Ultrafast NMR
Hyperpolarization methods offer a significant gain in sensitivity. However, the inevitable return to thermal equilibrium via relaxation involves constant evolution of the sample, which is detrimental for multi-scan experiments. While conventional NMR sequences rely on obtaining the same information from all parts of the sample, we are developing ultrafast NMR sequences by simultaneously recording complementary information from different parts of the sample, leading to the simultaneous and resolved detection of signals characteristic of dilute mixtures of solutes in one scan. This approach is used for both laser-polarized xenon and parahydrogen-hyperpolarized molecules.
Contact: Patrick Berthault, Gaspard Huber

Elucidation of glass structure
Sed imperdiet. Suspendisse imperdiet. Duis accumsan adipiscing sapien. Mauris tempus neque gravida orci. Duis dolor ipsum, interdum sodales, commodo id, blandit non. Duis interdum faucibus libero.
Contact: Thibault Charpentier
Exotic nuclei
Donec ac magna sit amet lorem sodales rhoncus. In nec velit. Morbi a metus. Sed vel ligula. Quisque gravida, nulla sed ullamcorper commodo, elit dolor auctor elit, molestie suscipit nibh erat in orci. Pellentesque euismod aliquam sem. Aliquam erat volutpat. In erat enim, consectetur nec, rutrum ac, viverra nec, libero. Nunc ultrices.
Contact: Thibault Charpentier, Patrick Berthault

Surface-scan MRI
Operando NMR and MRI studies of commercial battery cells are challenging due to negligible RF penetration, and strong magnetism of certain cell components. We developed a rapid battery analysis technique based on the inside-out concept, termed Surface-Scan MRI. Rapid distortion-free maps of magnetic field near the external surface of the cell provide quantitative information about state-of-health, state-of-charge, and current density distribution in commercial pouch cells. Our methods also enable new types of fundamental studies, e.g. solid-state ion transport and magnetic phase transitions in various cathode materials.
Contact: Kostantin Romanenko