Member of the Quantronics group since 1993. Group manager since 2021.
Research topics
Mesoscopic superconductivity
Superconducting weak links, Andreev states
Quantum fluctuations in electric current
Coherent transport and interactions in diffusive wires
Kondo effect
Electron pumping
2000: Habilitation
1991-1993: Post-doc at the Max-Plank Institut für Festkörperforschung (Stuttgart, Germany)
1988-1991: Thesis “Coulomb blockade and transfer of electrons one by one” at SPEC
1986-1990: ENS Paris
Les Houches pre-doctoral school (September 2001)
Field Theory of Quantum Coherence, Correlations, and Mesoscopics” summer school (Windsor, August 2004)
Spring School “Transport in nanostructures” (Capri, April 2005)
Mesoscopic Superconductivity” course as part of the EDPIF doctoral school (20h from February to April 2013 Orsay, 20h from March to May 2016 (20h) ; 14h from April to May 2017, ENS Paris)
“Courses – seminars broadcast on the internet”
ENS Physics Department general seminar on 21/11/2013 filmed: “Mesoscopic Superconductivity: what can we learn from single atom contacts”
Course “Quantum transport” (30 hours, shared with D. Esteve) in Master 2 program“Nanosciences” at Université Paris-Saclay (2017-2021)
Course “Quantum transport” (30 hours, shared with P. Joyez) in Master 2 program“QLMN” at Université Paris-Saclay (since 2022)
Impromptu science show “Supraconducteur!” with Groupe n+1. See also here. 48 performances (08/2024), more to come.
->2022 Member of the board of the mesoscopic quantum physics GDR.
-> 2021: Responsible of the pole “Quantum coherence of correlations” of PhOM department, University Paris-Saclay, till 2021
2019 ->: Member of the editorial board of Physical Review Research
1999->: Percussionist in the Coalescence symphony orchestra