-9, 16 September 2023
Quantitative PEEM and Raman Study of Nanorough Au SERS-Active Substrates for Molecular Sensing Applications
P. Taugeron, M. Rahmani, N. Delorme, M. Faure, L. Douillard, and J.-F. Bardeau ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 6 (2023) 11135-11143
Patterning gold nanorod assemblies by deep-UV lithography
C. Jégat, E. Rollin, L. Douillard, O. Soppera, K. Nakatani, G. Laurent J. Phys. Chem. C 126, 32, (2022) 13729 – 13738
Probing Plasmon Induced Chemical Mechanisms by Free Radical NanoPhotopolymerization
F. Kameche, W. Heni, S. Telitel, L. Vidal, S. Marguet, L. Douillard, C. Fiorini-Debuisschert, R. Bachelot, O. Soppera. J. Phys. Chem. C (2021) 125, 16, 8719–8731
La microscopie de photoémission d’électrons, un outil multidimensionnel pour l’optique champ proche
A. Losquin, L. Douillard Photoniques 102 (2020) 35-38
Hybrid plasmonic nano-emitters with controlled single quantum emitter positioning on the local excitation field
D. Ge, S. Marguet, A. Issa, S. Jradi, T. Hoa Nguyen, M. Nahra, J. Béal, R. Deturche, H. Chen, S. Blaize, J. Plain, C. Fiorini, L. Douillard, O. Soppera, X. Quyen Dinh, C. Dang, X. Yang, T. Xu, B. Wei, X. Wei Sun, C. Couteau, R. Bachelot Nature Comm. 11 (2020) 3414
Plasmon-triggered living photopolymerization for elaboration of hybrid polymer/metal nanoparticles
F. Kameche, W. Heni, S. Telitel, D. Ge, L. Vidal, F. Dumur, D. Gigmes, J. Lalevée, S. Marguet, L. Douillard, C. Fiorini-Debuisschert, R. Bachelot, O. Soppera Materials Today (2020)
Plasmonics of regular shape particles, a simple group theory approach
S. Mitiche, S. Marguet, F. Charra, L. Douillard Nano Research (2020) https://rdcu.be/b3Col
Nanoscale Imaging of Ultrafast Light Coupling to Self-Organized Nanostructures
A. Abou Saleh, A. Rudenko, L. Douillard, F. Pigeon, F. Garrelie, J.-P. Colombier ACS Photonics 6 (2019) 2287-2294
All semiconductor enhanced high-harmonic generation from an isolated nanostructure
D. Franz, S. Kaassamani, D. Gauthier, R. Nicolas, Q. Ripault, M. Kholodtsova, L. Douillard, J.-T. Gomes, L. Lavoute, D. Gaponov, N. Ducros, S. Fevrier, J. Biegert, Liping Shi, M. Kovacev, W. Boutu, H. Merdji Scientific Report 9 (2019) 5663
Electronic effects of the Bernal stacking of graphite on self-assembled aromatic adsorbates
N. Kalashnyk, M. Jaouen, C. Fiorini, L. Douillard, A. Attias, F. Charra Chemical Communication 54 (2018) 9607–9610
From plasmon-induced luminescence enhancement in gold nanorods to plasmon-induced luminescence turn-off: a way to control reshaping
C. Molinaro, S. Marguet, L. Douillard, F. Charra, C. Fiorini-Debuisschert Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20 (2018) 12295
Near-Field Localization of Single Au Cubes, a Predictive Group Theory Scheme
S. Mitiche, S. Marguet, F. Charra, L. Douillard Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 (2017) 4517–4523
Direct graphene growth on transitional metal with solid carbon source and its converting into graphene/transitional metal oxide heterostructure
J. Park, T. Back, S.B. Fairchild, W.C. Mitchel, S. Elhamri, J. Boeckl, D. Martinotti, L. Douillard, P. Soukiassian Carbon 116 (2016) 303-309
Local investigation of the emissive properties of LaB6-ZrB2 eutectics
M.-H. Berger, T.C. Back, P. Soukiassian, D. Martinotti, L. Douillard, S.B. Fairchild, J.J. Boeckl, V. Filipov, A. Sayir Journal of Materials Science 52 (2017) 5537-5543
Fluorescent self-assembled molecular monolayer on graphene
S. Le Liepvre, Ping Du, D. Kreher, F. Mathevet, A.-J. Attias, C. Fiorini-Debuisschert, L. Douillard, F. Charra ACS Photonics 3 (2016) 2291-2296 DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.6b00793
Plasmonics of opal surface: a combined near- and far-field approach
C. Lethiec, G. Binard, T. Popescu, H. Frederich, Hong Phan Ngoc, E. Yraola, C. Schwob, F. Charra, L. Coolen, L. Douillard, A. Maître J. Phys. Chem. C 120 (2016) 19308−19315 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b05718
Two-Photon Luminescence of Single Colloidal Gold Nanorods: Revealing the Origin of Plasmon Relaxation in Small Nanocrystals
C. Molinaro, Y. El Harfouch, E. Palleau, F. Eloi, S. Marguet, L. Douillard, F. Charra, C. Fiorini-Debuisschert J. Phys. Chem. C 120 (2016) 23136–23143
Optical absorption signature of a self-assembled dye monolayer on graphene
T. Sghaier, S. Le Liepvre, C. Fiorini, L. Douillard, F. Charra Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 7 (2016) 862–868
High resolution scanning near field mapping of enhancement on SERS substrates: comparison with photoemission electron microscopy
C. Awada, J. Plathier, C. Dab, F. Charra, L. Douillard, A. Ruediger Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 18 (2016) 9405-9411 DOI: 10.1039/C5CP08015K
Probing plasmonic hot spots on single gold nanowires using combined near-field techniques
P. Hsia, L. Douillard, F. Charra et al. Edited by: Boardman, AD; Tsai, DP Conference: SPIE Optics and Photonics Conference on Plasmonics, Metallic Nanostructures and their Optical Properties XIII San Diego, CA Date: AUG 09-13, 2015 SPIE PLASMONICS: METALLIC NANOSTRUCTURES AND THEIR OPTICAL PROPERTIES XIII Proceedings of SPIE Volume: 9547 95470F 2015
STM-induced phase change and photon emission in thiol-based self-assembled monolayers on gold (111)
M. Jaouen, C. Fiorini, L. Douillard, F. Charra, Nonlinear Optics Quantum Optics 46.2-4 (2015) 299-308 January 2015
Formation of hydroxyl-functionalized stilbenoid molecular sieves at the liquid/solid interface on top of a 1-decanol monolayer.
Amandine Bellec, Claire Arrigoni, Ludovic Douillard, Céline Fiorini-Debuisschert, Fabrice Mathevet, David Kreher, André-Jean Attias and Fabrice Charra. Provisionally scheduled for September 2014 Nanotechnology 25 (2014) 435604
Photoemission electron microscopy, a tool for plasmonics.
Ludovic Douillard, Fabrice Charra
J. of elect. spect. rel. phenom. 189 (2013) 24. Free access
An optimized alkyl chain-based binding motif for 2D self-assembly: a comprehensive crystallographic approach.
David Bléger, Amandine Bocheux, David Kreher, Fabrice Mathevet, André-Jean Attias, Germain Metgé, Ludovic Douillard, Céline Fiorini-Debuisschert, Fabrice Charra
Nanoscale 5 (2013) 1452
Microscopie à haute résolution des champs plasmoniques par microscopie tunnel à balayage de sonde et par microscopie de photoémission multiphotonique.
Ludovic Douillard, Fabrice Charra
Comptes Rendus Physique 13 (2012) 815
Fractoluminescence characterization of the energy dissipated during fast fracture of glass.
G. Pallares, C. L. Rountree, L. Douillard, F. Charra and E. Bouchaud
Eur. Phys. Lett. 99 (2012) 28003
Selective excitation of plasmon resonances of single Au triangles by polarization dependent light excitation.
Chawki Awada, Traian Popescu, Ludovic Douillard, Fabrice Charra, Antoine Perron, Hélène Yockell-Lelièvre, Anne-Laure Baudrion, Pierre-Michel Adam, Renaud Bachelot
J. of Phys. Chem. C 116 (2012) 14591-14598
Loss mechanisms of surface plasmon polaritons propagating on a smooth polycrystalline Cu surface.
Lee, Hyun Seok; Awada, Chawki; Boutami, Salim; Charra, Fabrice; Douillard, Ludovic; de Lamaestre, Roch Espiau
Optics Express 20 (2012) 8974-8981
Experimental study of hot spots in gold/glass nanocomposite films by photoemission electron microscopy.
C. Awada, G. Barbillon, F. Charra, L. Douillard, J.-J. Greffet
Phys. Rev. B 85 (2012) 045438
High-resolution mapping of plasmonic modes: photoemission and scanning tunnelling luminescence microscopies.
L Douillard, F. Charra
J. of Phys. D: Applied Physics 44 (2011) 464002
Self-Templating Polythiophene Derivatives: Electronic Decoupling of Conjugated Strands through Staggered Packing.
A. Bocheux, I. Tahar-Djebbar, C. Fiorini-Debuisschert, L. Douillard, F. Mathevet, A.-J. Attias, F. Charra
Langmuir 2011 27 (16) 10251
Solution-growth kinetics and thermodynamics of nanoporous self-assembled molecular monolayers.
Charra F. , Bellec A., Arrigoni C., Schull G., Douillard L., Fiorini-Debuisschert C., Mathevet F., Kreher D., Attias AJ.
Journal of Chemical Physics, 134, (2011) 124702-1 124702-7
Selective Excitation of Individual Plasmonic Hotspots at the Tips of Single Gold Nanostars.
Hrelescu C. , Sau TK., Rogach AL., Jäckel F., Laurent G., Douillard L., Charra F.
Nano Letters, 11, (2011) 402-407
Structure and Epitaxial Registry on Graphite of a series of nanoporous self-assembled molecular monolayers.
Arrigoni C., Schull G., Bléger D., Douillard L., Fiorini-Debuisschert C., Mathevet F., Kreher D., Attias A.J., Charra F.
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 1, (2010) 190-194
Short range plasmon resonators probed by photoemission electron microscopy.
Douillard L., Charra F., Korczak Z., Bachelot R., Kostcheev S., Lerondel G., Adam P.M., Royer P.
Nano Letters, 8, (2008) 935-940
Single atom substitution for marking and motion tracking of individual molecules by scanning tunneling microscopy.
Douillard L., Ness H., Schull G., Fiorini C., Mathevet F., Kreher D., Attias AJ, Charra F.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112, (2008) 14058-14063
Molecular second harmonic generation induced at a metallic tip.
Berline I., Fiorini-Debuisschert C., Royal C., Douillard L., Charra F.
Journal of Applied Physics, 104, (2008) 103113
Periodic positioning of multilayered [2.2] paracyclophane-based nanopillars.
Bléger D., Kreher D., Mathevet F., Attias A.J., Arfaoui I., Metgé G., Douillard L., Fiorini-Debuisschert C., Charra F.
Angewandte Chemie – International Edition, 47, (2008) 8412-8415
Optical properties of metal nanoparticles as probed by photoemission electron microscopy.
Douillard L., Charra F., Fiorini C., Adam P.-M., Bachelot R., Kostcheev S., Lerondel G., Lamy de la Chapelle M., Royer P.
Journal of Applied Physics, 101, (2007) 083518
Surface Noncovalent Bonding for Rational Design of Hierarchical Molecular Self-Assemblies.
Bléger D., Kreher D., Mathevet F., Attias AJ, Schull G., Huard A., Douillard L., Fiorini-Debuisschert C., Charra F.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 46, (2007) 7404-7407
Single-Molecule Dynamics in a Self-Assembled 2D Molecular Sieve.
Schull G., Douillard L., Fiorini C., Charra F., Mathevet F., Kreher D., Attias A.-J.
Nano Letters, 6, (2006) 1360-1363
Selectivity of single-molecule dynamics in a 2D molecular sieve.
G. Schull, L. Douillard, C. Fiorini-Debuisschert, F. Charra, F. Mathevet, D. Kreher, A.-J. Attias
Adv. Mater. 18 (2006) 2954
Spontaneous structural pattern formation at the nanometre scale in kinetically restricted homoepitaxy on vicinal surfaces.
Néel N. , Maroutian T., Douillard L., Ernst H.-J.
Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter, 15, (2003) S3227
From meandering to faceting, is step flow growth ever stable?
Néel N. , Maroutian T., Douillard L., Ernst H.-J.
Physical Review Letters, 91, (2003) 226103
A novel method to determine the Ehrlich-Schwoebel barrier.
Gerlach R., Maroutian T., Douillard L., Martinotti D., Ernst H.-J.
Surface Science, 480, (2001) 97
Morphological instability of Cu vicinal surfaces during step flow growth.
Maroutian T., Douillard L., Ernst H.-J.
Physical Review B., 64, (2001) 165401
Scanning tunneling microscopy evidence of background contamination-induced (2×1) ordering of the β-SiC(100) c(4×2) surface.
Douillard L. , Fauchoux O., Aristov V., Soukiassian P.
Applied Surface Science, 166, (2000) 220
Université Paris Sud – Master Pro & Recherche CMMI Couches Minces & Management Industriel
•Méthodes d’analyse des surfaces – Introduction (239 Ko)
•Spectrométrie de photoélectrons – Introduction (398 Ko)
•Spectrométrie d électrons Auger – Introduction (710 Ko)
•Spectrométrie de perte d énergie des électrons – Introduction (571 Ko)
•Spectrométrie d émission d ions secondaires – Introduction (385 Ko)
•Spectrométrie par faisceau d ions – Introduction (928 Ko)
•Spectrométrie d absorption des rayons X – Introduction (355 Ko)
•Spectrometrie_d_absorption_des_rayons_X_Partie_1 (807 Ko)
•Spectrométrie d absorption des rayons X – Partie 2 (1.2 Mo)
•Diffraction d électrons lents – Partie 1 (284 Ko)
•Diffraction d électrons lents – Partie 2 (2.3 Mo)
•Microscopie à effet tunnel – Introduction (337 Ko)
•Microscopie à force atomique (1.9 Mo)
•Scanning Probe Microscopies (in English) (959 Ko)
•Références bibliographiques, acronymes spectrométries (57 Ko)
Institut d’Optique Graduate School ParisTech Palaiseau
• Techniques Champ Proche – Mapping the evanescent field at the nanometre – Near Field microscopies
Discussion GdR Or-Nano Juin 2019 Plasmonique & Electrons chauds
Soutenance HdR (9 décembre 2010)
Instabilités cinétiques de croissance, aspects expérimentaux (Cargèse 2003)
Microscopie de photoémission d’électrons, un outil pour la plasmonique
(Forum des microscopies à sonde locale, Hardelot, 19 Mars 2009)
LDouillard_HC_EBauer_150409.pdf (E. Bauer, Dr.Hc. celebration, 15 Avril 2009)
LDouillard_UltraFastOptics_Mulheim_102013.pdf (Plasmonics of single nanometric objects – Near field mapping by photoemission electron microscopy, Ultrafast Nanooptics, Mülheim an der Ruhr October 2013)
Mapping the evanescent field at the nanometre – Near Field microscopies (IOGS Palaiseau France 2021)
Génération d’électrons chauds dans des structures métalliques : Origine, définitions & principales propriétés (Discussion GdR Or-Nano Juin 2019)
Coupling photons & electrons. Electron microscopy, a tool for near field optics (Optique Dijon 2021)