- CEA Research Director, Fellow
- Editor of Diamond and Related Materials, Elsevier (https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/diamond-and-related-materials)
- Guest Editor of Carbon, Elsevier (VSI Advances in Nanocarbons)
- SFEC secretary (https://sfec-carbone.org/)
Research Topics
- Synthesis and Surface modifications of nanodiamonds for energy applications
- Keywords: Nanodiamonds; Surface modifications; Gas phase treatments; Colloïds; Photo(electro)catalysis; Hydrogen
- CVD synthesis; Doping; Color centers; Diamond heteroepitaxy
Since 2020 | CEA Research Director at Nanometric Structures Laboratory (CEA DRF/IRAMIS/NIMBE) |
2007-2020 | CEA Researcher at Diamond Sensors Laboratory (CEA DRT/LIST) |
2003-2007 | Research period at CEA DSM/DRECAM/SPCSI |
1993-2003 | Assistant Professor at Strasbourg University, Research activities at ICPMS (Surfaces, Interfaces Group) |
1990-1993 | PhD at Poitiers University |
144 papers in peer review journals, h factor 35 (Scopus) ; 41 (Google Scholar)
Recent papers:
- P. Modrono et al., High resolution thermal sensing using temperature-sensitive Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy in nitrogen-doped nanodiamonds, phys. stat. sol. (a) 2400573 (2024) 1
- C. Njel et al., In situ photoemission spectroscopies to reveal surface transfer doping on hydrogenated milled nanodiamonds, Carbon 230 (2024) 119668
- M. Kuntumalla et al., Nitrogen-terminated milled nanodiamond surfaces by plasma exposure, J. Phys. Chem. C 128 (2024) 15573
- M. Finas et al., How to efficiently isolate multiple range sizes of oxidized or hydrogenated milled nanodiamonds?, Nanoscale Advances 6 (2024) 5375
- K. Henni et al., Core-shells particles grown in a tubular reactor: influence of the seeds nature and MPCVD conditions on boron doped diamond crystalline quality, Diam. Relat. Mater. 142 (2024) 110770
- C. Marchal et al., Oxidized detonation nanodiamonds act as an efficient metal-free photocatalyst to produce hydrogen by water splitting under solar illumination, Adv. Energy Sustainability Res. 2300260 (2023) 1-8
- K. Henry et al., Selective combustion of detonation nanodiamonds for their facile characterization of their metallic impurities by standard techniques, Diam. Relat. Mater. 140 (2023) 110466
- F. Ducrozet et al., Overproduction of solvated electrons and scavenging of hydroxyl radicals by milled nanodiamonds under gamma irradiation, J. Phys. Chem. C 127 (2023) 19544-19553
- I. C. Kuschnerus et al., Fabricatino process independent and robust aggregation of nanodiamonds in aqueous media, Diam. Relat. Mater. 139 (2023) 110199
- F. Ducrozet et al., Unintentional formation of nitrite and nitrate ions during sonication deagglomeration of detonation nanodiamonds, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 663 (2023) 131087
- L. Saoudi et al., Colloid stability over months of highly crystalline HPHT hydrogenated nanodiamonds in water, Carbon 202 (2023) 438-449
- F. Buchner et al., Early dynamics of the emission of solvated electrons from nanodiamonds in water, Nanoscale 14 (2022) 17188-17195
- J. C. Arnault et al., CVD grown single crystal diamond: a review, pss RRL 16 (2022) 2100354
- F. Ducrozet et al., New insights into the reactivity of detonation nanodiamonds during the first stages of graphitization, Nanomaterials 11 (2021) 2671
- S. Choudhury et al., Impact of nitrogen, boron and phosphorus impurities on the electronic structure probed by X-ray spectroscopies, C, Journal of Carbon Research, 7 (2021) 28
- L. Mehmel et al., Dislocation density reduction in heteroepitaxial diamond using overgrowth on hole arrays, Appl. Phys. Lett. 118 (2021) 061901
- J. Delchevalrie et al., Spectroscopic ellipsometry: a sensitive tool to monitor domains formation during the bias enhanced nucleation of diamond on iridium, Diam. Relat. Mater., 112 (2021) 108246.
- Nanodiamonds: Advanced Material Analysis, Properties and Applications, Elsevier, 2017, ISBN 978-0-323-43029-6
- Synthesis and Applications of Nanocarbons, Wiley, 2020, ISBN 978-1-119-42938-8
Book chapters
- Diamond Nucleation and Seeding Techniques: two complementary strategies for growth of ultra-thin diamond films, RSC, 2014 ISBN 978-1-84973-639-8
- Surface modifications of Nanodiamonds and current issues for their biomedecine applications, Springer, 2015
- Nanodiamonds: from synthesis and purification to deposition techniques, hybrid fabrication and applications, Springer, 2016
- Heteroepitaxy of diamond on Ir/metal-oxide/Si substrates, Elsevier, 2018 ISBN 9780081021835
- Advanced Materials designed with nanodiamonds: synthesis and applications, Wiley, 2020, ISBN 78-1-119-42938-8
- Nanodiamonds: from synthesis to applications, Elsevier, 2021, ISBN 978-0-12-821996-6
- Tuning surface properties of detonation and milled nanodiamonds by gas phase modifications, Wiley, 2024, ISBN 978-3-031-47555-9
Teaching activities
Master 2 Chimie des Matériaux, Université Evry:
- “Nanodiamonds : synthesis, properties and bioapplications”
- “Characterization tools for surfaces et interfaces”