Martine Regert, Deputy Scientific Director at the Institute of Ecology and Environment,
and Philippe Dillmann, CNRS Research Director at IRAMAT’s LRC Saclay* and head of the “Laboratoire archéomatériaux et prévision de l’altération – LAPA” team at IRAMIS/NIMBE,
are coordinators of the “Chantier CNRS Notre-Dame”, whose aim is to develop lines of research linked to the restoration of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris. The aim of the “Chantier CNRS Notre-Dame” is to:
- identify the scientific and technological requirements for the conservation and restoration of the monument, and to develop studies on themes linked to the monument, such as society’s perception of the event,
- bring together research teams working in the relevant fields. The mission will work with the Association of Scientists for the Restoration of Notre-Dame.

The work begins with an inventory of existing scientific studies on Notre-Dame and other Gothic monuments. More than 50 researchers have already come forward, and will shortly begin work on the first areas of research: modeling and digital data, wood and framework, materials (lead, stone, etc.) and anthropology.
Read the interview with Martine Regert and Philippe Dillmann in CNRS Le Journal. See the CNRS press release.
*IRAMAT, Institut de Recherche sur les Archéomatériaux – UMR 5060 brings together teams from the :
- Laboratoire Métallurgies et Cultures – LMC in Belfort and at CEA Saclay (LAPA),
- Center Ernest-Babelon (CEB) in Orléans,
- Center de recherche en physique appliquée à l’archéologie – CRP2A in Bordeaux.